Many of you already know about Crystal Collier's touchy feely (paperback) release of her book, MOONLESS and lots participated in the blogfest she held on Monday to celebrate. Well, I'm giving my answer to her question today, along with some great answers I gathered, hopping around - and to save time, I'm responding here and tweeting about it... and covering #FF at the same time! Efficiency at its finest!
The blog hop question was: If you lived in a society where arranged marriages were a la mode, who would you beg your parents to set you up with? (Literary characters and celebrities welcomed.) Who and why?
Answers I collected:
Elizabeth Seckman - Thor, nuff said
Christine Rains & Sheena Kay both put Severus Snape! Plus a few more...
CR: Sirius Black & Dean Winchester, SK: Tobias Eaton (Four from Divergent!) & Arrow
Some ladies kept their spouses (ha ha, I mean awww!) - Kimberly Afe, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Tyrean
Kyra Lennon - Randy Orton?? hunky tattooed dude
Donna Hole - Connor McLeod, the Highlander (immortal benefits)
Heather Musk - the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant
Kim at Swagger - Clark Gable! A long time personal favorite of mine too
Brinda Berry - admired characters, Braden, Regulus, & Gansey
SA Larsen & Trisha - Mr Darcy, (Colin Firth, please!)
EJ Wesley - wife, did a great job combining descriptions of fictional characters
Chris Fey - Jared Leto (Jordan from My So-Called Life & leader of band, 30 Seconds to Mars) always been a heartthrob of mine, too
Ellie Garratt - Professor Brian Cox, a real stud of all trades, brainy & cool!
PK Hrezo - Legolas Greenleaf, elfen dreams!
Morgan Katz - Taylor Ambrose
Ashley Nixon - her boyfriend, Aladdin (aw!)
Heather Gardner - Malcom Reynolds - FIREFLY!
My celebrity crush has been Cary Grant forever. But I would need to know what's on the inside - that's why I picked my hub! (who happens to resemble Matt Damon - lucky me!)
And now, I am so excited to present Crystal Collier! She's going to enlighten us on a topic I've been considering lately - NEWSLETTERS! Help me, Crystal!
Tara, thank you for having me here today! I'm excited to share what I know about newsletters.

Where to start? For anyone who doesn't have a tech slave guru in house, a simple subscription with a service like Mailchimp is perfect. Here’s a post with 30 different services you can check out. Remember the #1 rule, DO YOUR RESEARCH.
But why should people sign up? Think about this from a potential subscriber's view. A great way to incentivize people is to offer something
of value when they sign up. Maybe that’s an exclusive short story.
Maybe it’s an insider article for writers. Perhaps it’s a coupon or voucher for
a book. Think about your audience and what would be of most value to them. Initially
I gave the first 3 chapters of my debut novel and sneak peek at the cover—before
it was released. Now I send out the cut prologue of MOONLESS—an exclusive tid-bit.
Make it easy. If
a subscriber has to give you their home address, social security number, blood
type, birthday, finger print, shoe size, best friends’ mother’s name…they’re
not going to bother. If they have to click through two different sites, they’re
not gong to bother. Put your sign-up right on you home page, very accessible.
Make it PRETTY. Make it enticing. Most of all, MAKE IT EASY. Mine is on my blog
sidebar AND the foot of every post.
![]() |
These created by my hire-able in-house |
The guts of a
newsletter. Great, now you've got a few readers, what do you send them?
Content: If you read web-wide advice, you’ll be told to include a body article, announcements, any special promotions or opportunities, and to customize it according to your individual personality/readers. If you’re big into cooking, maybe that includes a recipe. If you enjoy cars, maybe you share a dream model a movie racing clip. Get creative.
I’m centered around cheese, which for me means happiness,
therefore my newsletter focuses on uplifting thoughts, freebies and
funnies. Each time I send out a newsletter it starts with a greeting, very
BRIEF news, then an inspirational thought or laugh. It always features visual
aids, (because I’m a very visual person), a couple links to funny articles I've
run across recently, an announcement of freebies coming up on my blog, and
finally, one to two sentence book reviews on my monthly reads with cheese-head
ratings. In my initial email I promise:
- Articles to make you smile
- Announcements of Upcoming contests and giveaways
- Quick links to tasteful “funnies”
- Opportunities to review books previous to their release date
- My monthly reads, rated in cheese wedges
- Excerpts from upcoming works
- Meeting characters behind the scenes
- The chance to influence stories in progress with early feedback
What should a newsletter look like? That's my newsletter to the right. When I was first
getting started, I researched like crazy. Remember, your newsletter should
reflect you, your personality, and should be identifiable instantly to readers. You also don't want it to be too busy. Keep it clean. I grabbed a piece of my blog banner, threw in my brand coloring, links, and
of course, designed my cheese heads. Most services should have prefabricated templates you can use--just like blogging services.
Length: Please be brief. My time is worth a great deal.
Isn't yours? If you have an extra long piece of information to share, give a
paragraph or two with a link to read the rest online.
How often should you send out a Newsletter? Regular emails keep you in your readers mind. Still, if I get a
regular monthly email from someone, it better have amazing content or I'm going to start ignoring them. On the reverse, if what I get is awesome, I’ll really
look forward to it. Some authors only send emails when they have news, and that's perfectly acceptable. Once a month, once every six months, once every other month...figure out what will work best for you and your schedule.
And there you have it! Any questions?

Crystal Collier, author of MOONLESS, is a former composer/writer for Black Diamond Productions. She can be found practicing her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, three littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese.

Awesome you collected so many Tara! These are my faves as well!
And gosh darn the newsletters. lol I know I need one. I started one, but I haven't had time to focus on it. It's my goal once my sequel is complete. *sigh*
Thanks for the tips Crystal!
I always wondered how people make their pretty newsletters. Someday maybe I'll have to make one myself, but the thought already terrifies me. haha.
Thanks, though - I'll be bookmarking this post.
I love everyone's choices for arranged marriages—especially Malcolm Reynolds. Awesome!
Got a mention! What! What! Anyway congrats Crystal and I can only think of getting a newsletter when I finally have a personal computer. My online time is cramped enough already. So glad I have an ongoing writing gig right now and it's finally insight for late March/early April.
Mine would be Zooey Deschanel or Emily Blunt!
I've thought about a newsletter, but no idea what I would put in it. I can do Ninja News on my site, but the though of putting it in a newsletter just doesn't sound as enticing.
I had a newsletter for my YA/NA series but slowly phased it out once the series ended.
Keeping up with it all is hard. Thanks for sharing some valuable information.
Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Great guest post from Crystal. I still need to get around to doing a newsletter... when I have more news to share!
Thanks for you fantastic advice, Crystal. How do you find the time? Congrats on the release of Moonless.
Cary Grant would be one smooth man to have married, Tara.
Great post!
Thanks for the mention!
I had a great time checking out the answers!
A newsletter might be in the future when I have more to say. :)
Ahahah!! I love that Christine and Sheena put Snape. That's awesome. =-)
And thanks for the great newsletter tips.
Happy Valentines Day
Pk, I hope they help when you get around to it.
Trisha, it terrified me at first too, but really, it's not so scary. =)
Sheena--I'ts about the balance, eh?
Christine, I'm surprised you haven't started one.
Nana, between blog posts. ;)
Woohoo on the sale for Pop Travel!
Crystal... thank you for the newsletter information. I really had no idea it was so effective as a tool.
A newsletter is a great idea. I worked at a local newspaper for almost 5 years, so I probably could bring my experience in typesetting and layout to making my own potential newsletter. I could also be more creative with design and content than the newspaper. My editor agreed that I had some good suggestions for improving appearance and increasing readership, but said that most of our subscribers were old and wouldn't like a really modern format or unexpected change.
Those are some awesome answers!
Have a great Valentine's Day weekend, Tara. ☺
I need to bookmark this! I really need it as I just started a newsletter.
Whoa, Tara, your hubby resembles Matt Damon?! You are a lucky Lady! Happy Valentines Day!
Oh yeah...I've got Thor...in my daydreams. LOL
Excellent info Crystal. Tackling the newsletter is one of my goals. I'll probably come whining to you!
Elizabeth Seckman has good taste. Chris Hemsworth is a definite "YUM!" I have a follow-by-newsletter on my blog's sidebar, but stupid blogger won't let me have access to the subscription list. Grrrr.
Lots of great info here, Crystal. Makes me wanna sit down and write another newsletter.
Thank you for mentioning me, Tara! I'm bookmarking this for when I have to create a newsletter. :) Great info!
Great tips, Crystal! Putting a newsletter together sounds like a lot of work. Not sure I'd have the time or patience for it!
A newsletter?! I never really considered doing one for myself. Maybe I should! Thinking....
Great post! I enjoyed seeing the collection of some of the arranged marriages- I caught a lot of them, but I missed some.
Crystals's post was very helpful. I love Mailchimp because it is so easy to use. I am always learning more, so hearing from someone else with a newsletter was awesome. Thanks for sharing!
It was so fun reading everyone's choices during the blog hop!
This is a fabulous post on newsletters! Thank you Tara and Crystal!
I'd like to have a newsletter one day. I just never really planned out what kind of monthly content I'd have, but this gave me ideas.
OMG, the gal publishes a newsletter too? Crystal is such a go-getter. I have the utmost admiration for her. And great idea, Tara, chronicling responses to the Moonless blogfest. I see we both like the old-fashioned, classical guys. :-)
It was fun reading everyone's choices for arranged marriages! I seriously want to know how Crystal has time for a newsletter on top of everything else!
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