Here are some fun, educational, and profitable for you blogfests coming up!
First, there's an awesome event coming up on Monday 1/20
What Works - Online Marketing Symposium
A blogfest with information you can use! Hosted by Arlee Bird, Yolanda Renee, Jeremy Hawkins, and Alex J. Cavanaugh.In this fest, authors will share what has worked and what hasn't to help us all get better at promoting our books, and ourselves. Join in, even if you haven't tried anything, you might have an idea to share! And it's not just for books - it can be anything, like business, or non-profit events, too. It's tough getting the word out! I hope to see you at the first ever Online Marketing Symposium – sign up here!

It's a celebration of that little thing called love. Be it steamy or sweet, puppy, kitty, teen, aggravating, first kiss or final goodbye, let your scene tug at our heartstrings. Share your lovey dovey moment on January 20th!

Friend and fellow CQer, Jamie Ayres 2nd book, 18 TRUTHS, releases January 28th. She's having a blogtour and blog hop titled What's Your Truths? from Jan. 21st-March 4th. There will be tons of giveaways! It's a fabulous YA series and I'm happy to offer prizes and host her as part of her blog tour later this month (1/31)!

Their blog hop question for you is this: If you lived in a society where arranged marriages were a la mode, who would you beg your parents to set you up with? (Literary characters and celebrities welcomed.) Who and why?
I would beg my parents to set me up with Zooey Deshcanel :)
So much awesomeness coming up :)
Lots of good things to look forward to. Happy Tuesday, Tara!
i am dizzy, so much happening...
A lot happening! Thanks for mentioning the Marketing Symposium.
Trying to get up to speed. Signed up for a couple of those already.
I'm doing the marketing one, but might have to do the love one, too.
2014 is jammed packed with great events!
Great! Wonderful new distractions from the real task of writing! LOL
Yeah, I know - I'm part of the blame!
I'm adding these to my blogfests page - lots going on! :)
Thanks for the shout out! Everybody is coming out swinging in 2014, huh :-)
I think I'm already signed up for Crystal's book release. I'll have to go check. Lots of exciting things going on! Jami's book sounds awesome.
So much great stuff coming up, unfortunately the timing is off for me.
I'm not sure who I would want my parents to set me up with. Definitely not a celebrity!!!!
That marketing symposium sounds like a terrific idea. It's great to see what works and doesn't work for other people. There's so much information out there on the blogs, it's hard to wade though it all.
That's a lot of hops. I'm looking forward to the marketing one - I have nothing to share, but I'm hoping to learn a lot!
You totally mentioned my fest! Thank you, Tara! I can't wait for Jamie's book, and I'm all signed up for the symposium. Off to check out the other one.
Here's some virtual cheese, eh?
Wow- a ton of great blogfests coming up! I'm signed up for Moonless but these others are news to me- I'll have to check them out. Thanks for sharing!
Busy, busy girl! But come to think of it, you've been a busy girl for a while now, haven't you. :D
Marketing is something I struggle with, so that blogfest might be useful.
So many fests, so little time!
Thanks for sharing all that's happening. I'm in for a couple of these.
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