A to Z Writing advice:
READ! – You must find time to read! It's the best thing to do when you need:
- a break from writing
- research
- knowledge
- a good or bad example
- hope
- inspiration
- an escape from reality
- a reminder of why you write - to make great stories for others to read and be inspired!
Visiting BROKEN BRANCH FALLS (MG Fantasy):

Rove - probably my favorite character, he's the calm, cool, collective werewolf, smart and subtle, reminds me of Steve McQueen.
R is for Reason
Of course men are happier -
What do you expect from such simple creatures?
(Ignorance is bliss, right?)
When I started blogging a year ago, I really couldn't find time for my reading. All I read were blogs, which were good too but you can't have any replacement for a good novel and tea! :) Now I take out at least 20-30 min daily for my reading! Lovely post Tara!
If I don't take time to sit and read a book, even for just a little while, I get cranky. Just ask my husband. :)
Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
Minion, Capt. Alex's Ninja Minion Army
The 2014 Blogging from A-Z Challenge
Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I read an interview once where the author admitted that she didn't read. Needless to say I didn't pick up her book.
Nana Prah
Tara, I surely need to take your advice and read more. I keep meaning to, I just also keep coming up with excuses not to -.-
Once A to Z is behind me, I think I'll have a lot more reading action going on :)
What's wrong with simple? Means we're easy to please!
I haven't been reading much lately, so I made it a point to finish a book last week.
I agree that reading is so important. It always helps me when I am feeling stuck.
I think reading is absolutely the most important thing to a writer. It helps you grow, and stay fresh.
LOL. My motherly advice to my daughter is often about how easy it is to keep men happy.
Y'know, I really need to start thinking of reading as something that's good for me rather than as pure recreation---maybe that way I'll carve out more time in which to do it!
Your little poems are so funny...and true, hehe.
I absolutely need to read more. I just don't have the time!
I used to read ALL THE TIME before writing, now...
I don't always make the time I should for reading, since I'm so caught up in writing. I do however do a lot of reading for research. I know I'll have to do some reading on D-Day and the Battles of Tarawa and Saipan in the next few months.
My reading goes from "I can't get enough" to reminding myself I need to read. :) I wish I had more time.
Without a book waiting for me every night I'd go nuts. It's the last thing I do before sleeping and when I take a break during the day, there's always one nearby for a few minutes of joy.
I never seem to have enough time to read. I try to fill my free time with writing, but usually I find it's easier to write when I'm reading something. So it's a vicious cycle.
Hi Tara .. Ridonkulous .. is one great word .. I can see Lenny using that .. I hope you know Lenny?
Read - one of my goals for the summer and ever more .. I do looks things up, but I don't tend to read those things called books .. to be changed and I believer there's some Pop Travel in their too?! Cheers Hilary
I don't read enough, but when I do, it never fails to inspire me to carry on writing. :)
Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic
*LOL* Love your laugh today. And Rove sounds like a very cool character.
All great reasons to read. I need to make more time to read. Although, I'll be moving soon so all my books are boxed up right now.
~Patricia Lynne~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, YA Author
Reading : That's the best writing advice, ever. Wish more writers took it.
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