It's summer!
As a teacher, I have more time to write and blog in the summer - yay me! At least I think I will, then my days seem to get filled by appointments, summer events, running kids around, and the chores I've been putting off because I'll have more time to do them this summer... Anyone else feel this?
But at least I've had my quiet mornings =)
So my Insecure Writers Support Group post this month is about having so much on my plate I want to get done! Here's my
Summer Writing To Do List:
- Finish typing up WINDY HOLLOW, so close I can smell the edit gnomes! they're stinky buggers - and unlike shoe elves who do the work for you while you sleep, edit gnomes nag you to get the job done, very motivating
- Polishing DISPOSAL (Pop Travel #3) - comes out in NOVEMBER! Woohoo!
- Publish Unconventional Princesses novella #2, TWO PRINCESSES - been waiting ages on the cover. So long that I am about ready to...
- Publish Unconventional Princesses novella #3, PRINCESS B - have to beef it up and get some illustrations...
- Then there's my latest obsession lurking and stalking me, very eager to be fleshed out - MAGIC STORM - Twins in London find ancient talisman and race against evil descendant to bring magic back to earth - debating to make it into a graphic novel, or submit to a publication as a monthly series... so many possibilities!
- I also would like to write the Christmas short story - A Harried Holiday, where Cooper takes Geri home to meet the family and solves a local mystery - gotta write this stuff months before the season for submission!
- And finally, I have not one, but two new novels to outline - the next Pop Travel #4 CONDUCTION and a new Christian YA novel FARTHER ALONG
Sorry for the rambling, but writing this all out really helped me organize my madness!
Now, for the results of the latest Writer's Life Survey #7 - Time Mgmt - I so enjoy collecting this data and reading the answers!
Do you write every day?
Do you have a day job?
How do you make time to write?
- I just make the decision, block off a couple hours, and do it.
- I just sneak it in whenever I get a few minutes. Extended writing time is rare for me.
- I just ignore my to-do list.
- I try to force myself when I have the time. Doesn't happen very well.
- I have a lot of "down time" in my life, so whenever I'm inspired, it's easy to find time to write.
- I take a journal with my everywhere. If I can, I take my laptop, too.
- I gave up on sleep.
- Getting up early on my days off & making sure I don't turn on the TV :P
- I have a house to myself during the day, so I just have to be smart and not waste time.
- Shut down everything and go somewhere quiet.
- while the kid is at school
- I've set a word goal of at least 650 a day. 500 is almost assured, so I upped it a little to challenge me, but not overwhelm myself.
- I stay at my desk during lunch and write instead of enjoying my meal elsewhere.
- I have a set time every night.
- Setting aside a certain time each day works, as well as going to a library or other place without distractions.
- I literally have to wrench it free.
Do you meet your daily writing goals?
Do you have any creative ways to save time you could pass along?
- Blog from work! Then it's like you're getting paid for blogging.
- Be ready to write at all times, so when that ten minute slot of free time opens up, you can take advantage of it.
- Write while the microwave is heating something up for lunch, write in the car (not while driving), and write before/after appointments in a waiting area. Saving time: um, cutting out commercials or anything commercial-like in my life. Use this time to socialize, do chores, or exercise.
- Set a timer for social media and just walk away when time is up.
- Clump your chores into a block of time. Do email all at one time and not throughout the day, for example
- Hire a nanny?
- Making a list and checking things off.
- Shut off WiFi while writing, while keeping open any windows you need for research.
- Several came up with wishful ways…
- Hire a virtual assistant.
- Clone myself... ;)
- Don't do housework?
Great responses! I can totally relate to these. I was surprised at 50% with the jobs - I need to delve into that one! What about you? Can you relate?
This month, I'll be asking "lightning round" style questions for quick responses. Look for it mid June!
Lastly, I wanted to share about my school presentation... It went very well! I had it filmed so I could critique myself and I'll share a snippet of it with you...
The kids did a great job! And I made notes on how to improve for next time - looking forward to it!
So what have you all got going on??? And I love to give you a shout out, just let me know what you need. HAPPY SUMMER KICK OFF!
**Also wanted to express my condolences and concern with all the hate spreading through the world lately - praying for solutions, safety, and peace.**
You are going to be BUSY! Good luck with everything! :)
I'm exhausted just reading that!
No hits their daily word counts - that's good to know.
Yes, blog from work. It's the only way to go.
The kids were really responsive to you.
What a fun presentation.
Over half don't have a day job? Who are these people? Granted I don't have a J-O-B, but I do have a business to run and can't write all the time.
Wow! Great information....keep up the good work. Z
My dad says the same thing about being retired. You think you'll have all this time when you don't have a day job to go to, but it gets eaten by other things. Sounds like a good list.
Phew! That's a long list! Good luck with a productive summer!
So many people don't have day jobs! I'm jealous.
I get tired just looking at your list. Then again, I get tired just looking at the stairs these days, so that's no surprise. =) Go, Tara, go!
Hm. Doesn't sound like you're going to have a lot of spare time on your hands, but at least much of your busy time will be productive.
long to do list. Wishing you much success. Enjoyed the survey answers.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Summer is all planned out for ya. :) The survey results were interesting. I think we all knew our families would be the number on time suck! LOL
So glad your school presentation went well!!
Best of luck with your summer to-do list. I love the Unconventional Princesses, and Magic Storm sounds awesome!
Wow, you weren't kidding about having a lot on your plate! Your to-do list puts mine to shame, haha. Really love the sound of these projects--so fun! Best of luck with them!
And I'm surprised about those day job results, too. Hard to believe it's about 50/50. I don't have a day job, but it's not for lack of trying. Making a living off just my comics is hard, so hopefully your pollers are faring better than me, LOL!
Honestly, both the graph (kids and family being such a time suck) and your long list of things to do make me feel better about my list and family obligations.
Love the idea of a summer list. Good luck with your publications!
Those are some great tips -- I need to make time, not to write, but to edit...
I can see why Magic Storm is obsessing you, it sounds so intriguing!
Good luck with your summer to-do list!
Thank you for sharing the results of the writer survey - it's super interesting!
Good luck with your summer goals!
Hi Tara - well you sure are busy and busy working towards achieving a great deal - let alone new stories. But family life is way more important ... fascinating survey ... have a good summer working through your list - cheers Hilary
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