January is a time of reflection. I want to raise the level of my blog from a once-a-month series of IWSG entries to more frequent and more substantial posts. I want to be more engaging!
And so, I give you my first post for 2020--
Let's go to the Movies??
Consider STAR WARS. (NOTE - Spoiler Alert! Plenty of annoying spoilers ahead)
There's nothing like the opening burst...
There's also nothing like the original trilogy. Sure, special effects are better now, CGI is amazing, and meeting new characters is always fun. BUT, just like the last season of Game of Thrones was rushed and lacking, this latest Star Wars trilogy was full of spontaneous, easily foiled threats and not much substance or explanation. I'm sorry to say, True Star Wars fans have been let down.
The Rise of Skywalker was a great action-adventure sci-fi movie, no doubt. My hub even liked it, and he's not a big SW fan. But my closet-nerd son and I felt a disturbance in the Force. So many story lines were severely under-developed and conveniently explained away with a glib comment for us all to accept. It was full of miraculous, impossible saves; instant armies, easy escapes, and predictable rebellious behavior... I felt like I was watching a teenager's spoof seeing what he could get away with--wouldn't it be cool if this happened!
Most egregious irritations:
- Poor Fin - so much potential wasted--they made this guy do nothing but annoy everyone, "Rey!"
- And the Planet-Destroying Cannons upgrade on a surprise fleet of Star Destroyers--where did they come from? Santa? But the placement of the cannons gave me a chuckle. It was like they all got a kick in the crotch... that magically destroys the whole ship **eye roll**
There was No build up. No anticipation. No time to wonder what might happen, we know what's going to happen. As a writer, you know what I'm talking about.
I had more complaints, but I won't torture you further. And there were some good moments.
- I really liked the new female characters, but there wasn't enough time to expand on them. I would've been happier if they'd split it into two films just to give us some backstory and character development.
- Palpatine was a great twist. But what were all those zombie fans??
- Funny thing, I liked Kylo Ren's character arc (Frankly, I would've chosen him over Rey as a true Skywalker.
- It's just a good thing Chewy didn't die! (Told you there'd be spoilers!)

One saving grace for Star Wars fans: The Mandalorian is fantastic! It has everything the new movies don't, plus awesome LOL scenes and Baby Yoda!
Movies in general lately are lacking in quality and depth. Sequels, Spinoffs, and Remakes are the currency of the day. Over the holidays, I also saw JUMANJI 2 which was pretty terrific, better than expected, but still a sequel, with a teaser of another is in the works. And here are the previews we saw:
>>Scooby Doo origins >>Mulan live-action >> Dr. Dolittle upgrade
>> Black Widow spinoff >>"new and improved" Ghostbusters sequel
Money is the biggest motivator which is understandable since it is a business. But the industry isn't taking chances on anything new...
So I call on YOU, fellow writers!
Keep writing. Keep improving. And try a Screenplay! Submit to contests. Put your awesome works out there for these sheltered producers living in their Hollywood Bubble. They need us! (I just submitted JOLISSA to an animated screenplay contest!)
Okay, I think I've talked enough.
Oh, yeah. One last thing -- I'm putting together a team!
Disney/Pixar's Onward is coming out soon (you may remember me mentioning how they "stole" my Beast World concept) So I'm starting Phase 2 of my Taking Back Beast World campaign. I re-published BROKEN BRANCH FALLS!! And CRADLE ROCK is soon to follow.
If you're up for helping me promote the ORIGINAL Fantasy Creatures in High School, here's the new FORM
Thanks for your support!
And don't forget to join us for the #WedWrant Twitter chat tonight at 7:30 PM EST - be sure to use the hashtag!
Blessings a-plenty in 20-20!
It wasn't perfect, but I still enjoyed the heck out of it. Better than the last trilogy!
However, The Mandalorian was perfect. My wife can't wait to get a baby Yoda.
I've been disappointed in the last few movies I've seen. Fingers crossed I find some I like in 2020. :)
Hi Tara - no worries for me: I'm unlikely to see it. The Actor I noted was Adam Driver ... he was in another movie I saw and hadn't come across him before. I've seen a few good films recently ... but good luck with all your drafts/books this year and here's to a happy 2020 to you ... cheers Hilary
I liked the Skywalker movie. I'm not a big, big fan of Star Wars though.
There are so many original stories and books out there. I wish they'd produce more movies based on those.
I agree with you on The Rise of Skywalker. In all fairness, I'm not much of a Star Wars fan (the only movies I've actually liked enough to want to watch a second time were Episode 7 and Rogue One) but yeah...the story structure didn't do anything for me. My significant other (who is a Star Wars fan) wasn't impressed, either.
I am looking forward to the Black Widow movie, though. It's about time she got one.
I also like Kylo Ren's character arc. I've seen people comment on how he's mentally abusive to Rey, but Kylo Ren is the reason I liked the last two movies. I still haven't seen the most recent, but I want to.
Hi Tara!! I'm going to make 2020 the year when I stop by for more Tara time. You're always so energetic and positive (even when entertainment giants rip you off!) and fun to be e-around. But, erm, I couldn't read this post because I haven't seen Rise of Skywalker yet (thank you for the spoiler warning). I know, I know, I WILL. I've just got it into my head that I need to rewatch episode VIII first and haven't made time because I got all swept away in binging Downton Abbey, but I'm ready to get my head back into a galaxy far, far away now. Well, after Mrs. Maisel.
Hi, Tara! I couldn't read your post because I haven't seen the new Star Wars movie. :( Wishing you all the best with increasing your blogging this year!
I've found only a few movies that I can sit through these days. I'm resorting to--of all things--books.
I'll be glad to Tweet and post something about your Phase 2 on Facebook, BookBub and Instagram, Tara.
When I peeked at the next year's line up in September for movies, I was so disappointed with all of the remakes and continuations of series or whatnots. Guess risk is too risky.
I had pretty much the same thoughts about the movie. As far as he plot goes, it wasn't horrible, but it was too rushed. Same with GoT...I could see the end making sense, but there needed to be more development in that direction.
Good luck with Jolissa!
I love the Mandolorian. I have not seen the new SW probably won't until released on digital. First opening premier in the theater of all nine SW movies I have missed since the original 1977 release, bummer. I did, however, go to Disney World Orlando to the SW theme park and posted about that on my IWSG post this month. I am a little late making the rounds. Happy IWSG!
My husband and daughter LOVE the Star Wars movies and paraphernalia. With Disney, all it seems to be is live versions of their past great cartoon movies my children grew up with. All the best to you in 2020, Tara!
I haven't seen Skywalker yet so I skipped lots of your post! :) I love SW!
I think there is so much originality lacking in recent Hollywood movies too. Obviously they're found what makes $ and they're not willing to take risks, but I have no desire to go to the theatres more than once a year or so anymore
Good luck with your latest Beast World campaign! I've already signed up. ^_^
I haven't seen the new SW movie. Yet. So I skimmed over your points. Anything has to be better than the 1st 3 episodes. Nothing beats the original 3. My writing is stuck so I'll take your advice and get back to it.
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