Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Yeah. I said it.
A to Z Writing advice:
Salt – Take every piece of advice with a grain of salt. No one knows all. We base our advice on our particular experiences. Everyone is different. What works for some, may not for others. Listen, be gracious, but use what feels right for you. There's no one recipe for how to write a perfect MS. And you can't please everyone. Do what you think is best, then, keep polishing until you get your offer, and you will!
Visiting BROKEN BRANCH FALLS (MG Fantasy):

Sea of Notion - Where the mermaids live
Steddy Rolling River - the river that runs from the Sea of Notion through Broken Branch Falls and lets out at Make a Wish Falls. So-named in honor of legendary fantasy writers.
S is for Shaving
Men only have to shave their face and neck.
They have freedom of choice when it comes to growing a mustache.
They can wear shorts no matter how their legs look.
Good point about taking advice as it applies to you - we're all different and it doesn't always apply, however sensible the advice sounds :)
Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic
Hi Tara .. love the Superxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx word!
Also advice is so often given not knowing the full facts ... at least we can leave it ...
They can wear shorts usually with sandals and socks! Cheers Hilary
And some of us work hard just to sprout facial hair...
We can't please everyone with our writing. We can only do our best.
If I were a man I'd grow a moustache for Movember, that's growing a moustache in November for charity, with lots being quite quirky for a bit of added fun. It's getting quite popular now in the UK. Men don't know how lucky they are, lol. Just to add, Alex, the smooth look is lovely too.
Men can wear shorts no matter what their legs look like... so true. How many times have I had to wear long pants because I didn't shave... again??? That said, some men wear shorts who really should stick to long pants. Just sayin'.
I mostly don't really care about if I've shaven my legs in the summer. But that might be just me..
Good luck with the last few letters of the AtoZ! and thanks for dropping by on my blog!
Salt! This is perfect advice. Wish I had thought of that 'S' word. And men can wear shorts no matter what. Not fair.
You're so right about the advice! And the shaving. We ladies do have a lot of shaving to do!
Grain of Salt - excellent advice for writers to remember when receiving critiques. Good S. Happy A to Z
I no longer shave my legs during the cold months, and only really do it anymore during bare leg weather. It's a nice fur coat when it's cold, and it wasn't even expected of women in the U.S. until probably about the 1940s. I wrote a blog post awhile ago called "Historical Fiction and Body Hair," which expectedly has generated a lot of creepy, perverted search terms.
I love the shaving advice! So very true....uh...must go shave my
I never shaved my legs and wore shorts and life moved right along anyway. Yes, take advice for what it's worth.
I totally agree with your advice to take other people's with a grain of salt. Especially when it comes to our writing :)
I think yours is the only advice we don't need to take with a grain of salt.
I wish I could wear shorts no matter what!
Great advice! Yeah, I always dread summer coming because that means I have to shave much more often. I get lazy with it over the winter!
Sometimes life seems unfair!
Women can wear shorts too, we won't look as bad as some of the men out there (remember, I live in the land where men where stubbies - really tight short, shorts.)
What a fun place to visit! thanks for your comment
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