
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Jury's Just Judgment

For A to Z 2015 I'm


I'll be highlighting Blogger Friends' places


I'll be giving Advice about Book Events!

All JOKING aside, these Bloggers are JEWELS!

JULIE FLANDERS - This lady is my book event JAM buddy! We are JOSTLING the fairs and conferences with a combination of JOLTING energy and awesomeness! I couldn't say anything else that would do her JUSTICE!

JEREMY HAWKINS - So much JAMMING and JOSHING with JEREMY. He's got the JERKY on the edgier side of Hollywood's latest in a JIF!

JOY CAMPBELL - A sweet JAMAICAN lady with positive JOLLINESS she spreads like JELLY! All truth, no JIVE!

JUST JEMI - Cute as a JULIP, JEMI keeps spirits up with a JAPE or two plus solid advice and helping promote others on their JOURNEY through publication!

JESSIE HUMPHRIES - she's tres JOLIE and quite a JOKER, some even call her the B-word - brilliant! She's got a real JEWEL in her Ruby Rose series and always ready to share a JUG of advice if not a mug of nice.

JA BENNETT - JA is JUST a ball of fun! She's tops among the YA JETSETTERS! Her JOVIAL attitude drew me to be a big fan and her JUST-RIGHT mini-reviews keep me coming back for more.

Cool your JETS! Book Event JOB coming your way!

JUST breathe. Anxious about an unfamiliar setting? Worried you won't know what to do or say? Scared to meet readers face to face? Afraid you won't sell any books?

JUST breathe. Many authors are introverts, JUST as JITTERY and JUMPY as you! So much in common, so much to talk about.

JUST breathe. Words are your friend. Who knows more vocabulary and how to put it together than you! JUST use the condensed version, like a query or blurb - you know you know how!

JUST breathe. Pretend you're in one of your own scenes. A shy author at a big book event for the first time - there's fun and mistakes in the middle then you choose the happy ending!

JUST breathe. The least amount of books I've sold is one. And that was enough. The experience is more the goal - get noticed and learn. The brighter you shine, the more news will spread about you and your books!

BONUS! Here's a clip from JOLISSA, An Anti-Princess Story...

Lucky for you, we can skip over the rest of Humphrey's incessant babbling and boring backstory. To sum it up, they both were in need of a life-changing adventure.
Jolissa had about enough of it too. "You know, you might've been fired for talking too much."
"Nevermind. Hey, what's that?" Jolissa pointed off the beaten path.
"Oh that's just the old Witch of the Forest's cabin. She abandoned it years ago."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh, absolutely."
They heard a rustling.
Humphrey grabbed her hand. "At least I thought it was."
Jolissa threw his hand down and started toward the cabin then stopped. "What about that goat?"
"What? A goat?"
Sure enough, a goat stepped out the front door of the cabin. When it spied the two travelers, it ran straight at them with its head lowered. He was so cute with his little horns aimed at them.
Jolissa shoved Humphrey over and jumped to the side, letting the goat zoom past them.
He slammed into a tree. The poor goat konked himself pretty good. But like most goats, his head was full of rocks. After rattling his head with a shake, he charged at them for another pass, aiming for Jolissa.
This time she leap-frogged over him, jumping straight up, letting him pass through her legs.
He skidded as he spun around and stopped, tilting his head at her. "Hey!"
That startled her.
"Did you say Hey or Nay?"
Humphrey got up and dusted himself off. "I think he said A."
"Now why would a goat say A?"
The goat spoke again, "I said Hey. Hey!"
Jolissa and Humphrey smiled at each other.
"Hey! It talks," said Humphrey, master of the obvious.
Jolissa took a step toward it. "Why so it does. Say something else, goaty."
"Goatee, good one, Jolissa." Humphrey slapped his knee and laughed.
She laughed too. "Oh yeah." She grabbed her chin. "A goatee. Hey little goaty, you aren't a witch are you?"
They both laughed and laughed.
The goat frowned. "No! I'm a wizard."
That made them laugh harder.

The goat rolled his eyes at them.


  1. Selling one book is better than none.
    I featured Julie today as well! And Jeremy just rocks.

  2. I agree with Alex, one is better than one. Lots of new bloggers to check out.

  3. You have featured great bloggers. Love them all.

  4. So much goodness in the blogisphere! Love it :)

    I never know whether to spell it blogisphere or blogosphere - I usually go for the latter. I need to be consistent!

  5. Jolissa and Humphrey do know how to have fun.

    Three out of five isn't bad in terms of bloggers on your list. Thanks for highlighting my blog. I appreciate it very much!

  6. Another fabulous batch of blogs! Thank you!

  7. Great blogs you mention today. I'm fortunate in that I don't mind public speaking.

  8. Hi Tara - it's the learning process isn't it - being out there with your book for sale .. at least you're seen and you are talking with prospective customers.

    I agree Julie jostles along very happily - she must be fun to share those book conferences and fairs with .. Jeremy rocks, Joy is jolly .. and the others are new to me ..

    Cheers Hilary

  9. You've listed some wonderful bloggers here today. And thanks for the fun story.

  10. Fantastic teaser from Jolissa! I can't wait to read more. And cheers to the J bloggers!

  11. Thank you, I feel like a kid who just caught his first frog in a pond... I found your thoughts ribbiting... as I grin from ear to ear...

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  12. Just Breathe, read that on someone else's blog earlier today. Two simply words, yet packed with good advice.

    Sandy at Bridge and Beyond

  13. I love your advice about pretending to be a character in a novel and choosing the happy ending. That's some awesome advice!

  14. Thanks for introducing me to so many great blogs... I'm a relative newbie and sometimes feel like Alice down the rabbit hole...
    Wendy at Wendy of The Rock


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