Can you believe it's already May? There's only a few weeks left of school! And that means summer is right around the corner. And being the first week of May means it's also time for an IWSG post...
So, Spring. Spring is not my favorite season.
Spring is like a two-year-old child. It's cute when it first arrives, with a sunny disposition and hints of warmth. Then it goes through ten mood swings in a short span of time, turning all plans into disaster and no one knows what's going to happen next! Completely unpredictable.

Spring is also supposed to mean rebirth. And I do love the baby animal videos. But for writing, my calendar is off. I don't start new in Spring, I'm usually way behind, ready for summer to kick in because I think I'll get more done when school is out. I don't know why I delude myself each year! Oh, it's warmer, I'll go for more walks with my dog. Oh, baseball season starts, I can write between innings at my sons' games. Oh, summer is coming, I'll get on the treadmill and respond to some blogs. Oh, look at all the inspirations of nature blooming - and bugs and bees and pollen - ACHOO! Yeah, right.
So yeah. Spring. Not my favorite season. Fall. Now THAT's a season!
Anyone else un-enamored of Spring? Got any advice for my anti-spring lamenting?
But I can't leave you on a downer! Take a gander at the Thing That Turned Me anthology cover!
Comes out May 31!
Lastly, a HUGE THANKS to all the entrants in my JOLISSA giveaway. Here are the winners!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
So I am not the ONLY person who is not a huge fan pf spring...who woulda thunk it????
I do my spring cleaning and feel all that rebirth stuff in the Fall. It feels like our weather here goes form cold/cool to hot, from winter right to summer anyway. :)
Spring isn't my season either. I'm a fall girl like you! Have a great week. :)
I LOVE spring! Sorry, although I have to admit this year it's much colder than in the past. I always turn the heat off in early April, and I'm stubborn, once it's off, it doesn't come back on, but damn it's gotten cold. Still, I'm holding strong, I'm not spending my flower money on oil! LOL
My lilac bushes were growing and green in March, and now they are brown. I babied those three bushes from twigs, and now may have lost them to a late frost. :(
I've cut them back, now I"m keeping my fingers crossed.
Still I love, love, love spring and the opportunity to say farewell to the grayness of winter. It's green outside, lovely, lovely shades of green! YAY!
When I lived in New England, I enjoyed Spring very much. (Though I was and always will be an autumn girl) I always enjoyed seeing my plants and trees coming back, and watching for that last bit of snow to melt away.
But I don't think there's anything resembling Spring in Florida. It just goes from weather I can tolerate to weather I can't.
I'm pretty sure spring skipped Michigan this year. We had a few days of warmth, then it snowed, then it went right up to 70. Now, the temp is hanging around 50-60, but I'm still hesitant to say it's spring after having snow all the way through May one year.
LOL. I almost wrote about the same thing today. I always have so much outdoor work preying on my mind during this time of year and it just won't stop raining. I despise spring weather. Give me hot, hot summer anytime.
Woohoo for the anthology.
I love spring except for the ACHOOing that happens when everything starts blooming. I'm known as Ms. Red Eye around her until August.
Get fall themed bedspread, curtains or table cloths. Might help.
I have spring allergies, too. But I'm chronically allergic, so spring is like an add-on. I still love it - it's too pretty to ignore.
Great cover. Fall is my favorite season. Spring so-so, more of nay than a yea.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
I don't hate spring, but like you, I much prefer fall. Easily my favorite season! And I'm in total disbelief that it's May already, too. Time needs to slow down!
I like spring because it means winter's over and summer (my favorite season) is coming.
I love spring - the flowering trees, green grass, tulips, lilacs and lily of the valley. The weather is warming, the birds return from the south to sing and find mates and the trees become green again. And my seasonal affective disorder lifts so I can enjoy it all! This has been a darker year than usual though. In the fall, because of the SAD, my energy level is waning so I don't enjoy the leaves. All my body knows is that there is less light.
I'm good with any season, so long as I'm not miserable. Oh, wait. I have a...a...achoo! allergies too. Drats. Well, maybe summer will be better!
I hear you! I'm behind and in the midst of an allergy flare up.
Yeah, I like fall too. "...a two year old child..." Haha! That's a perfect description of spring.
We had a very mild winter in Upstate NY, but it's still nice to have spring. It finally puts an end to the possibility of snow and ice ruining the day. Overall, though, my favoritest season is autumn.
I agree with you. I like the smell of spring, but nothing else. Wet, muddy, and with a big labrador retriever all is not good. My allergies are going crazy and I want to scratch my nose off of my face.
Other than that, I look forward to summer.
Can I believe it's May? Let me tell you: I'm not emotionally or mentally prepared to face the fact that May 2015 came and left. Imagine how I feel with this whole "it's May 2016" business. Send help! lol
Spring is neither here nor there for me. I'm not a fan of the allergies, but I do get a lot of writing done. Unlike you, though, maybe it's because I panic that the kids will be home for the summer soon and I go wild. I mean I have no clue. I can tell you I'm way behind with writing. As usual. But yes FALL I love. So pretty . . . sigh . . .
I like parts of spring. Really just the the first few days of warm temperatures before the pollen attacks. (Ugh. Sooo congested.)
In other news, there are two more days in my annual haiku contest. I know you regretted missing it last year, so I wanted to let you know. (This year's theme: Science!)
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