VOLUME PLEASE - MG. Jason should have listened to his mother's prediction that if he played his music too loudly, he'd go deaf.
VACATION OF TEMPTATION - Fantasy. Max Philips accepts a no strings attached offer to escape miserable life to mysterious island, but nothing is free.
WVDs of the Day:
vodize - make up new words on the spot
vierrati - a really cool car
versher - a poetry pusher
verpecan - a poetry nut
vuede - soft and lush, like a cross between velvet and suede
Vait a minute, Darlings!
Must to stop by Alex's to congratulate!
*Titles & WVDs (word Verification definitions) Verified as Virtuous Via moi for A to Z
I love your pitches. They're hilarious. And I think I'll have to use your new words in my wip. :D
Versher is my favorite today. Love it!
Versher is my favorite today. Love it!
Nothing is free. So true.
I always wanted to own a vierrati!
Vodize and Versher are the best.
What kind of gas mileage does a vierrati get?
verpecan--hahah love it
Verpecan and Vuede are my favorites! :)
LOL on Volume Please. :D
I love your V offerings!
I also like the word - Versher. Thanks for all the V words that I can add to my vocabulary!
I love the sound of vuede!
Thanks so much for stopping by! What a cool place you got here! and super 'v' words...this one was tough...
A poetry pusher? I'm picturing someone on the streets with flyers in their hands in a seedy neighborhood. "Without poetry the end is near!" reads a cardboard sign on his chest. "Want a poem?" he whispers as he forces crumpled papers into innocents' hands.
I sometimes vodize and it's not on purpose!
thank you all very, very, very, very, very, very
you get the idea!
mj, probably not very good =)
I want a vieratti!
Happy A to Z-ing!
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