Monday, December 21, 2015

#Tips for Surviving the #Holidays

Don't you just love this whole concept? I do!

And I'm happy to have Rena over during her blog tour for a guest post. The poor thing is sick, but she's such a trooper, she wrote me a post anyway. Here's Rena!

Thanks for hosting me on my debut book’s blog tour, Tara!

How to Survive the Holidays: A Practical Guide

As you may or may not know, my debut novel, Acne, Asthma,And Other Signs You Might Be Half Dragon released the Monday before Thanksgiving. I haven’t recovered yet, which got me to thinking about how people always go about the holidays sort of grumpy and crazy, so here’s a post on how to survive the hype without pulling your hair out (You’ll want that hair for the pictures they take at the office party).

Tip one: Be flexible. Look around at everything that everyone is trying to do for the holidays and pick ONE thing. Pick the one thing that really makes you happy, and let all the other things be flexible. Now if you’re part of a family, everyone is going to have a different thing, but even so, that might take your crazy schedule down a couple notches as everyone prioritizes their hopes for the Holidays.

Tip two: Don’t hold yourself to the same standard as your neighbor/sister/friend/Martha Stewart who has been planning for the holidays since June. Those people have a lot invested in this time of year, and if you’re the type to survive the holiday, don’t feel bad that your stuff isn’t as awesome. If you’re looking around this year and feeling left out because those people have organized their family into the perfect carol choir, maybe you should consider building up a bit for next year. Which leads me to…

Tip three: Take notes. If you see someone doing something for the holidays that looks awesome and fun, but you can’t manage to do it this year, try planning for it next year.

Tip four: Smile. If you’re in a crabby line at the store, try to remember that the people who are crabby are having a bad day for a ton of different reasons. Maybe someone lost a job. Maybe their dog died, but they still have to put on Christmas. Maybe their heart is made of coal. Hey, it’s legit, that could totally happen.

Okay, there's more, but you don't have time for that! It's the holidays! Good Luck! 

These are my kinda tips, Rena! Thanks for stopping by!
And here's the info on Rena's fabulous debut...

Find it: Amazon  |  Goodreads

Allyson fights acne, not trolls. As an inhaler-carrying member of the asthma society, she just wants to meet the father who turned her mother into a paranoid, move-across-the-nation freak. Now she’s trying to fit in at yet another school, but for the first time in her life, she has a best friend, Beth. When Allyson accidentally spits fire at kidnappers in the mall, she realizes why her father isn’t in the picture: she’s half dragon. Her acne? Emerging scales. Her asthma? The side effects of her dragon’s fire breath. Instead of freaking out, unflappable Beth reveals her own troll heritage and explains how things work with the supernatural creatures hiding within the modern world of smartphones and skyscrapers.

When trolls kidnap a unicorn, Beth gets blamed. Allyson is determined to prove Beth’s innocence and keep her friend off the unicorn chopping block. When they start looking for the kidnappers, they get a call from the last person they expect: Allyson’s father. He tries to warn them off, but he’s been put under a spell by the kidnappers to keep the victims from escaping. Nothing short of death can stop him. Now Allyson must choose between killing the father she’s always dreamed of, or letting her best friend die for a crime she didn’t commit.

About the Author:
Living as a muggle has brought Rena some levels of success such as completing her master’s degree, but always the stories returned, calling her to the keyboard in the dark of night. Now, having built armies from words, Rena has set her sights on world domination, one book at a time.
From her secret base in the wine country, Rena has enlisted the help of her cats, her loyal dogs, and her family―who can be relied upon to hide the launch codes at a moment’s notice. You can find Rena at her blog, follow her on TwitterGoodreads, or find her on Facebook.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Long Road to Ruin

As we enter the final days before Christmas (12 to be exact!) I offer you this game to take a break from all the madness. I found it at J. Lenni Dorner's blog. I had fun doing it and thought you all might too, tho I shortened it for those of us who have less time for games!

It's worth a few minutes and easy, I promise! If you like, post it on your blog to share and pass around. I haven't played a good game of tag in a while. This is how to play:

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got this from.

These Days by Foo Fighters

Been Caught Stealing by Jane's Addiction

Let's Get it Started by the Black Eye Peas

Hammerhead by the Offspring

She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5

Paralyzer by Finger Eleven

Burn by Ellie Goulding

Mysterious Ways by U2

The Walker by Fitz & the Tantrums

Paradise by Cold Play

Not Your Fault by AWOLNATION

No More Love by God Lives Underwater

The Fixer by Pearl Jam

The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls

Problem by Arianna Grande

Welcome to Paradise by Green Day

Price Tag by Jessie J

Long Road to Ruin by Foo Fighters

I had a few minutes and got a few laughs at the answers - and now I pass it on to anyone who has time and inclination. Make sure you let me know if you do it!

This is also my week to post at the REALLY REAL HOUSEWIVES - Reasons for loving the Season (Mon), Party picks (Wed), and What to do with the kids for two weeks (Fri)

And lastly, I'm excited to say I won 2nd place in a speculative fiction Christmas short story contest. My story was published at Geekdom House with a really cool picture. Here's the link if you'd like to be uplifted by A SUPER CHRISTMAS! Joy to you!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Tis the Season for Wishes

Are you keeping up with everything this season?

You'd think after so many Christmases I'd have this stuff down. But no, it always seems to creep up on me. But part of that is because I refuse to start doing most of my Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving. I rebel against trampling my November holiday! And I'm happy to say I finally got my decorations up this weekend - can you believe I was the last one on the block!

I also had a very festive event this weekend. The Hamilton Christmas Gift Show - it was a blast! I got to meet some very sweet people and I sold a bunch of books. But my favorite part was meeting a new fan. A girl from one of the other booths bought BBF for her twelve-year-old brother on Friday. Then on Saturday the boy and his dad came to the event and stopped by to tell me how much he was enjoying the book. And before we packed up, they came back and bought Pop Travel too! It was awesome! Such a warm fuzzy feeling!! I just wish I'd remembered to take some pics...

Now here's some more exciting news and A Writer's Wish List by Tyrean Martinson!

The Battle 
May Be Lost
Because of a Family Secret.

With distracting attention from a prince and her mentors both in harm's way, will Clara be able to trust her team with her family secret as they race to fight the Dark Sisterhood on their terms?

CHAMPION'S DESTINY is the third book in The Champion Trilogy by Tyrean Martinson, a Christian Fantasy series with a strong female heroine and an epic cast of allies and villains.

Clara’s destiny is more complicated than she imagined.


Author Links:
Blog - Twitter - Facebook - Amazon - Pinterest

And here is
A Writer’s Wish(ful Thinking) List by Tyrean Martinson

I wish:
  1. My friends and family network would have all I need for proofreaders, every time I need proofreaders.
  2. These teachers, semi-professional editors, and extremely dedicated family fans were readily available - but it doesn’t work when they are all busy, sick, or overwhelmed with other projects.
  3. My proofreading family and friends will work for gift cards, dinner, and a bottle of wine. Again, this worked the first few times around, but won’t work always, in all circumstances.
  4. My book would be so perfectly awesome after three content edits and a simple proofread that it wouldn’t need any more changes. You can laugh with me, now. I don’t think I’ve ever received this wish.
  5. One of my proofreaders would find any timeline issues between books 1, 2, and 3. SCORE! An unexpected proofreader - my dad who reads three to four books a week – found a timeline error. It didn’t feel like a score at the time. I mean, it was late in the game. I expected to have my book out soon. He found a timeline error that no one else saw. So, I delayed my release date to give my book a thorough run-through one more time.
  6. My book will be fun and meaningful to read. The referee is still out on this last wishful thinking wish, but I can still hope.
I think we're all with you on these, Tyrean! Beta readers, Critique Partners and Proofreaders are the best people in the world! Congrats to Tyrean - I hope her series reaches many young readers because I know they will love it!

What would you add to your publishing Wish List?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Where has the time gone? And book #giftideas

I can't believe it's December!
Welcome to this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group. Everyone is welcome!

December usually brings reflection on the past year as the next year waits around the corner. So I'm going to see how I did with my January IWSG "resolutions" post...
  1. Be Shrewd - I think I've done well with this one, sneaking in as much writing and reading as I could this year! How about you? Feel good about how much writing you produced?
  2. Be Definitive - I made some "live healthier" goals for the year.
    • No snacks after 9pm - I believe I did this for the majority of 2015!
    • Eat at least 3 fruits/vegetables each day - need more work on this, but I did better this year than last year
    • At least one form of exercise each day (and I count housework - so win-win) - eh. Have to keep trying!
    • Walk dog at least once a week - a big fail. I think this is doable, I need to focus on it next year! We both need it.
  3. Be Flexible - I've been okay with this, but I need to have a better attitude about it - another thing to work on. Noted!
  4. Be Positive - I started a little page on Facebook for writers to post their writing accomplishments or setbacks. Feel free to join in on it!
  5. Be Content with yourself! I'm content, but I also want to do more, hence the goals.
How did you all do with your goals/resolutions from way back in January 2015? I'd love to hear about something you're proud of from this year!

Today I also volunteered to help out my publisher, Curiosity Quills, by writing an article of book recommendations... In addition, here's are some books I read this year that I highly recommend (sorry there's not more, I'm a slow reader...)
OF BLOOD AND SORROW by Christine Rains
ONE GOOD CATCH by Heather M. Gardner
EFFIGY by MJ Fifield
BELLA'S POINTE by Elizabeth Seckman

And here are some recommendations from my currently reading/TBR list:

POLAR NIGHT & POLAR DAY by Julie Flanders

Do you have any books you'd like to recommend as gifts you've read this year?

Monday, November 23, 2015

I heart Dragons!

I tempted you with the cover and teased you with the blurb - and now it's HERE!


is now available!

TITLE: Acne, Asthma, And Other Signs You Might Be Half Dragon
Pub. Date: November 23, 2015
Publisher: Curiosity Quills
Format: eBook and paperback
Find it: Amazon  |  Barnes and Nobles |  Goodreads

Allyson fights acne, not trolls. As an inhaler-carrying member of the asthma society, she just wants to meet the father who turned her mother into a paranoid, move-across-the-nation freak. Now she’s trying to fit in at yet another school, but for the first time in her life, she has a best friend, Beth. When Allyson accidentally spits fire at kidnappers in the mall, she realizes why her father isn’t in the picture: she’s half dragon. Her acne? Emerging scales. Her asthma? The side effects of her dragon’s fire breath. Instead of freaking out, unflappable Beth reveals her own troll heritage and explains how things work with the supernatural creatures hiding within the modern world of smartphones and skyscrapers.

When trolls kidnap a unicorn, Beth gets blamed. Allyson is determined to prove Beth’s innocence and keep her friend off the unicorn chopping block. When they start looking for the kidnappers, they get a call from the last person they expect: Allyson’s father. He tries to warn them off, but he’s been put under a spell by the kidnappers to keep the victims from escaping. Nothing short of death can stop him. Now Allyson must choose between killing the father she’s always dreamed of, or letting her best friend die for a crime she didn’t commit.

About the Author:
Living as a muggle has brought Rena some levels of success such as completing her master’s degree, but always the stories returned, calling her to the keyboard in the dark of night. Now, having built armies from words, Rena has set her sights on world domination, one book at a time.
From her secret base in the wine country, Rena has enlisted the help of her cats, her loyal dogs, and her family―who can be relied upon to hide the launch codes at a moment’s notice. You can find Rena at her blog, follow her on Twitter, Goodreads, or find her on Facebook.

Be sure to stop by the release party on Facebook and win some fun prizes to help along your reading fun, and maybe even a gift card or two!

I know a few fantasy fans I'm buying this for as Christmas gifts - gotta keep those young ones reading! Very excited for Rena and looking forward to more!

Are you spreading some Christmas/holiday cheer with books this year? Got any recommendations for me to put on my Christmas list? I love fantasy and sci fi and thrillers (guess that's why I write them!)

And I hope you all have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Lamest of the Lame

That's me.

I'd blame it on my feeble, old mind,
I'd blame it on my lazy behind,
I'd blame it on my lack of time
I'd blame it on my need to unwind

But I really have no good excuse
For letting down my housewife crew
I shouldn't have sat on my big caboose
I should've done better for all of you!


with our special guest poster this week


Now I have to check my emails and see what else I forgot this weekend... It's definitely Monday, people.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

One woman's troubles

Welcome to this month's installment of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

When I'm feeling insecure, I like to hear about what everyone else is up to. Usually there are some who have a lot more to worry about than I do - and that puts my puny problems into perspective... And you guys always cheer me up! So I'm not going to burden anyone this month - I want you to lay yours on me.

BTW, now that my Simulation release tour is over, let me know if there is something I can plug for you!

Like M Pax's Realms Faire! 

SIMULATION is a prize in the VelociRaffle. It's a rafflecoptor and the booty is divided into 6 packages. Each lot has a giftcard with it - check it out!

The Realms Faire is Nov. 9-13th.
The raffle opens at midnight on the 9th and closes at midnight on the 13th.

PS - Randi Lee offered to guest post me and it went up today! Yay! Stop by if you get a chance - the Lazy Housewife is talking about being a kid again...

Hope this Fall is turning out to be a bountiful season!

Monday, October 26, 2015

The END, but it's not over! The LIST goes on!

The Month of Mondays celebrating my release of SIMULATION has come to an end.

Thanks so much to all my fabulous, wonderful helpers:

I'm giving them each a writer pin of their choice!
And here's the winner of the $20 GC


I also appreciate the tons of support from all the bloggers, reviewers, and commenters!
It's been a terrific tour!

Amazon ~~ Kindle

But you know the work's not over! A writer's job never ends. And to help me stay organized, I'm sharing my next projects in a prioritized LIST.

It's the List Blog Hop. Bish Denham came up with this fun hop to celebrate eight years of blogging. I'm always making lists, so sharing one is easy!
  1. Submit and query CRADLE ROCK - it's out there!! Yippee!
  2. Finish rough draft of DISPOSAL, next Pop Travel novel - halfway there?
  3. Start typing DISPOSAL for NANO!! unofficially participating!
  4. Get moving on JOLISSA, chapter 2 (and tweak chapter 1)
  5. Outline WHEN THE WIND BLOWS - Broken Branch Falls book 3
  6. VISIT BLOG FRIENDS in between all the above!!
I'll start with my blog helpers and this blog hop!!

One more exciting shout out - check out this enchanting cover for Rena Rockford (aka, Dr Faerie Godmother) and her fantastical new YA urban fantasy!

Allyson fights acne, not trolls. As an inhaler-carrying member of the asthma society, she just wants to meet the father who turned her mother into a paranoid, move-across-the-nation freak. Now she’s trying to fit in at yet another school, but for the first time in her life, she has a best friend, Beth. When Allyson accidentally spits fire at kidnappers in the mall, she realizes why her father isn’t in the picture: she’s half dragon. Her acne? Emerging scales. Her asthma? The side effects of her dragon’s fire breath. Instead of freaking out, unflappable Beth reveals her own troll heritage and explains how things work with the supernatural creatures hiding within the modern world of smartphones and skyscrapers.

When trolls kidnap a unicorn, Beth gets blamed. Allyson is determined to prove Beth’s innocence and keep her friend off the unicorn chopping block. When they start looking for the kidnappers, they get a call from the last person they expect: Allyson’s father. He tries to warn them off, but he’s been put under a spell by the kidnappers to keep the victims from escaping. Nothing short of death can stop him. Now Allyson must choose between killing the father she’s always dreamed of, or letting her best friend die for a crime she didn’t commit. 

You can find Rena at her blog, follow her on Twitter, GoodReads, or find her on Facebook. Her debut novel, Acne, Asthma, and Other Signs You Might Be Half Dragon comes out November 23rd, 2015.

Have a great week everyone!

PS - Here are Rafflecopter WINNERS!

Monday, October 19, 2015

the Final Week - #Halloween #WordsofWisdom #LazyHousewife

Week 6!

Even more THANK YOUS to my blog tour hosts from last week, Tyrean Martinson and Tonja Drecker

Here's where I'll be for the Final Week, Oct 19 - 23:
**All my helpers will get a surprise from me and be entered in a raffle for a $20 gift card! They're so awesome! I hope you check them out.

I'm tired. It's been an eventful Blog Tour! And work has been kicking my butt too. Glad things will slow down now - HA!

It's also my week at THE REALLY REAL HOUSEWIVES. I'll be talking about costumes this week with some Punny Costumes on Wednesday and some Throwback Pics on Friday - but MONDAY we introduce our latest addition to the Really Real Housewife team!

And don't forget the Rafflecopter! ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT!

Have a good week, everybody!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Epic #Fantasy, Sequels, and Passwords

Week 5!

Even more THANK YOUS to my blog tour hosts from last week, MJ Fifield and Patricia Lynne!

Here's where I'm off to This Week, Oct 12 - 16:
**All my helpers will get a surprise from me and be entered in a raffle for a $20 gift card! They're so awesome! I hope you check them out.

And speaking of MJ, I FINALLY finished EFFIGY!
It took a long time because I'm a slow reader and have very little time to read. But I stuck with it because it was fabulous! I gave it 5 whole-hearted stars. And here's my review:

If you like Game of Thrones, Effigy will steal your heart. Queen Haliene is strong and determined, even when her perfect life is ripped away and she's sent to a living hell in an arranged marriage to a despicable devil. She carries on only to protect her people from him. She has more to live for when hope sneaks into her window, but more trouble too.

Effigy is composed of beautiful prose, intense drama, and gripping suspense, plus deep and passionate characters. I absolutely adored this book and cant wait for the next one! Finally a woman joins the ranks of Jordan & Martin!!

And don't forget the Rafflecopter!

Have a good week, everybody!

PS - I think I'm going to sign up for the List Blog Hop. Bish Denham came up with this fun hop to celebrate eight years of blogging. I found it at Alex J Cavanaugh's who is helping co-host. He says it’s beyond simple - and it's about lists! How can I not?

The rules are:
Sign up, grab the banner and make a list.
Keep your list to between 5 and 25 items. You can list whatever you feel like (except for adult type content.)
Post on October 26 and visit fellow participants.
That’s it!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Am I doing enough? Getting in the game

Playing any sport is competitive. But in my town, there's only one high school with over three thousand students. It's been tough to see my boys tryout for teams and not make it, when they are actually talented athletes. There are just so many to choose from, not to mention the politics. Now that they've grown and are on the school teams, my coach (not at the school) husband gives them this advice:
  • Go to all the conditioning and practices, even the optional ones
  • Do the volunteer activities
  • Stay close to the coach - so you're the one he puts in next
  • Go beyond what's expected, surprise them
  • Get noticed, be visible
I think this applies to any aspect of life, including writing. Though luck plays a big role for getting "discovered," hard work pays off as well. That's why doing all of the above is necessary for today's writers. There are so many of us trying to get noticed and get in the game, i.e. be put on the shelves, which are dwindling themselves. So this is my IWSG worry this month. Am I doing enough?

Many of you may think I do plenty, but my conscious tells me I need to do more. I worry if I don't get a new book out each year, people will forget about me. And if I'm only selling to my friends, they will surely lose interest... I try not to dwell on things, but sometimes a piece of negative news arrives bringing doubt and invading progress.

But I guess it gives me something to commiserate with you all about! So here's to us! We can overcome our doubt together, right?

And here's another plug for the IWSG short story anthology contest. I submitted mine! Check it out and go for it!

PS - I know IWSG is on Wednesday, but I only have time to post once a week and Monday is my day with my tour - forgive me! In November I will post on the 4th =)

Week 4!

I had a lovely release party on Thursday. Many of my local friends and neighbors came out to support me, even one of my students made it out on a school night! The only drawback was I bought too much food - no one ate anything! At my first party everyone ate like crazy, but it was at a restaurant. Maybe since this one was at a coffee/wine bar they ate before not expecting a spread - I will use that to my advantage next time (and spend less!) Always learning!
one of my raffle winners =)
(more pics on FACEBOOK)
QUADRUPLE THANKS to my blog tour hosts from last week, Heather M GardnerKatie TellerRena Rockford, and TB Markinson!

Here's where I'll be This Week, Oct 5 - 9:

  • MJ Fifield - (10/7) a Lazy Housewife post on not-so-extreme makeovers
  • Patricia Lynne - guest post (10/9) - Setting and keeping up with writing goals
**All my helpers will get a surprise from me and be entered in a raffle for a $20 gift card! They're so awesome! I hope you check them out.

And don't forget the Rafflecopter!

And I almost forgot - time for my Quarterly Newsletter Update!
I really appreciate all the support! And now that things have slowed down somewhat, I'll be able to visit around - it's been so crazy!!

Keep writing and doing your best - that's all anyone can ask!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Screenplay Tidbits and More Lazy Housewife Fun!

Week 3!

I'm very excited about my Live Release Party this week, Thursday, Oct 1. Wish me luck. I'm a little nervous about the turnout - it's supposed to be outside, but the rain factor is making me crazy! And did anyone see the Blood Moon last night with the lunar eclipse? Pretty cool!

EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS to my blog tour hosts from last week, Elizabeth Seckman and Julie Flanders!

Here's where I'll be This Week, 9/28 - Oct 2:

  • Heather M Gardner - guest post - where I give my take on writing a screenplay
  • Katie Teller - guest post - remember A to Z 2013 - A quick list of LHW tips from A to Z!
  • Rena Rockford - guest post - future technology: form vs function
  • TB Markinson - guest post - keeping the mind healthy and wise
**All my helpers will get a surprise from me and be entered in a raffle for a $20 gift card! They're so awesome! I hope you check them out.

And I have another new release, this time from my bloggy friend Murees Dupe - loving this cover!

by Murees Dupé

Claire is sassy, human, and an outcast of society, who only wants to know where she belongs. Alex is arrogant, selfish, and an immortal warrior, who thinks he’s prepared for everything. Claire knows the world of immortals is where she belongs. As her guide and guardian, Alex finds it hard to resist Claire’s subtle charm. Can the two overcome their differences and embrace their passion for each other, or will the possibility of true love be lost to both forever?

Amazon (paperback), Amazon Kindle, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Scribed,Inktera, Oyster, Tolino, and Goodreads 

AND Christine Rains - the writing machine! - has another book ready to go!

Ghost Dancer (The Paramours #1)

The Paramours - ghost hunting with a kiss.

When Nina Azure’s talent as a ghost dancer doesn’t persuade a handsome phantom to talk, she entices him with sizzling sexual energy. Ben Moore’s spirit is tied to this world with guilt, but he breaks his self-imposed silence for the beautiful Nina. Lust makes him fully physical and she loses herself to desire. She must help him carry on to the afterlife, but her attraction to him is immensely powerful. She must push aside her own feelings and let him go—and perhaps find romance among the living.

And don't forget the Rafflecopter!

Never a shortage of books - or friends!! Have a great week!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lazy Housewife Tips and a Precarious Future?

And the tour continues...

I'm so overwhelmed with all the help and encouragement and retweets and comments!! You guys are completely wonderful! There's so much of an outpouring, but I feel terrible that I can't respond to everyone - so I'm keeping track, and when things slow down (ha ha ha) I will come to your place for a visit. In the meantime, I added something toward the end of this post for you guys!

Now, a HUMONGOUS thanks to my blog tour hosts from last week, C. Lee McKenzieChristine RainsShah WartonSK Anthony, and Elsie Elmore!

Here's where I'll be This Week, 9/21-25:

  • Elizabeth Seckman - The Lazy Housewife loves to watch cooking shows!
  • Julie Flanders - The future could be scary, are you prepared? Are your kids? And, no I'm not talking about a zombie apocalypse.
**All my helpers will get a surprise from me and be entered in a raffle for a $20 gift card! They're so awesome! I hope you check them out.

And I wanted to give a shout out to a couple of blogger friends with big news this month!

Cathrina Constantine is celebrating the re-release of

by Cathrina Constantine

In a decimated world, setting foot outside of Tallas is certain death ~ or so they say. Mutations caused by those in the wilderness have plagued citizens ~ or so they say…

For Doogan and Keeyla their belief in a Free Tallas has lost its glimmer. And when their young son, Fabal, is given a dangerous assignment, they risk everything to protect him. Fleeing Tallas, they head for the wilderness. But when they are ambushed by cruel Mediators, Doogan is recaptured, and while Keeyla and Fabal escape, she is severely injured.

Can the two of them survive in the wilderness? Will Doogan get away from the clutches of the Mediators? And are the legends about the terrible monsters beyond the walls of Tallas true?


Stephen Tremp revealed the cover for his new supernatural thriller. I love it - and purrr-fect for a spooky October release!

by Stephen Tremp
Release Date: October 1, 2015

A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast.

And finally,

I say again, I can't thank everyone enough for supporting, tweeting, visiting, and commenting! It's really going great so far! I'm giving this award to everyone stopping by during my busy blog tour! Grab it if you like, you deserve it!

All this brought to you by...

by Tara Tyler
Release Date: Sept 14, 2015

In 2082, androids are essential, but some are too real. Clone android simulations are illegal and Cooper is on a case to find out who's making them. He has to work fast when his ex-girlfriend tries to kill him, but it must be a simulation, right?

SIMULATION delivers more technology, more intense action, more humor, and more engaging new characters. Come along for the ride.

Available Now!
Amazon ~~ Barnes & Noble

And don't forget the Rafflecopter!

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