But how? That's the million dollar question, and we writers don't have two dimes to rub together for an answer, never mind a million bucks!
Well, I have a few suggestions on how to pump up the marketing. I don't like being pestered by promotion, so I try to make my own the least annoying as possible - fun even! To demonstrate, I will use my own upcoming releases...

1) Do a cover reveal
SIMULATION comes out in September. It's got a terrific, wicked cover! And to smooth it into a series, POP TRAVEL has been updated as well. So we are re-releasing it with a new look - and I'm telling you, I loved my old cover and couldn't see how they could top it - but I was amazed at how much I like the new one! It's pretty flippin fantastic!
2) Ask friends for help
To make it easy for my friends to help, I have a lovely FORM for you all to fill out. There are so many ways to help - from giving a shout on their blog to giving out ARCs for reviews. Google forms are great tools and very easy to set up and get feedback from.
3) Do blog tours
I know these aren't as big as they were when we started doing them. But that's where your uniqueness and creativity comes in. Reveals and Blog Tours can't just be like - here's my book, please buy it! They have to incorporate something more for the readers, something of value the blogger can share with their audience that will show what a fun, cool person the author is, and then they'll want to read the book! I've seen contests, active participation, scavenger hunts, etc.
My SIMULATION blog tour will be A Month of Mondays - I'm letting my friends decide the best way for me to entertain their readers (it's all in the FORM) Plus, I'll have a rafflecopter giveaway, and a sale, and more! Which brings me to...
4) Host a giveaway

You can also add your book to another person's giveaway - then everyone gets noticed! Like TBM's monthly ebook giveaway. Pop Travel is part of it this month! And she's got some open slots in coming months...just give her a shout.
5) Pay it Forward
This last piece of easy marketing advice is an echo from Alex J Cavanaugh. He wrote an article for Patricia Stoltey about marketing, and he's been pretty successful at it! When we promote others, they will return the favor. Spread the love!
6) Finally, I've said it many times, but the absolute best way to get your books to sell is to
keep writing!
Many of you already know these marketing ideas, but they are still easy and effective. The harder job is peddling at book events, but I enjoy that part too. I just love the whole process. And if you have any advice to share - please do! We're all in this business together to keep folks reading!
I am bookmarking this post, as I hope to have a book finished at some point in my future. I have the first two chapters with beta readers :)
Having just begun a couple of self-publishing adventures, I know I should be doing more to market my ebooks... Trouble is, my natural instinct is to hide away from the world and now draw attention to myself! I need to get over it and start using some of these strategies :-) Great post — and a timely reminder for me!
*not draw attention to myself. How a typo can not only say the opposite of what I meant, but also do the opposite!
All great tips. I know blog tours are not as popular, but like you say, being a little creative helps quite a bit. Thanks for mentioning my monthly giveaway. I love the button you created. You rock!
Those are good tips. Be sure plenty of review copies go out and set up events in the real world, too.
ehhh...but ALL those reach folks you already reach. Sigh. This marketing is hard. Nothing easy about it. Sigh
Thanks for mentioning my post at Patricia's! I think that is the most important thing an author can do.
I haven't mastered the art of selling at book events. It generally takes all my energy to keep myself from hiding under the table.
Thank you for sharing your tips. I think paying it forward is very important.
Sounds like you have some good plans. Blog tours are so much better when it is more than just here's an excerpt and now buy my book. I got a spot for you on my blog is you want it.
I totally failed at marketing myself, so much so I no longer see a reason to release all three of the books I'd planned for this year. There's no point in releasing a sequel if almost no one read the respective first volumes. My biggest fear is in coming across as desperate or too self-promotional.
Number 6 is a big one. It seems counter productive, but if you make those connections with others, you will reach more people as a result. =)
Every point is awesome. As for giveaways, my most successful one was on Goodreads. Have a great week! :)
Thanks for the ideas.
Great tips! Thanks for sharing!!!
Do it all, and then do it again, and again. It's an everyday thing, and something I'm still struggling to find my strength in.
I love the way you did this! All signed up :D
Can't wait to see the new cover for PT and Simulation!!! Also can't wait to read it <3
I see what you did here.
Very clever.
I signed up for it all!
I can't wait to see the new covers and read the new book!
Only too happy to sign up! :) I'm all about sharing the love. I always forget to do a cover reveal. I show the cover as soon as it's made because I'm too excited to keep it to myself. lol!
Great tips X
Great tips and examples! :)
Tara, great advice. Thank You!!
I don't know what an ARC is, but the rest of your ideas sound like good sound advice. Need to pass on your blog url to my SIL who's an author.
Sandy at Bridge and Beyond
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