I think I'm in book event withdrawal! I usually do at least an event every other month, but had to cut back this summer, and even this fall with one baseball graduate leaving and now a football senior, losing two in a row. I love supporting them, but I feel very unproductive on the marketing/selling front. Like my books are collecting dust and I should sell them before I write more...
But that's how life goes. I'm cherishing the time I have with my boys, and my time to sell will come to keep me busy when they're on their own. In the meantime, I really appreciate the help several of you have offered, and I will get onto promoting online, now that life is returning to normal after vacation. We had fun on the lake, btw. Here are a few pics -
I always appreciate the support - you all keep me going - in blogging and writing!
Now, for the survey results...
I guess YA is still on top, but the regulars are always around - a good story is always hot!
What is your favorite genre to read?
What is a hot topic to write about?
- Not sure
- no idea. life's been too busy to pay attention
- Supernatural (haunting/ possession)
What have you heard Agents are looking for?
- Agents seem to be talking about historical novels here - Hilary Mantel and 'down'!
What would YOU like to read a story about?
- I want more fantasy
- I still love reading paranormal romance.
- I just want a story that moves me to feel something. Genre doesn't really matter.
- I would love to read some dark fiction with strong characterization.
- I'd love to read more Asian historical fiction.
- I'd like to read about today's family struggles
Do you write what's hot? Or write what you feel?
What temperature keeps you writing?
Where is/would be your writing getaway?
I loved these answers - very insightful and inspirational!
This month, I'll be asking about Newsletters and Blogs - what do writers do? and does it work? Come back and help fill in the blanks!
PS - If you tripped and I said, "Way to go, Grace." Would you all know what that meant? Or am I dating myself? I guess that's my other insecurity as my young editor doesn't get some of my characters' sarcasm!
Spend time with your boys. That's more important.
Young adult is hot but people want to read science fiction? Hmm...
And the mountains for a win!
You're totally right about how a good story is always hot! The genre doesn't matter to me as long as I'm entertained. :)
Very interesting answers! I love the idea of having a writing getaway in space :-)
It's always interesting reading the results of your surveys. Love them.
Seriously though, family first, eh? I read this article once about how much time people spend with their parents after they leave home, and it's pretty staggering. Like, almost none, so we really have to enjoy them while they're under our roofs. I don't think that's a use of time we'll ever regret, eh?
Family first is my mantra ~ Your boys are only young and with you for such a short time, Tara. I think you are making the right choice to spend time with them. I don't pay much attention to what is hot and what is not. I have to write about what speaks to me, not something because it is hot. As for reading, I read widely among many genres. I primarily want a book that moves me emotionally or teaches me something. Again, genre doesn't matter, although sci-fi and fantasy are among my favorite genres. Have a wonderful August making memories with your boys!
That's all right to spend time with your family. Enjoy it! The books will still be there when you have free time.
Interesting answers! I don't usually give much thought to what's "hot," just whatever ideas pop into my head.
I know how you feel, Tara. I allow my children to monopolize my time as well. I think of it this way: We'll blink, and they will all be on their own and too busy to be with us.
All the best to you, my dear.
You have so many events up your way. We have family in Ohio - we need to plan a visit and do an event at the same time.
Who could write when it's beach hot? Yuck.
After last week's IWSG Twitter pitch, I'd swear 2/3 of the writers out there are still writing YA.
Crude! I missed another survey. :) Ah well. I see agents asking for YA all the time, which I don't write. Ho hum...
Drawn in, immersive and triggering my emotion means a story has taken me out of this moment and into the story. I love those types of stories. Really enjoy your surveys.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Love the photos, looks like you really are enjoying summer. Great to spend time with the family.
Your polls are really interesting. Thanks.
As for the sarcasm, I have never heard that expression, and I am older than you. However, I have been in NZ for 16 years, a country whose people don't do sarcasm. So I am quite removed from it.
Hi Tara - so glad you spent time with the family and just had a break away from regular life - it inspires ... those photos would do me. Yes I enjoy your polls ... and write passionately in whichever genre suits you - cheers Hilary
What a great post! Glad you are taking time to enjoy the summer with family. Time goes all too quickly and we never know what tomorrow brings.
Don't worry about not marketing now, but keep writing those books. Marketing is always more efficient when you have more books out there for your customers to buy. Some writers claim there's not even much point to marketing a series until you have at least three books out there. Not sure I'd go that far, but writing more books is definitely the way to go.
You've got plenty of time after the summer. Enjoy your boys. My little guy went back to school today. And I keep looking out the window for his bus even though I know it's too early! Interesting results. Funny how most think YA/MG is big, but we all want to read different things.
Hope you're not feeling too guilty about not marketing your books. Other concerns occasionally take precedence.
So glad you had a nice vacation! You deserve it! And the book events will be waiting for you when your boys have left the nest. I'm glad you are able to spend this time with them. Take care, my friend!!
I want more fantasy- adult fantasy. Not sexual adult; but I'm so tired of angsty teens and paranormals that just want to be normal humans.
Looks like you had some summer fun. Good for you. gotta take some family time sometimes.
Yes, what Alex says is good advice, and there's that old saying, 'a time and place for everything.'
Ask away! Shoot me an email http://www.iamhrsinclair.com/contact/
It's hard to keep up the promotion. It drains me, and I don't feel like writing when I'm trying to peddle my books. As to the "Way to go" I don't hear it said anymore.
I definitely write what I want and ignore what's hot. Definitely enjoy your time with your boys. Enjoy those moments. Good-luck.
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