Happy Celebrations Friday - join the fun with Vikki!
Here's what I'm celebrating:
My friend, Heather's book is now available in paperback!
I made it through my first day as a long term sub and already got a compliment from a student =)
My shopping party and book signing is only a week away!
On Monday, I mentioned football - I have 2 sons that play (4th grader and 8th grader) plus, to help out I work at the Varsity home games, so that's several games a week I'm watching. But in the comments, several mentioned pro teams and I was asked which was my fave - Patriots! I also like the Steelers and Dolphins. All representing my roots! But I like watching college better. College is where it's at - Go Gators!
And to round out this lovely Fall Friday - An Award
A while back Bev gave me a Sunshine Award - I just went back through my emails and discovered I hadn't taken care of this. No time like a Friday! So here goes:
Here are the rules:
1.Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog. (CHECK)
2.Link to the person who nominated you. (CHECK)
3.Answer 10 questions about yourself. (CHECK)
4.Nominate 10 bloggers. (CHECK)
5.Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated. (CHECK)
Thank you for thinking of me, Bev! It's been a while since I did an award =)
Here are the 10 questions:
Fave color: purple (used to have a purple pen collection in HS)
Fave animal: doggie
Fave number: 2
Fave non-alcoholic drink: Coke!
Fave alcoholic drink: Cosmo =P
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook. Does that make me old? Twitter is too random, unless you plan to meet for a conversation...
Passions: Family, Church, Writing, Teaching
Prefer giving or getting presents? Neither, I stress about giving and would rather just get stuff for myself - that definitely makes me old and set in my ways... but I do like a good surprise or party
Fave city? Atlanta
Fave TV Shows: Amazing Race, Big Bang Theory, Regular Show... I don't watch much TV, I'd rather write or read!
And here are ten nominees... but if you'd like to do this meme for fun, by all means, have a go!