Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What a Writer is Made of...

A writer is the sum of her life's experiences.

Welcome readers and writers to this month's session of the Insecure Writers Support Group--one of the last threads of blogging that keeps writers connected. The other social medias are not as personal as the blogging we once shared. When I started blogging about 15 years ago (holy cow!) I was so thankful to find other writers through blog hops and challenges, especially the April A to Z and then the IWSG.

I like to think blogging faded away because we all started writing more, and the thing we had to give up was blogging. I'm very thankful for the writer friends I've made and the IWSG keeping us posting at least once a month! And I try to keep in touch as much as I can. We understand each other...
  • For most of us, writing isn't what pays the bills; we have real jobs to support our writing habit
  • We have to find spare moments to write
  • Sometimes, we go for days or weeks or more without writing a single word
  • A song, strangers, mishaps, dreams, and more can all be sources that spark a new story or scene
  • Our characters speak to us--usually at inappropriate moments =D
  • Editing sucks the life out of finishing a manuscript
  • We are our own worst critics and struggle putting ourselves "out there"
  • Queries & Submissions are so strenuous to write, yet so easy for agents/publishers to ignore or negate
  • We are perseverant because we have to be strong for our stories
  • We crave reviews and critiques, while at the same time dread them--it's hard to share our work (it's a piece of our souls)
  • A kind word or comment from a single reader can inspire us to keep writing
  • Talking with other writers keeps us sane
Do you feel some of these? What would you add to this list?

Our writing journeys all started in different places for different reasons, but we are compelled to share our stories. It takes special people to suffer through the ups and downs of writing. Keep at it!

Lastly, I hope to get at least one more Tuesday Writers Chat session in before the holidays, but October is going to be insanely busy with my hub traveling all over creation for work. Then the end of the month will be bittersweet as my oldest son moves away, on to his next big adventure. I might consider NaNo this November to fill the void. But life usually fills the void for me, so we'll see!

I hope you wear your writer's costume this October and find time to work on your stories!

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