Monday, February 17, 2025


Where does the time go???
I'll do my best to keep up with the IWSG, but we are in the process of moving, so the next few months are going to be more hectic than usual...

Here's my latest update:
  • Son #2 safely arrived overseas for his deployment. Praying for him to stay safe while he's there and upon his return this Fall. 
  • Glad to have visits here and there to keep my mind off the immense changes ahead. Been able to see my boys at least monthly. Which I know will change once we hit the road. Sigh.
  • The great purge... As I go through my files and collected items to purge for our move, I'm enjoying some of the story ideas I've jotted down. I'm also tearing up, reminiscing over photos and memorabilia.
  • And that groundhog wasn't joking with a delayed spring -- got more snow and sub-freezing temps. Not that I'm complaining. I like a bit of cold & snow. Tis the season!
As for writing, it's always in the back of my mind. I use my phone/ipad Notes app to jot down new story ideas all the time. Hopefully I'll find a writers group when I move and some good book/vendor events. And I plan to travel, since my schedule will be more open until I decide what I want to do--job? part-time? who knows? But I know I can't just sit around the house all day. At least I should be able to start up the Writers Chat again. And I'll do more writing yes, but not all day, every day. I keep telling myself, I must be going down there for a reason, I just don't see it yet.

I think my dream would be to make a movie... I suppose I could start small with a regular YouTube show. Anyone want to be a guest??

What are you up to?
Hope you're keeping warm, safe, and dry -- crazy weather all around!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Begin Again, Again

Are you ready to begin again, again?
I'm trying to be optimistic -- even with my aches and pains and multiple stressors...

That's why I'm so happy to have the Insecure Writing Support Group! I get step away from reality for a bit to think about writing and share new story ideas and hear from my writer friends. Hope you all had happy holidays and are looking forward to beginning again.

Here are a couple of story ideas I fleshed out in my notebooks over the holiday break... totally loving the sci-fantasy!

Space Princess - It's time for a new anti-princess novella. 
Disguised Princess Lai's daring, rebellious space adventure is like a mashup of Guardians of the Galaxy and Flash Gordon! I'm thoroughly enjoying the rough draft.

Wonka 3000 - No groaning. This one came to me in a dream, and I ran with it. 
In the distant future, robots "help" humans with peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, good old London is as dreary as ever--adults are assigned jobs according to their skill set, and children are sent to edu-camps to mold their minds in the "proper" way as their aptitudes are determined and developed. 

Wilhelmina Wonka's parents are highly intelligent scientists who made her a special nano-bot pet. Together, Mina and Oompa get into loads of trouble as they discover the value of chocolate and try to spread happiness to the masses. 

As for my WIPs from this summer, they're just too big and involved for me to get back into over the short breaks. Soon, I may have a lot more time to devote to the craft... For now, I jot down ideas and outlines as well as read, read, read.

BTW, I was honored to be my school's Feature Teacher in December. Here's a link to the article. It was so nice to be highlighted!

Hope you all are writing, or at least thinking about writing!

Look alive in 2025!

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