First, I wanted to write you all a Christmas poem. It's not really about Christmas, but it's in there... so here you go!
Meet the Jones
To Mulberry Lane,
In Sycamore Square,
Moved a handsome new family
With skin oh, so fair.
Respected, adored,
Admired by many,
They had wealth to spare
And flaunted it plenty.
In the spring they threw parties,
They lit up the night,
A few lucky chosen
To stay until light.
In summer they vanished,
They left the harsh sun,
Facebooked from down under
To show off ski fun.
When weather turned cooler,
Guess who reappears,
In time for fall fests
And Halloween's spooky fears.
But as winter approached,
The neighborhood thinned.
Where's everyone gone?
Asked the lone, chilling wind.
The family laughed
So full and so jolly.
Christmas wishes were granted
By vain human folly.
When New Year arrives,
The Jones will be gone
To another quaint village,
Fresh blood to feed on.
The Second gift I have, is the lovely and talented, Sharon Bayliss! She has a fun, "You might be..." post to celebrate the coming of her next December People book, WATCH ME BURN!
Dark wizards living in the Mundane world have a lot of challenges. Here are some signs that you might be one of The December People...
- Your favorite football team really did lose because you forgot to wear your lucky socks.
- You have to move every year because your house keeps getting destroyed.
- You're on a first name basis with all of the nurses in your local ER.
- If all your kids are alive and safely inside your home, you think you're the greatest parent ever.
- You care way too much about the seasons.
- You're angry at J.K. Rowling for her unfair treatment of Slytherins.
- You celebrate Christmas either way too much or way too little.
- If you and your family members stand in a circle, the house might burn down.
- You have way too many children and they keep stealing your car.
- It's your fault that it's raining.
Semi-finalist in the Kindle Book Review Awards and #1 category bestseller in coming of age fantasy.
David Vandergraff wants to be a good man. He goes to church every Sunday, keeps his lawn trim and green, and loves his wife and kids more than anything.
Unfortunately, being a dark wizard isn't a choice.
Eleven years ago, David's secret second family went missing. When his two lost children are finally found, he learns they suffered years of unthinkable abuse. Ready to make things right, David brings the kids home even though it could mean losing the wife he can’t imagine living without.
Keeping his life together becomes harder when the new children claim to be dark wizards. David believes they use this fantasy to cope with their trauma. Until, David's wife admits a secret of her own—she is a dark wizard too, as is David, and all of their children.
Now, David must parent two hurting children from a dark world he doesn’t understand and keep his family from falling apart. All while dealing with the realization that everyone he loves, including himself, may be evil.

David Vandergraff lost his home, his job, and contact with his oldest son, but remains determined to be a good husband and father despite being a dark winter wizard.
His resolve is tested when a flyer for a missing girl--who happens to be a summer witch--begins to haunt him. David believes a spell needs to use him to save her, so he follows the magic's command and looks into her disappearance. His teenage daughter Emmy resents him for caring so much about a random stranger. But when she uncovers some disturbing evidence close to home, she begins an investigation of her own.
David and Emmy quickly learn that the mystery is not only about a missing girl they barely know, but a deeply personal story that impacts everyone they care about. As their world crumbles, they fear the warning may be true—never mess with summer wizards, because the good guys always win.
My good buddy, Andrew Buckley from Curiosity Quills put together a colossal Christmas giveaway. It's a chance to win one of 24 awesome books!
I'm helper elf, Twinkle Fluffenguff, offering POP TRAVEL and BROKEN BRANCH FALLS. Sharon, aka Giggles McJinglebell, has DESTRUCTION in it as well! Check it out!