Almost done! But, I wanted to mention, I hope you are getting lots of visitors! I know I am! Thanks so much! But the way to get comments is to go visit!
A to Z Writing advice:
Venting – We all get down. Life, bills, trials, pitfalls. Sometimes we just don't feel like writing. Or we get down about our writing. A few rejections, a bad review, a scene we can't figure out, or a blurb that just doesn't sound good - sometimes we wonder why we write at all. I say we, because we've all had these feelings. It's okay. They pass and we're back in the chair writing with gusto. So, if you ever need to vent, call on your fellow writers who understand. Tell someone who gets it! You will feel better after a good vent! (And if you haven't joined the Insecure Writer's Support Group, take a peek on Wednesday, May 7th and you'll see just what I mean!)
Visiting BROKEN BRANCH FALLS (MG Fantasy):

Vincent - a handsome, suave vampire and Gabe's rival for Ona, plus he's tall
V is for Vacations
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase for a man
I think venting is so incredibly important! It's very healthy and it allows us to have an outlet :)
Your vacation comment reminds me of my husband--we go to his mom's for the weekend and he takes one change of clothes. Meanwhile, I have half my closet in the car. Two nights means two sets of pajamas and two changes of clothes, right?! Plus, I might need an extra outfit in case the weather suddenly changes, and what if we go somewhere nice to eat?
Or a light packing young woman. I really need a vacation. Thanks for sharing!
I think half of my blog posts are probably venting ones...
Venting helps...thanks Tara.
After reading several startling 'Venting blogs" I am persuaded that a blog is not the place to unleash. It has to do with writing a scene. Hard to care about the car crash before we care about the occupants in the car. I won't take the time to return to a blog that thinks they can use me while venting. I'm just saying….
I have made a few new friends in this A to Z. It was amazing how many current friends participated, so just keeping up felt ambitious...
"plus he's tall" heehee.
IWSG is the best!!
Venting is private. :P
I'm going on vacation next week and hubby got out two of our suitcases from the attic...too small in my eyes. Tonight he has to go get me the bigger one. I mean, seriously. pfft.
:) Venting - made me remember IWSG is next week.
Hmm... why is my hubs' suitcase always the biggest??? Doesn't seem right anymore.
Venting is essential. I have to do it at least once a day--I try not to vent on the same person, which would be my poor husband.
I never pack more than one suitcase because I don't want to schlep more stuff. I've become very good at taking exactly what I need and no more. Drives my girlfriends nuts. :-)
I can already tell I'm going to love Vincent.
A good vent is such a release - my sis and I often have a really good moan to each other and we also get together with writerly friends for a thorough chewing over of all annoyances :)
Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic
Venting! Yes! Did a bit of that this morning. Usually don't need to do it about writing, it's just that other job when it keeps me from writing... Yeah. :)
Happy almost-end of the Challenge!
We pack light...
The IWSG is an excellent place to voice those issues!
Vacations are good. I'm a carry on luggage person myself and if necessary buy the extra suitcases if I just have to purchase things to take home but even that is becoming rarer as I get older. Venting and vacations are both good. Glad to meet you in the A-Z challenge. Cheers Irene
Thanks for the shout out for IWSG. Venting is good. And when we go on vacation, it's always my husband who overpacks, not me. I've really enjoyed those little sayings.
Venting is good as long as it's just every now and then and doesn't become a way of life.
One of AJ's AtoZ wHooligans
Tales of a Pee Dee Mama
I ran out of room in the two suitcases I had on my second trip to Israel, from all the stuff I bought, and had to buy a new suitcase near the end of the trip. I bought it on Agrippas Street in Jerusalem on a Saturday night, a pretty green color, from one of the many outdoor businesses. At least one other person on the tour also had to buy an extra suitcase.
I usually dedicate one post a week to venting. Since I've been doing the challenge, a lot has been getting pent up :)
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