Monday, July 13, 2015

Invitation to a Party! #giveaway

Grab your polka-dot party hat because you're invited to celebrate some summer book birthdays with me and a few thousand friends! Plus I'm giving out presents!!

On June 15, 2015
Tyrean Martinson released a wonderful collection of summer devotionals to take on the road.

by Tyrean Martinson

Fifteen devotions for families having fun on summer vacation. Included topics are: packing, driving, car games, maps, rest stops, sand, water, buckets of treasure, sunscreen, sunglasses, tent camping, campfires, flashlight tag, s'mores, and the summer night sky. Scriptures, devotional reflections, and prayers intertwine with these fun topics for sweet devotional time.

Taste the sweetness of God's Word that's even sweeter than s'mores cooked over a campfire.

Buy here: Amazon

NOTE! Tyrean is donating all of her earnings from each sale to Peace Rehabilitation Center in Nepal.

My words on Tyrean:
Tyrean Martinson is a caring, adventurous person. She gives it her all and enjoys life to the fullest. Her writing reflects her love for God and how we can overcome anything with His help. I'm glad to know her.

Visit her at her blog.

On June 26, 2015
Christine Rains released the third book of her Dice & Debauchery series.

By Christine Rains
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Genre: Modern erotic romance

Video game geek Josh Hanson never gets noticed by women until a gorgeous booth babe drags him into a dark room for a quickie.

She doesn't give him her name, and her face is covered by a silver mask. Josh is determined to find the dark-haired beauty again, but communication isn't easy in a huge hall filled with nerds. When they end up playing in a tournament later, the games extend into her hotel room. Josh wants more than just a con fling, but she's not easy to catch. Can he figure out how to beat her games and become her champion?

Buy links:

And check out the first two books in the Dice & Debauchery series:
Loose Corset
Layers of Lace

My words on Christine.
Christine Rains is a fabulous writer, regular blogger, and wonderful friend. She has a little geeky family and they are proud of it. And her blue-glasses wearing son is adorable! I love reading her stuff, especially the paranormal romance which she is a pro at.

Please visit her website and blog
You can also find Christine on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Goodreads.

On July 6, 2015
Only a week ago, TB Markinson released her romantic comedy novel! What a cover!

by TB Markinson

Newspaper publisher and world traveler JJ Cavendish continually feels pressured to live up to her Miracle Girl nickname. Not many people know she’s living a carefully crafted lie. She may not hide ties to the LGBT community, but she does hide past struggles with addiction.

When the Colorado native is handpicked to take the helm at a dying Denver newspaper, she ends up reconnecting with her long lost love in this contemporary lesbian romance. Only there’s a catch. If JJ fires the most belligerent editor at the paper, she risks losing the love of her life.

Mid-afternoon office romps abound, while also focusing on what it takes for a newspaper to remain relevant in this age of social media.

Must JJ lose everything in order to gain a life more fully her own?

Buy it here:
Amazon US  /   Amazon UK   /   Amazon Canada

My words on TB!
TB Markinson is a generous, supportive blogger. She's an American in England, and has adjusted beautifully! Check out her monthly ebook giveaway, in which I was happy to participate. She's a gem!

She's easy to find:
Twitter        Facebook        Blog        Goodreads     Amazon Author Page

And lastly, on 7/13/13, POP TRAVEL was born!
 I can't believe it's 2 years old today!

From this:                                                                                        To this!

POP TRAVEL is a techno-thriller with dashes of humor and romance about a cynical detective who pop teleports in a chase around the world to expose a deadly flaw in pop travel before he disappears.

I'm also in the process of turning it into a screenplay... keep your fingers crossed!

To celebrate all these awesome releases,
THIS WEEK I will be giving away
TEN FREE signed paperback copies of the original covered Pop Travel! 

Just mention you would like one in the comments, or email me direct at taratylertalks ~at~ gmail ~dot~ com

And don't forget, if you're interested in helping me with my next book birthday/blog tour - SIMULATION! Please sign up with the FORM.

And there's still time to enter POP TRAVEL's Re-release Giveaway!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a lot to celebrate! I already have your book, but I'll be happy to spread the news on the giveaway.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats to those authors and to you for the great new cover.

Tonja Drecker said...

Congrats on the new cover, and to all the other authors. So much great stuff going on. And yes, I'd love a copy with the original cover, so count me in.

Sarah Foster said...

Congrats on the new cover! Turning the book into a screenplay sounds like fun! I'd love to do that someday, but I should probably finish writing the book first...

Christine Rains said...

Congratulations! Love that new cover! Happy birthday to Pop Travel! And thank you so much for those kind words. You made me blush.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Congratulations on the book cover. I will be happy to mention it on Twitter and my Author page on Face Book.

M.J. Fifield said...

That new cover is great. :)

Congrats to all the book-birthday girls!

(And I'd love an original-cover copy.)

Angela Brown said...

There's so much awesome to celebrate here. So glad to see all this coming out and like you it's amazing to realize it's been 2 years since POP TRAVEL came out into the world.

And you're turning it into a screenplay??
Crossing fingers, sending prayers, and I'll see about gathering some four leaf clovers :-)

cleemckenzie said...

Wow! Now you're turning screenwriter, too? Very impressed here. I'll post some Tweets for you today.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That's a group of terrific writers and generous bloggers. Congrats to all and best of luck.
Susan Says

Yolanda Renée said...

Congratulations to you Tyrean, Christine, and TB. Wonderful writers and great bloggers with awesome talent.

Good luck with your screenplay, they are so much fun to write! Is there a bite from television or a movie deal? Keeping my fingers crossed!

Rena said...

Wow those books are gorgeous (I don't know why I love masks on covers, but it makes me think of the Count of Monte Cristo)

TBM said...

So excited about your new cover and happy birthday Pop Travel!

Screenwriting?! How cool. And I hear it's wonderful training for writing.

Thanks so much for the shout-out and kind words.

Shah Wharton said...

Some great releases and an awesome giveaway! :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Wow, lots to celebrate. Congrats to everyone. I didn't enter your giveaway as I already won a signed copy with the old cover.

Heather M. Gardner said...

So much goodness packed in to one post!

Congrats and best of luck to everyone!

And, Happy Book Birthday, Tara!

That cover still wows me each time I see it!


Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats my friend!
I'd LOVE a copy but postage is too expensive... (even a e-book with the old cover will be fine...)
Christine's a fab writer!
Love TB's new cover - awesome!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Some amazing books here!! Tara, I'm reading Pop Travel right now!!

Crystal Collier said...

Woot, woot! Those sound like some awesome summer reads. If I could squeeze in the time to read like I did last year, I'd be all over them. So behind...

Tyrean Martinson said...

Oh, wow, Tara! I'm so out of it this week with family in town. I haven't even been at my blog all week and here I find this wonderful shout out! Thank you so much! And, thanks for all the support from everyone!


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