You know who gets noticed? People who aren't afraid to make a fool out of themselves!
People love to point and laugh or gasp or get fired up. And if you want your books to be noticed, that's some of the attention you are seeking. I may have a few books published, but I still worry that I will be dropped if my numbers don't rise to a certain level. What level is that anyway?
It all boils down to getting a lot of people to like your style - your product has to be interesting enough to gain some fans. Once they are fans, they will want to spread the word. People like others to join them and like what they like, so they will tell more people!
But finding that loyal fan base is the hardest part (look at Firefly! And they had a ton of fans!). So here are some avenues to fans to consider:
Elusive Agents - I started with this route. I queried till my inbox cried from all the rejections. Then I finally found a winning query (or my perfect match through an editor. It's hard to know the formula, but I know timing has a lot to do with it too) Recently, I've been encouraged to seek representation. So, maybe it's time. A good agent has connections in the industry and can get you farther than you can go yourself.
Social Frenzy - Twit, tweet, twoot? To tweet is sweet, but to vine is divine. Issue Instagrammatics. See anything Pinteresting? The big giant mammoth FACEBOOK = the white pages of the world. Snapchat without saying a word. Like me, friend me, heart me, pin me! It's such a confusing mess of shouting! Yet some are able to use these tools to their advantage. I'm still exploring and experimenting - trying to find that balance between enticing and annoying is tough!
Crazy Cons - You have to go meet the people and be someone they will like. I always encourage authors to go to book events, especially in your genre. And sometimes getting noticed means putting on a different persona. I'm not saying change yourself, but enhance your attributes. If you can bake - bring it and label it! Again, a happy medium between friendly and obnoxious - just enough moxie to be seen. Your book will not speak for itself among a sea of other pretty books.
Does it Pay to Advertise? - It depends on what you can afford and what you're advertising. On websites, I find it annoying. And I don't want to annoy others so I haven't tried it. I have looked newspapers and I take advantage of free announcements of events, but I don't know how many people use the paper (even the online ones) anymore - and it seems the ones who do aren't searching for an obscure book signing... but free doesn't hurt! I also looked into radio - more expensive than you might think. Could be worth it if I had a $1000 lying around.
Honest to Goodness Reviewers - Many people listen to reviewers. And it doesn't take much to be one. Just read a book and give your opinion! The trick here is to find a popular reviewer who has time to fit you in, and I don't want to pay for a review. It just doesn't feel right, though I've heard some are honest and worth it. I recently took some advice to look at top Amazon reviewers who liked my genre. I respectfully offered a book or two for them to read and review, but I never heard back. It's so hard to ask for reviews - I feel like a blind girl with my cup full of pencils...
Do You Youtube? - Stunts, shocking videos, humor, podcasts, interviews. There are so many ways to put yourself out there these days! And most are pretty easy to produce. My acquisitions editor always has fun ideas to embarrass himself for the sake of a little publicity. He even interviewed me on his regular podcast - here it is, if you'd like to listen. I myself am trying something out that will hopefully be appealing. Chapter one of my anti-princess story should be out soon... We'll see how this goes!
There are so many ways to be noticed. It's hard to put yourself out there, but if you can take yourself a little less seriously and not worry about how you look or if you mess up, big things can come of it! Don't be afraid to try anything! The worst that could happen is you get a thumbs down - but even that is worth the effort. It tells you what not to do, and at least someone noticed! Brainstorm and go for it!!
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Great tips! I've only gone the social media route so far, when it comes to promoting. That alone is so time-consuming, though, haha!
I'm still toying with venturing onto another social media site.
I think I'm better at helping others get noticed.
Love the Calvin and Hobbes pic! :)
I struggle with putting myself and my work out there. I really need to work on that. Thanks for all the ideas!
All excellent tips. I really need to do something fun with YouTube. Maybe get my kid to read my, wait... not that book. Or that one. Maybe Fearless? Have a wonderful week.
I wonder if streaking would help. Dang. That seventies thing should come back. Well...maybe not.
You are so right. One has to try something to see if it works. I'm one of those people who are afraid of failing and who cares too much about what others think. So, I think I'm going to have a hard time selling books, if I keep up my current attitude. Thank you so much for your great advice and post.
Hey, Tara...
Great advice.... we need to GET OURSELVES out there! How else will we be noticed! It always pays to take a chance in one way or another... As you said, even if it doesn't work, you'll know NOT what to do the next time...
GREAT meeting you and Julie Saturday! IT was the highlight of my weekend! And I LOVE my signed copy of your book...REALLY looking forward to BOOK 2...
You asked the big question. What works? How much social media will get you noticed and how much will piss people off? It's so hard.
Susan Says
Great tips! I think I've got a pretty good handle on Twitter but not much else. I'm still working on the whole "get the book done" thing first...
I've never paid for advertising. I've asked Top Amazon reviewers for reviews have not had one bit of getting one to want to read and review my books. :( I'm also not using Youtube. Maybe I should. Hmm...
I sent a promo article to the local newspaper I used to work for last year, though I don't think anyone bought my books because of it. I just got some congratulations as usual, though congratulations don't sell books. My big worry is coming across as too self-promoting and one-tracked, which no one likes.
There's a lot out there and we each have to find our own path. Make the attempt and find what's comfortable and fun. But sometimes it does seem like a drudge, but that's marketing - when that happens go back to writing and cheer yourself up!
I'm at a bit of a loss on what to do to get noticed as an author. Seems what has worked for one doesn't work the same for others who try to follow their example. For now, I'll just keep writing.
Thank you for the tips!
What a great post this Monday! Loved it. And had some laughs. I'm sending my inbox over to talk to your inbox.
Social media... I'm still unsure what to do there.
Ads can be hit or miss, but when they work, they're worth it.
I love social media! . . . one at a time and with lots of space in between lol. I'm still trying to figure out what works best too. I love these tips! I've been thinking lately about youtube, I figured *maybe* I can use my weirdness for something good :P (but I'm too shy so maybe not lol)
Great tips as always. I am still so far away from this point. Editing went to the back burner since I haven't been well, so I am pretty far from getting noticed as an author.
'K, so I'm reading this #motivationmonday on Wednesday, but it's totally helping. Make fun of myself. Hmm... I kind of suck at that. If I don't think about it I'm fine. But if I forge purposely with foolishness I look like a total fool. Oh wait. Maybe that's the idea...
I'm terrible at getting out there lately, but I've found the more mediums you can reach, the broader your audience. Everyone's circle is different, and to really hit your maximum target, you have to keep reaching. It's the keeping at it where most of us fail.
Great advice, Tara, thank you so much!
It's so hard for me to self advertise. I feel all squishy:) You make great points though and they make sense
Social media really is a circus, isn't it? I'm slowly getting a handle on it, and I'm also watching video marketing classes and reading free marketing books (seems everyone is putting out one these days). The trick for me is finding something I enjoy doing and not just thinking about the sales it may (or may NOT) generate. Wishing you much luck on your agent search!! :)
I'll probably opt for the "make a fool of yourself" option. My stories are whimsical and funny, so I might as well advertise myself the same way!
Funny you mentioned YOUTube. I just contacted someone who has a prominent You Tube sight that reviews my book on YouTube. It's pricey, and I'm wondering if it's worth it.
Lots of awesome tips :) I just started doing Cons and love them! Looking forward to more for sure.
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