We've all been put out of our misery enduring the online learning rigmarole! I'm curious how many of you had to deal with home schooling? As teachers? With kids at home? I was lucky to have a highschooler and a college kid who could function on their own. Several of my teacher friends had to work both sides of it. And I saw a few tik-toks I could commiserate with about kids not turning in their work and/or cheating... quite funny, but I sure hope we don't have to go through it again in the Fall! There's talk of several alternate solutions--from having 1/2 the kids go every other day to waiting to see if another rash of sickness hits and switching to online temporarily to get over it... I'm glad they're thinking ahead!
And how about working? How many of you are working from home? Going back to work? Or looking for work? I know people in every category, but my area wasn't hit very hard so most people are happy to get back to almost normal. I'm thankful for the medical community and all the volunteering I see to help those who are hurting. Hopefully we'll turn it around soon!
Well, we writers keep writing through it all, right? =D
Now that school's out, I'm excited to continue working on my Pop Travel #4 CONDUCTION and UnPrincess #4 GERTRUDE, the Nerdy Princess. I also have a lot of maintenance to do, on the blog and other stuff. And looking forward to getting out and doing an event or two in the Fall!
And to show you writers don't let grass grow under them, here are not one, but TWO FANTASTIC RELEASES you're sure to ENJOY!

by Patricia Josephine
These monsters tickle our imagination.
Sink your teeth into a collection of tales about paranormal creatures that go bump in the night. Each story is told in exactly 200 words and designed to give you a quick bite no matter how busy your day is.
Are you hungry?
Amazon for 99 cents
Sounds like a delectable collection of short stories!
AND... another paranormal delight with a bit of Special Effects...
by Sandra Cox
A modern day, shape-shifting sheriff.
He’s the sheriff of a sparsely populated county in Montana. His blood brother and childhood best friend is Chief of Police on the Blackfoot Reservation, but they no longer speak. His deputy is a Southern transplant with the body of a high-priced call girl, a voice of honey and a mouth of a trucker. And if that’s not enough, he’s got a secret that would stun those that know him best. Other than that, it’s business as usual for Sheriff Mateo Grey.
Sandra is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and cats in sunny North Carolina. Her stories consist of all things western…and more. She is a category bestselling Amazon author, Eppie finalist and Golden Ankh Award winner.
I'm excited to have more reading and writing time this summer!
And try new things! And go places!
How about you? What are you excited to do this summer?
Are you ready to venture out? Let's go!