Monday, July 18, 2011

honk if you like cafe!

i guess my cafe poem is a finalist in shelly's poetry schmoetry contest! please go vote for me if you liked it =)

(forgive typos, cant find glasses)


Anonymous said...

good luck.

Anonymous said...

Consider it done. No exit poll needed. Yours was cool!

Cathy said...

Great poem.
Don't ya hate it when you lose your glasses. I've got readers all over the house just in case.

Nicki Elson said...

Hey Tara! Loved the poem and I just voted. :)

Donna K. Weaver said...


Alana said...

Beep, beep.

Loved it! Fab rhythm lady. :D

Anonymous said...

Very clever poem! Love the line: "taste first prizing." So cute.

Tara Tyler said...

thanks, you guys!
i love the cartoon characters, too. we must all think alike.

except Deb - my little pony? really? (ha ha) you need a little girl!

C R Ward said...

Good luck Tara, hope you win!

Rhonda @Laugh Quotes said...

Voted. Good luck.

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