Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Time to Write!

Time to Write - that phrase has multiple meanings...

It's time to write! Time to get back to the keyboard and let the words flow.

I can't find time to write! I wish I had time to write! This isn't a good time to write!

All of the above. My life is so busy with responsibilities, writing is low on the priority list. When I do have some extra time, I'm usually not in the mood. It takes a lot of time just to get my mindset back into my WIPs. I had to take a hard break from my summer writing streak when school started. So, I would need a big chunk of time to review my stories and re-invest in the characters and remember where I was headed with the scenes. By that time, something usually comes up to divert me again.

On the other hand, I expect to have more time this month. School has settled down. And my son and his puppy have moved to their new place. It's very quiet without them, and writing could be a good way for me to keep my mind off missing him. Wish me luck!

Where are you in your writing journey? Are you making time to write? How do you get in the mood to write?

In other news, I had a terrific book event in October. I met some great folks (readers & writers), sold some books, and I even did a quick interview! I also have 2 more events in November. Slowly but surely re-entering the book scene.

Thanks for stopping by for the IWSG monthly get together. Check out the link to find out more and get to know more writers!

November is here! 
Snuggle up for cooler weather and shorter days!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Tara - life is life isn't it ... now you seem to be more in the mode -all the best with new stories/flash fiction etc ... all the best - cheers Hilary

cleemckenzie said...

Finding time is always the biggest challenge. There's always a little time thief at my back with this or that to do before I can settle into some writing.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Writing might be just what you need to take your thoughts off your son's absence.

Lisa said...

So glad you had a wonderful book event and interview! Lucky you. Enjoy the time you have to yourself. One never knows how long it will last!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm trying to get back in the promotional part of writing though I don't like it. Like you I'm doing an in=person event. I've been getting more writing done by returning to my late night writing habit. It's working for me.

Patricia JL said...

I feel you about life. It's been so hectic that it's stealing all my energy. Makes me jealous of the writers who can write during stressful times. I know they'd say just sit down and write, but it's not that easy for some of us to free up the mental capacity when life is throwing hard balls at your head.

Anonymous said...

Anonymously Esther O'Neill, IWSG, East of the Sun, in a UK dead zone, no signal, no texts,
Missed this, then needed/wanted all December doing anything under the sun, even singing and cutting down trees, but definitely not writing.
No White Christmas, as usual, weather more than making up now. Next job = digging out car.
Time to start writing again, fit a bolt to my room, inside only., and hide. Happy New Year ..

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