Have you made your resolutions?
Uh, I didn't even get Christmas cards out this year, so I'm not bothering with resolutions... My attitude this year - Do what needs doing and try my best with the rest. I have so much to do, if I get half of it done, I'm happy!

And I don't know if you noticed, but I'm changing my blog this year. When I started it four years ago, I was new to writing, looking for advice, and journaling about the things I learned. Now that I'm published - still feels funny to say that! I'd like to help others with the hardest part of being an author, promotion!
I already have some authors lined up this month and beyond! I'm very excited about it! And I'm asking them for more than just a link & a blurb, so people won't get bored and say, I've seen that all over already... Gotta keep it fresh!
I'm open to cover reveals, launch tours, release announcements, guest posts, etc - if you loved a book and want to rave about it, I'll post your reviews, too. All within reason.
Just send me an email: taratylertalks => at => gmail dot com
and we'll talk!
(ps - don't forget the first IWSG meeting of the year is Wednesday, 1/8/14! you can also follow for more encouragement on facebook!)
That's a fine thing to do, Tara! You've climbed the ladder - now reach down and help others.
Love this idea, Tara! Way to give back! I'm sure you'll come up with some great posts for 2014. :)
What a great idea! I'm looking forward to reading the posts.
Very kind of you Tara, would love to suggest my book for your blog when completed in March. Carole. G
That's a great direction in which to take your blog.
"Do what needs doing and try my best with the rest." <--And I love this. It's a philosophy I need to adopt this year.
I just might grab a spot in March. Glad to see you choosing the direction for your blog. I have no resolutions either and if we get things done this year, it's just a big plus.
Thanks for the offer to help! Check back with me next Monday as I'll have all the info on my reveal.
Best to you and yours for 2014!
That's super generous of you! Looking forward to meeting some new writers on your blog this year! :D
Happy 2014 to you!! If you want to write a guest post for me, I'd be happy to have you over!
Looking forward to seeing what 2014 has in store for your blog :)
I'm looking forward to what 2014 has in store. I like this move for your blog, and I'm looking forward to Broken Branch Falls.
Thank you for offering your blog to others.
Wonderful idea. The non-published person cannot get too much excellent advice about how to get THERE.
Good on you for giving back to the writing community. I'm hoping to start indie publishing this year, so I can use a lot of advice on promotion and such.
I LOVE the new look. That was my first thought when I stopped in. "OOh! She has a new look!" Exciting stuff. Way to get more involved, and what a great badge!
Hey, Tara!!! Loving the new digs of the blogspot :-)
I'm with you. No resolutions and getting done all that I can do. That's going to be interesting since I'm hoping to get a lot done as two people in one body. Typing that looks just as weird as it sounds in my head lol!!!
Go 2014!!
I agree, each post is best fresh, though I will host the standard fair also...I may have a reader or two who isn't hitting every blog in the blogosphere that day, so it will be all right. When writers ask, I will tell them to send something fresh if they want the increased attention.
Great way to share your experience and help out other writers!
I have SO many goals for 2014, it's way overwhelming. Right now I'm struggling just to catch up on blogs I haven't visited in a long time... like this one.
Keep it up, Tara! You rock!
Great way to pay it forward, Tara! So awesome!
Happy New Year!
Hi Tara! Sounds like a great plan for your blog content. Once I get back into promo-brain, you can bet I'll be hitting you up. ;)
So guess what, after Christmas I FINALLY got time to dive all-in to Pop Travel and I am loving it! Heart-thumping fun, I tell ya. And Geri & Coop...such a great dynamic.
Happy New Year to you too. I don't do resolutions either. Hopefully one day I will be asking you for a book launch help :)
Honey, I didn't send out one Christmas card this year.
Great idea, Tara! Love that you're doing this!
On a similar note - although you're already established as an author - would you like to stop by for a 1 Word Challenge Interview at my blog sometime in 2014?
I didn't make any resolutions either!
And what a wonderful thing to do! You rock Tara!
You're wonderfully generous! :) I don't have anything planned yet for this year, but if the querying is successful... *knocks on wood*
It sounds to me like you're going to do this community a lot of good this year - not that you haven't in years past as well, but I look forward to seeing what happens on your blog this year. :)
I love the new direction of your blog. I'll have new book news to share hopefully in the next couple of months :-)
Happy New Year!
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