Wednesday, July 3, 2024

MidWay Point & Big Changes

Exciting News!

Welcome to the IWSG for this month. We are halfway through 2024 and halfway through the summer. First, some updates:
  • My son is recovering nicely from his surgery. Not being able to play for a year is going to extremely difficult, but he's going to make the most of it and tough it out.
  • Writing is going super! I finished the rough draft of "LEFTY," the first novel in my new murder mystery series. To celebrate, I made a mockup cover for it. Now, begins the typing up and sprucing up. I hope to have a couple rounds of edits done by the holidays -- that's the goal. Wish me luck!
  • MAGNETRON is moving right along. I love exploring Italy. Some day I hope to go there!
  • And I'm very excited I signed up for THREE Book Events - in August, October, & November. We'll see how they go.
That's enough of that. Now, I'll get to my Big Changes...
  • My oldest son and his girlfriend are moving to Dallas! That is so far from Ohio. If anyone has anything to tell me about Dallas, I'd love to hear it. I was very blessed to have him live in my area the past few years. It's going to be very hard to have him move so far away. Waahhh!
  • We are considering moving to Florida in the not too distant future... depends on a lot of things. I lived there when I was a teen and twenty-something, so I know what it's like there. I left for several reasons, and I'm not real excited to live there again. But there are pros to it as well... I'll take comments about Florida too!
  • Lastly, these changes lead to many other considerations. I'm not a big fan of change, especially turning my life upside-down! I have some big decisions to make and adjustments to follow once they're made. The best way to deal with change is to pray--I know things will work out if I trust the Big Guy's plan for me. It's just hard not to worry about the what ifs!
That's about all the big news. Now that summer is half over, I'll be working on some lesson plans for next year. I love looking ahead to a new school year. And I plan to keep writing in all my spare moments!

Hope you are accomplishing your goals and staying cool!


Might be a soggy 4th this year - My dogs will be happy!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Lazy Dog Days of Summer!

Celebrate with me!

I hope you are doing well for the continuing saga of the IWSG--Insecure Writers Support Group!

As life is full of ups and downs, May was a big up for me, and I needed it. It was a terrific month full of fun events and gatherings. And I'm excited to share them with you...

First, I met up w/my great writer friend
Patricia JL when she came to town

Did you catch a glimpse of the
Aurora Borealis? We saw it in OHIO!

I'm having a blast working on 2 writing projects - 
while watching my silly pups!

Favorite family pic (so far)
Excellent gathering!

Finally got back down to ATL
Visited w/my good friend Kim

and my traveling friend Amber

Love when the puppies
wear themselves out.

But they're always back for more!

A couple of other May items: we finished another fantastic school year and are helping my son heal from a common pitcher surgery--that's no fun, but we're making the most of it. He's keeping his head up, hopeful for success after a full recovery. 

Here's to tons of writing and loads of fun summer happenings! 
And hoping it doesn't fly by too quickly, as it so often does.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Am I invisible?

Happy IWSG Day!
I've actually had a pretty good April. But of course, things happen. Still, we carry on and deal with it all, including: a couple of minor accidents, a major setback for one son, and some unexpected travel. It's all working out. And I'm even getting some writing done on my two projects. It feels great to be writing again!

Then there are also the down moments when I feel invisible, or not worth responding to. Seems to be happening more as I get older. Are people too busy? Did they not hear me? I guess it's not worth worrying about. But then, I read this:

    "The best quality books are not the ones that typically sell.
    The most talented writers are not always well known.
    The worthiest information rarely spreads the farthest.

    Or: The cream does not necessarily rise to the top.

    This is a message I repeat across my classes and writings, not to discourage people, but to reassure. It applies to matters great and small.

    It took me months of intensive research to find accurate information on a health issue. I spent seven years looking for political reporting that made sense to me. And it took a decade to uncover good curly hair products.

    In so many cases, whatever I’m looking for has been around for years. But it’s almost never the first answer, source, or solution I’m presented with."

The End. No solution or advice on how to change this despairing scenario. No "but carry on and persevere and eventually you'll get noticed..." Nothing more.

This was the opening note in a newsletter I subscribe to by a long-time writer I have followed for many years. She lives near me, and I got a chance to meet her a couple of years ago. Usually her newsletter is full of wisdom and notices of events and promotions for writing bloggers. But this was so disappointing--especially because it's true! And I really felt the sting of it now that I'm starting over, more like clawing my way back, trying to get a publisher. Which I apparently need since I wasn't able to get a table at my go-to book fair this year, even with a shiny new book--because it was self-pub.

Maybe she was having a bad week. I won't stop following her because I've been there too.

What do you all think? 
How was your April?
Am I taking this piece too much to heart? 
And I'd love to hear how you feel about publishing these days...?

Thanks for stopping by!

BTW - Our Next Chat is Tuesday May 7 - tell me in the comments if you'd like the link!

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