A to Z Writing advice:
Zounds! – use ze senses! ze sights, ze sounds, ze smells, ze taste, and ze feel. When describing a scene, I try to imagine myself in it and try to describe it with as many senses as possible. Sight is obvious, but sounds and smells give that much more depth to a scene, as well as touch. And not only that, but what are the characters' reactions to these sensations? Put your reader into the scene!
Visiting BROKEN BRANCH FALLS (MG Fantasy):

Zolaf - since I needed a Z, I thought this name would do well in Book Three for the bad guy. He's the son of a werewolf and an ogre...
Z is for Zee-man
If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch,
they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah.
If Mike, Dave and John go out,
they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Dawg, and Long-John
(my son is J-Rob, dubbed by his baseball team)
Zero, zilch, zen - this is the end!
Din, dan, done - hope you all had fun!
A to Z 2014 was a blast! I will share my numbers on wrap up day, as usual. Had so much fun meeting a ton of new folks again this year! Thanks for all the wonderful comments and thanks again to our wonderful hosts:
Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out
Tina @ Life is Good
Jeremy @ Being Retro
Nicole Ayers - The Madlab Post
AJ @ Naturally Sweet
I will be taking a break for most of May as I prepare for my June 24th release of BROKEN BRANCH FALLS, with cover reveal on May 5th. Plus, I have a book festival on the 10th. I also still have a couple of releases to help announce - and IWSG is on the 7th - don't forget!
And to all a good night! zzzzzzzzzzz
And to all a good night! zzzzzzzzzzz
You did it! Congratulations on completing the Challenge.
Was there a sign-up for revealing your cover? Did I miss it?
Goodnight is right! Good luck with all your upcoming events. :)
Happy Z Day!
Lol at the nickname thing! And thanks for reminding us about sounds and senses in stories. I'm about to go work on mine (:
If Zolaf ever gets an anxiety disorder about his parentage, he can take Zoloft!
Okay, I'm going cuckoo after thinking about the alphabet all month. We made it!
I need a break.
Congrats on another successful completion of the A to Z Tara :)
Another challenge bights the dust. A fond adieu I say. Well, maybe not so fond. I am whipped.
On my edits, I am working at adding these elements. There is always so much to consider. Thanks!
Congratulations on making it to the end of the Challenge! I really enjoyed your posts this year. I laughed at your final men bit. I have no nicknames for any of my friends, but the things that the guys call each other! *LOL*
Congrats and good luck on the new release. :)
Zolaf may be a bad guy but I think he's a cutie. :)
Yay for reaching the finish line!
It's been fun right up to the end! And Zolaf is a perfect name for the son of a werewolf and an ogre!
Congrats on crossing the finish line! Visiting your blog has been fun.
Zolaf is a perfect name for the son of a werewolf and an ogre. Congrats on completing the Challenge.
Your challenge was so fun. I enjoyed meeting your characters and your wisdom about men and women.
You have a fun blog - werewolf and ogre cute - best of luck with your release and congrats on finishing the challenge
Good luck with your up coming release of Broken Branch Falls. I've enjoyed reading your posts, the advice and jokes and little insights into your characters :) Congrats on completing the A to Z.
Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic
Yay Tara!
We did it!
Congrats on finishing the A to Z challenge.
Congrats on the new book too!(Did I sign up for a cover reveal? I can't remember seeing it...)
Yay on Z! Let me know if I can help with your release. I'd love to :D
Ze sounds zery good. I feel silly, finally finishing up. Phew!
Maui Jungalow
Whew! We did it. Congrats on finishing A to Z.
Zounds is right...we finished! Congrats and best of luck with the cover reveal :)
Congrats on finishing the challenge! And I think women should have cool nicknames too, when they go out. ;)
I've heard my brother on the phone and he and his pals have various nicknames. One or two made me turn my head. Zolaf looks pretty good as a ogre/werewolf mix with your story. Have fun with your lead up to your second book's release. Congrats on making it through this year's A-Z Challenge.
Congratulations on making it through the challenge, and thanks for visiting me!
Congrats on surviving the A to Z challenge.
Timothy S. Brannan
The Other Side, April Blog Challenge: The A to Z of Witches
That's really awesome advice! Thanks for stopping by my blog during the A to Z challenge!! Cheers!
Zeese is the end.
Congratulations on completing the A-Z.
How exciting - your launch is not too far away!!
Congrats on getting through the A to Z.
The name Zolaf is great. :)
Wooohooooooo congratulations on making it to Z!!!
You did a fabulous job. I am always in awe of your energy, organization, and creativity! Love it.
All the nicknames...and they wonder why people confuse them with dogs. ;)
Congrats on surviving the A-Z! Zolaf is adorable. That's weird about men and their nicknames, huh?
I missed your Z! Zolaf is a scary name, I suppose. I could see it as a bad guy, especially a beast of some kind.
Yay.... Tara...
Congrats on completing the challenge!!!! Really enjoyed your posts!
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