Hey Everyone. Time for an Insecure Writer's Support Group LAMENT...
Does it seem like I'm always complaining that I wish I had more time to write and blog? Well, that was nothing compared to what's happening these days. I like my job, even though it takes up most of my waking hours. I'm so swamped! Then add on several changes and dealing with some frustrating situations that have come up all at once, and I can barely fit in any writing at all.
Like, I really wanted to get a story submitted to the IWSG ANTHOLOGY CONTEST. I tried so hard to get it done and came very close, but I just didn't have enough time to finish. (fitting since the theme was time)
I also feel like I'm neglecting my duties to my next release: DISPOSAL on NOV 14th. I've barely planned anything. I'm usually so organized, but lately I feel so behind as I rush around trying to get to everything. I've already cut back to the minimum on blogging and turned off my social media notifications a while ago... Seems like all I do is tutor and grade papers and laundry - don't forget the laundry...
Once this job is through, I know I'll have some time to work on writing, but I'm already filling it with appointments and other things I've been putting off. Not to mention Christmas is looming!
That felt good. Sometimes a good cry helps let the stress out...
Don't worry. I'll carry on and make it through. Just needed to vent.
How about you? How are things going in your life? Managing?
Now for some GOOD NEWS!
I'm so glad I took the time to do the WEST VIRGINIA BOOK FESTIVAL with my steady book event buddies, Elizabeth Seckman and Ashley Chappell-Peeples! Also met some other savvy writers, including Darin Kennedy - a fellow Curiosity Quills writer. Had a lovely time. And sold many books!
And here are the scintillating results from my Writer's Life Survey #12:
Which of these spine-tingling genres do you like the most?
Have you written any horror or scary stories?
How about a mystery/suspense/thriller?
Ever been to an inspirational place for a murder scene?
- There are some old buildings and castles in England that would be great locations.
- Just send me out after dark alone and my mind runs wild
- I've been camping a few places that had that vibe.
- Lots of back country roads
- Any place can make a great murder scene!
- Hiking in the Grand Canyon. Could only imagine the stuff that goes on/has gone on in those canyons!
Well, that was fun! Hope you had a Happy Halloween and got some of your favorite candy!
Thanks to all those who played!
Next month, since I'll be releasing DISPOSAL on NOV 14th - I'll have a special survey to go with the release party. Still time to sign up if you'd like to host a post or give me a shout or read an ARC copy for review.
Also wanted to give a shout out for FULL DARK - What happens in the dark will come to light.

Just A Matter of Time by Loni Townsend
Forerunner by David Powers King
Taking Care of You by Carrie Butler
The Apartment by Lisa Buie-Collard
The Caricature by Nick Wilford
Shifting Sands by Elizabeth Seckman
Shadows Falling on Rainbows by Celeste Holloway
Meringue, Murder or Marzipan by Tonja Drecker
Haunted Lake by Michelle Athy
Soul Coin by Laura Rich
Retribution by Melissa Maygrove
FULL DARK is a benefit anthology. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Gary Sinise Foundation, an organization that does many wonderful things for our country's active military, its veterans, and the countless first responders who sacrifice so much to keep us safe.
Goodreads --- Amazon
Gary Sinise Foundation
Published by Obsidian Books
PS - Is anyone out there doing NANOWRIMO this November? If so, GOOD LUCK!!
What is it that the older we get, the more busy we become? It's annoying.
I wonder how well Hot Tamales would've done on that list.
Sorry you didn't submit this year. There aren't as many entries as there were last year, so the odds are better this year. (And you still have until tonight!)
Great that you had such a successful WV event!! Looks like a blast. I'm sorry you are so overwhelmed but I hope the venting helped! Sometimes it just feels good to get things like that off our chests. Hugs!
Hi Tara - good luck with coping with all the things going on ... but love that you were able to attend your book fest, sell lots of books - and that you had a happy time there with lots of interesting meet ups - take care and all the best - Hilary
Hi Tara, first and foremost I envy you for attending the West Virginia Book Festival. It must have been fun. And yes a good cry does help in letting out all the stress.
I'm starting to feel that kind of overwhelmed.
I'll need to see about attending that festival next year.
That WV trip was so fun, but I wish we'd had more time to catch up! Next year well have to make sure we're closer 😀
Hooray for selling many books! Glad your event was a success, and I hope that you become less stressed/overwhelmed soon. Although I do agree that a good Charlie Brown cry can help in the meantime.
And I am shocked that candy corn was ahead of peanut butter cups!
Looks like you had loads of fun at the book festival!
Love your nifty and fun surveys.
Happy IWSG Day, Tara!
Wow! The laundry reproduces in my house with 7 of us. It also runs around the house a lot.
Good for you attending the West Virginia Book Festival with some friends. Good luck with your new release. I can do mystery and suspense if it's not blood and guts. I can't do horror. I have nightmares. I have a great memory, and it's very visual.
All best to you!
I'm doing NaNo as a rebel, with creative non-fiction (my November and December blog posts) and a new WIP. If I were still living on my own, I'd have more time and privacy to do a proper NaNo, and wouldn't feel the need to add an extra project as insurance in case reaching 50K of fictional words were impossible.
Now you've done it. You've mentioned Christmas!!!!!! Heart shock and meltdown time. I'm still trying to catch up for missing October.
Another congrats to Full Dark and all of the writers.
Sorry to hear you're feeling so swamped and behind. I've been overwhelmed lately, too. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done, no matter how much I work. Not looking forward to seeing how much more elusive time is going to get with the impending holidays!
And oh, how exciting about the West Virginia Book Festival. Glad you had so much fun during it, and sales, too! ^_^
Hope things simmer down soon. I totally know about lack of time! And how can candy corn be the favorite candy? Caramel and chocolate for me. I'm doing my best not to nab any from my son's treat bag. =P
You're not alone. So many bloggers that have been around for a while are complaining of the same thing. No time. Too many commitments. Too much stress. I think it's something in the ether. I think sooner or later we'll all get our footing back. Hopefully sooner :)
"Not to mention Christmas is looming!" Uhh, you're right. Don't mention that.
And... You actually found people who like candy corn? I don't think that's even real food! It's got to be Styrofoam or something similar.
Oh, well, at least nobody here said they like those dreadful circus peanuts!
Congrats on your event. Love when you include pics. Great survey always fun to read. Happy IWSG
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
I've had that happen with life and a job. It sucks and I had to try really hard not to guilt trip myself. Eventually, things always calm down and you'll be back at writing in no time.
I'm shocked by the candy corn. I must be the only one who hates it.
It was so great seeing you!! Life gets busy. Hang in there. Sometimes, I stress myself to near brain shut down when I try to do all the things I tell myself I "should" be doing.
I hope the venting helped! LOL Is it the time of year or what that makes us feel overwhelmed? Right now, 3 loads of clean laundry are piled on chairs waiting to be folded. Oops, actually there are 4. Hubs has learned to dig through the pile for his underwear. It's crazy time. I need to take that deep breath and blow out slowly. Ah, there. Good luck finding/making time to do what needs to be done.
It's especially hard when you have so many obligations. I can't write worth a darn if I'm feeling guilty about not doing something that I should be doing. Guilt-free time is hard to come by. Glad you were able to vent.
Candy Corn? Candy Corn? Really?! I'm stunned... That's a horror right there.
Yup. Busy too. Tell me about the laundry! I'm finishing up folding laundry we washed last Monday today, but it will get better. LOL. We have seasons where things get intense, eh? Here's wishing you a good window of freedom through the holiday season.
I love your surveys. I almost missed seeing the results of this, I'm so behind. Can you send me your blurb and cover? I'll post it next Monday.
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