We writers stick together and encourage each other like no other occupation.
And I'm feeling more secure than insecure lately (thanks to my supportive friends!), so I'll just offer some advice:
Every writer has an audience. Someone out there wants to read what you write. We can't all be a number one best-seller, but we can be SOMEONE's number one author!

It's also time for the A to Z Reflections of 2015.
I can't believe the A to Z Challenge for 2015 is over - did it seem to fly by for you? The month of April sure did! I had a great time reading other blogs and all the great comments I got here, but I always felt so rushed to get my visits in. Eh, I always feel rushed. So I'm glad I'm sitting down for a few minutes to write this recap and reflection post.
Here are the numbers:
Here's how I visited:
Didn't Read - probably couldn't get to the blog or they hadn't posted in a while or at all with the challenge. I also didn't read any (AC) - my wittle eyes are too tender...
Didn't Comment - I just didn't connect with the posts. That's how it goes...
Replies - The low response is not unusual. I don't think some of the bloggers realize what they're getting into and hope everyone will flock to their blog without having to go visit themselves. I'm just happy to find some quality blogs each year and always do!
Stars - I gave stars to blogs whose themes I really liked (highlighted some of them on O day) and I hope to become better acquainted with them as things resume to normal.
Here's the data in pretty bar graphs =)
My Visits vs Visits Back
And here are the main words from most of the blogs I visited:
Then there's my favorite, these are the people who visited me with name size relating to how many times they came by - Thanks so much you guys!!
And if you're a tweeter, we are doing two last A to Z twitter chats on Thursday, May 7 at 1pm and 8pm. It's been a blast! #azchat is the hashtag.
Finally, my friend TB Markinson is starting a new feature giving away a few ebooks a month in a rafflecopter. It's a wonderful idea where she advertises books and authors and someone gets to win them - Win-Win! And I'm featured this month in TBM's May Giveaway along with Lee McKenzie, Chrys Fey, Kourtney Heintz, and Medeia Sharif! Check it out!
Aw, loved reading your blog this past month and looking forward to reading more! Congrats on finishing and visiting! =)
A lot of effort must've gone into making those charts and graphs! I don't think I'd know where to start with creating most of those.
Wow Tara, amazing reflections post. So much work and planning for this one. I have no clue how many I visited, ever. I am happy to see my name pretty big on your chart, and not surprised Superman Alex is huge.
Wow! You are so organized! I could learn from you. Thanks so much for mentioning the giveaway!
Love the word clouds - what a great way of presenting your reflections!
Anabel's Travel Blog
Adventures of a retired librarian
I am in awe of your graphs and statistics...
Those you visited - were they the new blogs only? That is a really low response rate. I found the same thing and many others have also echoed the sentiment. People just weren't returning comments.
It was fun coming here and seeing who you highlighted!
Wow, making those stats took a lot of time too. Cool to see though.
Love this - "Every writer has an audience. Someone out there wants to read what you write. We can't all be a number one best-seller, but we can be SOMEONE's number one author!"
I always enjoy your A-Z stats, even if it's kind of math-y for me. :)
Very Impressive, Tara....
Your theme was so sweet and enjoyable. I was honored to be mentioned... THANKS!
I did visit when I could, Life is INSANE for me with trying to move my life from the midwest to the southeast...
Great recap, Tara... and yes, it is an amazing experience and I have met some incredible blogger through my previous years participating...
What a great use of the word cloud! I also found the amount of responses back from new blogs very low, but that's okay. I still found an audience.
Just the fact that you do these stats at all is impressive! I love the name cloud :)
Love the thought "Someone out there wants to read what you write. We can't all be a number one best-seller, but we can be SOMEONE's number one author!" It brightened up my day :) Thank you.
Totally interesting with the stats and charts. I did't think to do this. Thanks for sharing it (smile)
How did you keep track of all that? Love your graphs.
I don't understand the chat on twitter, I generally posted my link daily with the hashtag, but that's about it.
Sandy at Bridge and Beyond
April flew by for me, too. I did my best to keep up with all the A-to-Z posts people were doing, but it was too easy for me to get overwhelmed and fall behind! *shifty eyes* Your stats are so impressive!
Great IWSG words of wisdom.
Love your handy-dandy graphs. It's been interesting seeing some of the stats for the challenge.
I think that I will copy your chart for next year. I didn't keep any kind of record and wonder about it now.
Finding Eliza - Cleages A to Z
You are so creative and it was my pleasure to visit you so often. Your statement about many people not knowing what they're getting into is right on. And there were some blogs that it was difficult to comment on for one reason or another.
Whoa, that's probably the best researched reflection post I have seen so far... :D Thank you for all the stats! They are really telling, I found myself musing over them for a while. Keeping track of them like that must have been a lot of extra work...
Thanks for the visit! :) Ans congrats on surviving the challenge! It flew by me to...
@TarkabarkaHolgy from
Multicolored Diary
Wow, those are some in-depth stats. Stat-loving geek that I am, I ate it all up. (Figuratively, of course. Mostly because I don't have a working printer.)
I didn't make it out during the AtoZ this year, but this way I get to read all 26 at once. Glad to see you got to highlight so many great bloggers and had a great month (despite the predictably low reply rate).
Cool post! I do enjoy pictures and words! It sounds like it was a fun month!
And yes, every writer does have an audience. Awesome inspiration!
It's nice to have an audience no matter how small. :) They make it all worthwhile.
Glad you enjoyed AtoZ.
I absolutely love that quote of yours: "We can't all be a number one best-seller, but we can be SOMEONE's number one author!" A nice one to remember.
Hi Tara,
I have often noted how you writers are such a supportive lot. Although, I'm just a background player in the scheme of things, I applaud you and all your writer buddies!
I appreciate you approach to that alphabet thing. Very inventive with your photos. I'm reflecting that this A to Z will be consigned to blogging history. Of course, I was asleep during that reflection.
Well done, Tara!
Gary :)
I tried to read all the "AC" how else am I going to learn stuff. lol.
Seriously I ended sticking with my favorites and places that had a purpose and followed to the end...
lot's of gobblers out there that signed up and gave up... it's not just make a post, it's following up...
We made it...Hope you had a great time, thank you for your Reflection!
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]
Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?
I've seen a bunch of A-Z reflections posts but you win the prize for analysis.
This is the most complete and amazing Reflection Post I've read! I absolutely loved it. And look at those numbers. Very impressive, Tara.
Great graphic. I see a ton of people I loved visiting and working with.
O M gosh i hope this doesn't become the new requirement for participating. You rock with all that info! I do hope it was worth all the effort - starting on my posts for next year - just because otherwise it won't happen! LOL
Great post! looking forward to next year.
Keep popping back in, though I've not left a new comment each time, thought I would today. Are you no longer blogging? Let me know your status.
Sandy at Bridge and Beyond
Wow! This is some serious stats-keeping! Very impressive. I'm slowly getting caught up with those who commented on mine and now I've visiting those I chatted with on Twitter!
I feel ya with those ones you just don't connect with - I had a few of those, too!
Hello there.
Congratulations on completing the challenge! I actually got to visit your blog during the crazy month of April. I also kept my own stats, but they definitely don't look anything like yours...great job there! I'm popping over today from the Road Trip/Reflections linky.
Entrepreneurial Goddess
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