Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What a Writer is Made of...

A writer is the sum of her life's experiences.

Welcome readers and writers to this month's session of the Insecure Writers Support Group--one of the last threads of blogging that keeps writers connected. The other social medias are not as personal as the blogging we once shared. When I started blogging about 15 years ago (holy cow!) I was so thankful to find other writers through blog hops and challenges, especially the April A to Z and then the IWSG.

I like to think blogging faded away because we all started writing more, and the thing we had to give up was blogging. I'm very thankful for the writer friends I've made and the IWSG keeping us posting at least once a month! And I try to keep in touch as much as I can. We understand each other...
  • For most of us, writing isn't what pays the bills; we have real jobs to support our writing habit
  • We have to find spare moments to write
  • Sometimes, we go for days or weeks or more without writing a single word
  • A song, strangers, mishaps, dreams, and more can all be sources that spark a new story or scene
  • Our characters speak to us--usually at inappropriate moments =D
  • Editing sucks the life out of finishing a manuscript
  • We are our own worst critics and struggle putting ourselves "out there"
  • Queries & Submissions are so strenuous to write, yet so easy for agents/publishers to ignore or negate
  • We are perseverant because we have to be strong for our stories
  • We crave reviews and critiques, while at the same time dread them--it's hard to share our work (it's a piece of our souls)
  • A kind word or comment from a single reader can inspire us to keep writing
  • Talking with other writers keeps us sane
Do you feel some of these? What would you add to this list?

Our writing journeys all started in different places for different reasons, but we are compelled to share our stories. It takes special people to suffer through the ups and downs of writing. Keep at it!

Lastly, I hope to get at least one more Tuesday Writers Chat session in before the holidays, but October is going to be insanely busy with my hub traveling all over creation for work. Then the end of the month will be bittersweet as my oldest son moves away, on to his next big adventure. I might consider NaNo this November to fill the void. But life usually fills the void for me, so we'll see!

I hope you wear your writer's costume this October and find time to work on your stories!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Let's go to School!

I love back to school time. 
Love the school supplies, new faces, and Fall is right around the corner. 

One of my favorite things about Fall is the pumpkin stuff. But I think they started a bit early this year. I've been holding back until this month to indulge in all the pumpkiny goodness. I don't want to get sick of it, and the stores are really going at it this year, close to Pumpkin Overload! I like to have a couple of items each week, including some apple & squash, and spread them out because I want the yummy fall flavors to last through November. (Then I switch over to winter deliciousness -- cranberry, mints, and cocoa!)

Fall and school also mean my writing grinds to a halt until I adjust my routine... So I'm stalled until I can fit in some writing time. And I have a very busy Fall with my kids coming and going, my husband traveling for work, and my school functions... At least I have a few Fall book events to look forward to! Then, BAM! All of a sudden, it'll be December! Time just keeps flying by.

So what flavors do you enjoy this season? Are you sick of pumpkin already??
And how is your writing going? I hope you are meeting your goals!
Keep Writing!


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I am Not a Robot

Hey Writers!
Welcome to IWSG - August 2024

If I was a robot, 
I'd be R2-D2!
Have you ever been accused of being a robot? LOL, right?
Apparently AI thinks a couple of my comments sound robot-generated... This is so jarring! What is this world coming to? 

And what does that mean? What makes my comment(s) seem "made up?"
When I comment, I choose items from the post to praise or relate to and say words like great, awesome, fabulous, etc. I also might throw in a compliment or answer a question they posed. I conclude with Happy July or Happy Summer and leave my blog link. Maybe it's the link? But I didn't leave it one time and the same thing happened. I was told my comment was suspicious and was forced to prove I wasn't a robot.

How dare AI tell a human she's a robot! When I see robot-generated comments, it's very obvious, unless they're getting better. For starters, it's not a name I recognize or it's gibberish. And it's on a very old post. Smart as it is, it might be complimentary, but it doesn't usually get specific. And it almost always asks you to go read their post--no human I know does that, only ads. 

All this AI really creeps me out with their stalking, predictions, targeting, corrections, and judgments. Like a baby's milestones, every new step is amazing in its infancy, but by the time it's an evil teenager we won't be able to control it as it morphs into the Matrix or I Robot! Though I'd like to say some AI is good--I even teach methods to create programs that teach robots to help--I just dread the day humans depend on AI for everything and not their own intuition and vibes, things robots don't understand. Yet?

Hope I didn't sound too gloomy. It was just such a startling thing to happen. And as a writer, I see drama and premonitions all around me! Ha ha. It would make a good book, but I don't want to give AI any ideas!

And here's a short update from my small, yet tumultuous corner of the world...
  • My older son, soon to move to Dallas, had to evacuate his apartment due to a severe leaking/mold problem and has moved back in with us until said move. Nice to have him close for a bit longer since we won't see much of him way over yonder...
  • Took a scouting trip to Florida--I'm trying to get ready for that move. I'm not excited about the year-round heat, among other things. Been there, done that...
  • As for Writing News: I'm very excited to have several book events coming up, one each month into November! Wish me luck!
  • And I'm happy to be cruising through my two novels: LEFTY (typing up ch 11) and MAGNETRON (rough draft ch 17)  So much Research--which I secretly love, expanding my knowledge!
PS - What do you think of this blurb for LEFTY?
Homicide Detective Gloria Benson has a successful track record solving tough cases in record time. Until she meets Pamela Kaplan who appears to be cursed. Trying to put her life back together after losing her right hand in a car accident, Pamela can’t understand why someone is killing the people close to her. Gloria has a hunch, but it seems impossible to prove, much less predict who will be next to die. Time is not on her side as the murders pile up. Has Gloria met her match?

Happy August. Hope it's full of inspiration!


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

MidWay Point & Big Changes

Exciting News!

Welcome to the IWSG for this month. We are halfway through 2024 and halfway through the summer. First, some updates:
  • My son is recovering nicely from his surgery. Not being able to play for a year is going to extremely difficult, but he's going to make the most of it and tough it out.
  • Writing is going super! I finished the rough draft of "LEFTY," the first novel in my new murder mystery series. To celebrate, I made a mockup cover for it. Now, begins the typing up and sprucing up. I hope to have a couple rounds of edits done by the holidays -- that's the goal. Wish me luck!
  • MAGNETRON is moving right along. I love exploring Italy. Some day I hope to go there!
  • And I'm very excited I signed up for THREE Book Events - in August, October, & November. We'll see how they go.
That's enough of that. Now, I'll get to my Big Changes...
  • My oldest son and his girlfriend are moving to Dallas! That is so far from Ohio. If anyone has anything to tell me about Dallas, I'd love to hear it. I was very blessed to have him live in my area the past few years. It's going to be very hard to have him move so far away. Waahhh!
  • We are considering moving to Florida in the not too distant future... depends on a lot of things. I lived there when I was a teen and twenty-something, so I know what it's like there. I left for several reasons, and I'm not real excited to live there again. But there are pros to it as well... I'll take comments about Florida too!
  • Lastly, these changes lead to many other considerations. I'm not a big fan of change, especially turning my life upside-down! I have some big decisions to make and adjustments to follow once they're made. The best way to deal with change is to pray--I know things will work out if I trust the Big Guy's plan for me. It's just hard not to worry about the what ifs!
That's about all the big news. Now that summer is half over, I'll be working on some lesson plans for next year. I love looking ahead to a new school year. And I plan to keep writing in all my spare moments!

Hope you are accomplishing your goals and staying cool!


Might be a soggy 4th this year - My dogs will be happy!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Lazy Dog Days of Summer!

Celebrate with me!

I hope you are doing well for the continuing saga of the IWSG--Insecure Writers Support Group!

As life is full of ups and downs, May was a big up for me, and I needed it. It was a terrific month full of fun events and gatherings. And I'm excited to share them with you...

First, I met up w/my great writer friend
Patricia JL when she came to town

Did you catch a glimpse of the
Aurora Borealis? We saw it in OHIO!

I'm having a blast working on 2 writing projects - 
while watching my silly pups!

Favorite family pic (so far)
Excellent gathering!

Finally got back down to ATL
Visited w/my good friend Kim

and my traveling friend Amber

Love when the puppies
wear themselves out.

But they're always back for more!

A couple of other May items: we finished another fantastic school year and are helping my son heal from a common pitcher surgery--that's no fun, but we're making the most of it. He's keeping his head up, hopeful for success after a full recovery. 

Here's to tons of writing and loads of fun summer happenings! 
And hoping it doesn't fly by too quickly, as it so often does.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Am I invisible?

Happy IWSG Day!
I've actually had a pretty good April. But of course, things happen. Still, we carry on and deal with it all, including: a couple of minor accidents, a major setback for one son, and some unexpected travel. It's all working out. And I'm even getting some writing done on my two projects. It feels great to be writing again!

Then there are also the down moments when I feel invisible, or not worth responding to. Seems to be happening more as I get older. Are people too busy? Did they not hear me? I guess it's not worth worrying about. But then, I read this:

    "The best quality books are not the ones that typically sell.
    The most talented writers are not always well known.
    The worthiest information rarely spreads the farthest.

    Or: The cream does not necessarily rise to the top.

    This is a message I repeat across my classes and writings, not to discourage people, but to reassure. It applies to matters great and small.

    It took me months of intensive research to find accurate information on a health issue. I spent seven years looking for political reporting that made sense to me. And it took a decade to uncover good curly hair products.

    In so many cases, whatever I’m looking for has been around for years. But it’s almost never the first answer, source, or solution I’m presented with."

The End. No solution or advice on how to change this despairing scenario. No "but carry on and persevere and eventually you'll get noticed..." Nothing more.

This was the opening note in a newsletter I subscribe to by a long-time writer I have followed for many years. She lives near me, and I got a chance to meet her a couple of years ago. Usually her newsletter is full of wisdom and notices of events and promotions for writing bloggers. But this was so disappointing--especially because it's true! And I really felt the sting of it now that I'm starting over, more like clawing my way back, trying to get a publisher. Which I apparently need since I wasn't able to get a table at my go-to book fair this year, even with a shiny new book--because it was self-pub.

Maybe she was having a bad week. I won't stop following her because I've been there too.

What do you all think? 
How was your April?
Am I taking this piece too much to heart? 
And I'd love to hear how you feel about publishing these days...?

Thanks for stopping by!

BTW - Our Next Chat is Tuesday May 7 - tell me in the comments if you'd like the link!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Time to Emerge

Spring is a time of new life as seeds burst out of their shells and emerge from the ground, sprouting green stems and colorful flowers... until the crazy weather freezes them out with a last cold snap! But they survive. Spring is rough, but full of hope! Similar to writing.

The Book Garden
by Lee White
Those shiny new ideas and characters tease us into starting the buds of a fresh story. But so much else goes into our writing. Just like a garden, we have to nourish it and water it, weaving in a back story and details without drowning it. Though our characters face tortuous weeds of catastrophe and storms of emotions, we help them grow and overcome their struggles--the weeds are cast out, and the storms pass. All our hard work eventually pays off with a beautiful garden of an MS in the summer. But the work isn't done. As autumn approaches, we call on our friends to help with the harvest: editing, publishing, and promoting.

Writing may feel like a lonely tulip struggling to survive the harsh ups and downs of Spring, but we aren't alone. We all go through the same blocks, dry spells, and time constraints. That's why I love the IWSG. It keeps me going. You all keep me going. Thank you!

Now, here are a few Updates:
  • It's been great to hear feedback from readers about CONDUCTION. The cliffhanger ending is enticing them to want more and making me eager to get into the sequel, MAGNETRON (a taste of the first chapter is included in CONDUCTION)
  • In the meantime, I was struck with a new idea. It's a murder mystery with a twist. I've always wanted to try one. It's very exciting as the ideas keep coming, for now...
  • And lastly, I wanted to write a poem about my crazy puppies for the Wergle-Flomp humor poetry contest. April Fools! - the deadline was April 1st and I didn't make it. I'd still like to finish it and was happy to be inspired to write it!
Hold on! I have a lovely new book announcement!

A QUICK TEST: Quick Tale #4
by Patricia Josephine Lynne

Outer Space

These mysteries fascinate our minds.

Explore the unknown in this exciting collection of tales. Each story is told in exactly 200 words and designed to stimulate your brain no matter how busy your day is.


Available on Amazon

Patricia J.L. is too creative for her own good. A paranormal and fantasy junkee, she loves to craft fantasy and paranormal stories about vampires, mermaids, angels, demons, zombies, and other mythical creatures. Aliens might even appear in her stories. No matter what mythical beast you crave. Patricia  has a fantasy for every imagination.

When she’s not lost writing in fantasy worlds, she relaxes with knitting, drawing and art, and jigsaw puzzles. And of course, good paranormal fantasy books. Patricia J.L. currently lives with her husband in Upper Michigan. One day, they both hope to have enough pets to resemble a petting zoo. (Until then, can she pet your cat or dog?)

Follow her to discover new worlds...
Newsletter  ::  X/Twitter  ::  Pinterest  ::  Blue Sky

Keep the words blooming!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Things are looking up

What goes down must come up, right? 
In January I was down, but in February, I bounced back! Here we are in March for the Insecure Writers Support Group--we'll see how it goes, but I'll keep looking on the bright side. And I really enjoyed getting around last month to see what you all recommended people post on their websites--great advice, thanks!

Though I haven't been writing, I was able to publish CONDUCTION into e-book format. CHECK!

And we started our Writers' Chat back up. CHECK! 
It's so great to talk to other writers from all over and relate with and get advice from each other. If you're interested in getting a reminder email for the next chat (Tue 2/19), drop me a note in the comments. All are welcome!

I also put out a Newsletter - better late than never. CHECK!
Sign up in the side-bar for my writing & puppy updates. I obviously don't bug people that often, but it helps me keep going so I have news to write about.

Back to my writing? Well, I'm in a little slump. I have my old stand-bys ready to go (Pop Travel #5 MAGNETRON and a Space Princess novella) But these are not going to get me a publisher, which I feel I should try to do. I need something new and shiny. I want to try a true mystery thriller, but I can't force it. I considered a romantic thriller, but again, nothing is sparking for me. My comfortable and familiar characters are calling to me and their stories are beckoning... I will give the new stuff a little more time, but then I'll get back to my regulars--they're so easy and so much fun!

And what can I do for you? I'm looking to help my writer friends with promotion or shout outs. Let me know if you have something coming up for this blog or the IWSG Anthologies. Guest posts about writing also welcome.

Hope March sparks for you!


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

What is your Purpose here?

For this month's IWSG post, I have a little testimonial...

I've been wondering about it lately. Doesn't everyone have a purpose? In this world, people can influence each other by their words, actions, appearance, and even slight glances; and all of these things are judged with a myriad of interpretations...

I always have good intentions. But sometimes my joking is taken the wrong way. I acknowledge my faults and besides my snarkiness, one of the worst is being quick to judge. I've been aware of it for many years. Though I've tried and am still trying to be better, I've lost friendships over it and wish I wasn't this way. I try very hard to be friendly and see the good in everyone. I try to encourage and uplift as often as I can. But I have many down days. And those are the times my guard falters and the gates holding me back release unintended thoughts, for which I am quick to apologize. But despite of all the good, positive kindnesses, it seems the harsh words are remembered most. This vicious cycle makes me doubt myself and my purpose.

I never thought I'd be a writer. Then, I was led down that path. I was happy and hopeful that I was supposed to reach masses and become a positive influence. Now, I've been stalled for a few years. Bills, my hectic job, and other responsibilities have made it almost impossible to dedicate much time to not only writing, but marketing and going to events. Without a publisher, it's all on me. Even though I just published a new book, it took more than twice as long to get it done, and I haven't spread much word about it--though I'm very thankful for those in my small circle who've helped! Then I see another animated movie with many common elements of a screenplay I submitted to a contest and made it to the semi-finals in. Is the world trying to tell me something? I'm wondering if my purpose is on another path.

I'm so thankful for you all. Sometimes my writer friends are all that keep me going. I won't give up on writing completely. Maybe I just need to take my time and put less pressure on myself to produce. We can only do what we can do, right?

I hope I didn't bring you down -- January seemed to be an especially dreary month that lingered on forever! You know writing things down is cathartic, especially when other writers can relate. That's what the IWSG is for. Thanks for listening!

And in the spirit of venting, chatting about life & writing, I'm going to re-boot our Writer's Chat.

on Discord

Let me know if you're interested in receiving REMINDERS & the LINK by sending me an email - to TaraTylerTalks on gmail. It's been a while and we need to catch up!

PS - I love supporting other writers. Sherry Ellis had a recent release of the 4th book in her Bubba & Squirt MG adventure series--this time they explore Paris in an exciting search for their dad! Here's a link to it and my review: CITY OF BONES by Sherry Ellis

Let's hang in there!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Story is Yours in 2024!

Calling all writers! Time to celebrate your story!

Though it's cliché to make resolutions as we ring in the new year...

And usually those resolutions are the same as the year before...

Then those promises are soon cast aside by the return of every day drudgeries...
But I won't give up... I say: Try, try again!

And what better time to start than on the first IWSG post for 2024. To be successful, we need daily reminders of our Resolutions. I want to think about health improvements, writing goals, and being a better person in general every day. And this year, I plan to do that by using positive daily reminders. I'm also happy that my puppies need less attention, getting me back to a more normal schedule. Here are my goals:
  • I've been sharing inspirations with my homeroom students for years, encouraging them to have more self-confidence, kindness for others, and a broader perspective. This is a positive boost for me too!
  • For a healthier lifestyle, I've used a Food Diary App which I really like, until it becomes tiresome and time consuming to enter all the foods and activities... But I'm going to try, try again!
  • What I always need help with is carving out time to write--plus all the other fun and not-so-fun parts of publishing. Making a list helps me get started:
    • I want to re-start the Writer's Chat.
    • I need to publish the e-book of CONDUCTION--not to mention the million things that along with it (but that's another list -- check off book trailer, still perfecting, but here's the prelim)
    • and I have a bunch more stories waiting to be written!
  • So, I need a plan to find time to dedicate to writing, et al, and stick to it! I'm sure I'll figure something out like leave myself sticky notes, annoying phone reminders, or reward myself for getting things done.
What's your story? Are you writing? Got any advice for making time to get things done? I hope you accomplished everything you wanted to in 2023, and will accomplish more in 2024!

PS - Don't forget to stop by Alex J. Cavanaugh  &  Christine Rains my helpful cohorts promoting CONDUCTION! All you folks in the IWSG keep me going!

Happy New Year!


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