Me too.
The world is so crazy right now. Lately, I've been crying more, cursing more, and praying more. I wish I could DO more for those who are suffering and help change the direction of the world somehow. But it's depressing and defeating because I feel like it's just me, and I can't change the world by myself.
Then we had our back to school "yeah-rah" professional development meeting. *Eye Roll*
But it was actually pretty great this year. The speakers really got to me. They shared moving stories and emphasized that we need to keep being a positive light, be the ripple in the pond, because our actions are seen by others and can influence them to keep the ripple going wider and wider. What might seem like a little thing can have a big, long-lasting, out-reaching effect.
The IWSG is for sharing and caring. And unloading. I still feel very small in the universe. But thinking about the ripple effect, I am inspired to keep trying to be positive and find ways to help more people see there is goodness and light in the world. And if we ban together, the light will spread to banish the darkness.
On the writing front, I have some good news and some bad news.
First, the bad news: I had two book events last month and one of them was awful. It's disheartening to set up, sit around for hours, and only sell one book to my friend...
Now, the good news: the first book event went very well. You never know how they're going to go. So I based my second event on previous experience at the venue and on the success of my first event, so the lameness of the second event was magnified.

I keep chugging. And I hope you do to.
If you have any advice
on how to keep a positive outlook
when things are bleak,
please share!
We had four events - one was a total loss, one broke even, and two we did well. Always a gamble.
There are days I just don't recognize this world anymore and wonder how much further into weirdness it's going to go.
This year from April to June when we were in the middle of the Covid second wave, I was feeling so much anxiety and a sense of helplessness. So many things around me changed, life itself changed.
I am so happy the first book event went so well. I definitely understand you had your expectations up and was then disappointed in the second event. I'm so happy you published the eBook version of Gertrude. It sounds like a fantastic story.
What we do in life ripples out to everyone.
Sorry about the second event. Just put it behind you.
And crazy doesn't even begin to describe it...
I often feel hopeless and helpless these days. So if it helps at all, you're definitely not alone.
I'm sorry that one event went so poorly but glad that the other one went well. Like Diane said, those things are always a gamble.
Hooray for getting Gertrude & Disposal out there!
Still chugging. I didn't do an event in August. In fact, the last event I did was in May...but I think it worked out. I have two events in October when my book comes out and I'm happy with that. I will try for one a month beyond that, but for me just getting out there is the biggest part of it.
Happy pumpkin season!
I say all the book signings I've had have been about a 20/40/40 split of great/medium/ewww. So 50/50 is pretty good.
The world is weird and worrisome in many ways. I've been making an effort to be kind, extra kind, whenever I can. Maybe kindness can become contagious like some less enjoyable things have.
Hi Tara - it's the way of the world, particularly now - unfortunately. You're progressing and that's a plus. I dragged myself up by the bootstraps years ago (thankfully) - then when thinking of a name for the blog, when my mother was terminally ill (a five+ year journey) ... someone had written saying 'your letters' are always so positive - hence my blog name. As many of your commenters have said 'forget' the negative ... ignore it - there is life out there ... a flower blooming, glorious sunset, happy times in the day - a smile etc ... just ignore the negative side of life ... yes acknowledge mentally - but nothing else ... turn the tables to something else. It's too short to sweat the bits and bobs that intrude into our daily lives. All the best - cheers Hilary
Yup, book events can go from one extreme to the next. It's kind of crazy when you think about it. I'm really glad you had one you felt was successful.
*I know the world is a cesspool, right now. Try not to focus on it. Keep informed, but not overloaded; it causes nausea. :D And keep praying. Prayer is way more powerful than we can understand.
I hate book events for that exact reason! And I agree--yay for pumpkin season!
I hear ya. Those ripples of kindness, empathy, and strength do ripple on out there. Keep spreading the very best kind of ripples!
Hey, I'm just impressed that you got out there, found the venues, and did a couple of book events! I can't seem to muster what it takes to even try.
Totally agree the world is going crazy. Scares the poop out of me when I stop and really think about it.
So glad you're getting good reviews. That helps, especially during times that are already difficult. Sorry I'm late visiting, but this past month seemed to keep piling one job after another. I'm just starting to clear my calendar. Now I have to work on my head!
Yay for the good reviews! It is difficult to not feel hopeless these days, but just one little nice thing can make a big ripple.
As much fear as I ever felt from Covid, I fear the long term effect on our mental health, especially the mental health of the kids, more than anything right now. The world is wearing us all down.
Hugs. Miss you!
Book events go that way. I head to them now with the expectation of selling nothing. I will be heading to my first event at the end of the month in Florida. I see it as a vacation. :)
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