made of sand
walks along
an endless beach
Always ahead of me
leaving me behind
ever in my sight
I jog to catch up
I reach for her
I want to slow her down
Her hand disintegrates
in mine
and she keeps walking
at that same
not too slow
not too fast
May was the season for graduations. Seeing so many around me grow up and move on, I've been reminiscing about when they were little, running around on firefly-filled summer nights with flashlights playing Ghost in the Graveyard while we parents had a grand old time not having to pay attention to them... Good times.
I just took my big boys on a college visit. I only have them for one and two more years. It's hard to fathom. I don't feel any older, mentally. But I sure feel it when I wake up in the morning with my shoulder out of whack or my hand goes numb from blow-drying my hair. Does anyone else groan every time they get up out of a comfy chair?
Soon I'll be fifty years old... ah!

Today I'm not complaining. With summer here, I have many more opportunities to write and have written more this past week than the past two months, though I have been busy like a bee in a botanical garden. And I have so much waiting to be written, so many ideas and new ones all the time. I know there are many of you out there like me with lots of stories to write and little time to write them. I also know the slow pace can be a discourager in itself. So this month, this summer, I implore you to keep at it! Let's reach some writing goals - and be proud for any word counts or editing we can get done!
Make it a summer of accomplishments. I'll be checking in!
At the end of the school year, I was so excited that one of my young fans got a group of friends to do their book club project on BROKEN BRANCH FALLS! And for part of their project they made a cute little commercial for it! (I hope it plays!) I was also invited to answer questions with their group - it was awesome! Times like that are what makes it all worth every painstaking moment!
So what will you accomplish this summer? Because you can do it! I know you can!
Now that is really cool, Tara!
I understand the bit about getting older. I can hurt myself in my sleep now.
Every time a new season comes by, I tell myself that this is when I'll get a lot of writing accomplished. Unfortunately, it never seems to happen. We'll see what happens this summer.
That video is priceless!
As long as we're moving forward, we're still movin. Have a glorious summer of writing you buzzy little bee.
The video is cute.
I'm going to continue writing into the summer and finish my next book.
The video is awesome. How cool. =)
That was cool. Enjoy your boys now. Once they go away to college, they come back as adults. They never need you quite as much as they do now though they'll love you the same or even more once they have to do everything for themselves.
OMG! That video is adorable. I loved the bit about reminiscing when the kids were young. :)
That video is awesome! :) Kids do grow so fast. My son is littler than your boys, but I started later and I'm really feeling the age thing this summer. Here's to a productive (as it can be) summer!
ROFL you guys make me feel better reading this--I hurt myself in my sleep too and wake up with aches I did not go to sleep with. Too funny. Growing older is a barrel of laughs, ain't it?
Loved the video Tara. What a wonderful tribute.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
How great that was for the kids to do that! I know you must have been so thrilled.
Yes to a summer of accomplishments!
And how cool to have your book chosen as a book club project - good for you! :)
That's awesome that that kid did a book report on your book AND made a commercial. He/she deserves and A!
I absolutely groan every time I step out of a chair...or stand up for that matter :)
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