And here's one awesome writer who's finished a mysterious MG paranormal book and is ready to share the very cool, creepy cover! SA LARSEN!
Motley Education (Book One: The URD Saga)
by S.A. Larsen
Release Date: October 10, 2016
Forget having a lively after school social life, Ebony Charmed is fighting to keep the entire Afterlife alive.
Ebony’s less-than-average spirit tracking abilities are ruining more than sixth grade at Motley Junior High: School for the Psychically & Celestially gifted. Her parents argue so much her dad moved out. And, even though he’s scared of his own shadow and insists on bringing his slimy, legless lizard everywhere they go, Ebony wouldn’t survive without her best friend, Fleishman.
When Ebony’s Deadly Creatures & Relics’ project goes missing, she learns her missing project is one of the keys to saving the spirit world. Now Ebony and Fleishman must battle beasts from Norse Mythology to retrieve her project before spirits are lost, the Well of Urd dries up, and Ebony loses all hope of reuniting her family. But someone lies in wait, and he has other plans...including creating a new world of spirits without them in it.
Motley Education has been aligned with Core Standards for grades 4-7. A guide will be available on the author’s website to download for FREE after the book’s release date.
S.A. LARSEN is the author of Motley Education, the first book in a middle grade fantasy-adventure series. Her work has appeared in numerous local publications and young adult anthologies Gears of Brass and Under A Brass Moon by Curiosity Quills Press. Look for her debut young adult novel, Marked Beauty, set for release in 2017. Find her in the land of lobsters, snowy winters, and the occasional Eh’ya with her husband of over twenty years, four children, a playful pooch, and two kittens.
Follow her on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram and connect with her on her Website & Blog.
Enter her Rafflecopter Giveaway !
Five lucky winners will each receive a signed bookmark and assorted swag! Contest runs from 09/15/16 to 09/23/16. Winners will be chosen my random.com.
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Lastly, a huge thank you to all my Cradle Rock cover helpers
Lastly, a huge thank you to all my Cradle Rock cover helpers
Here are the blog post hosts in cased you missed them:
Patricia Lynne - 9/2 - the End of the World as we Know it
Julie Flanders - 9/2 - Beast Bios: Goblins
Heather R. Holden - 9/2 - Novellas: Pros and Cons
Cathrina Constantine - 9/5 - Trends in Fantasy
Christine Rains - 9/12 - What's Hot (and What's Next)
Christine Rains - 9/12 - What's Hot (and What's Next)
Coming up this week! Ken Rahmoeller (ChemistKen) - 9/21 - Fantasy Then and Now
I'm still planning my RELEASE BLOG TOUR - if you'd like to join us
and enter yourself for the chance to win a $25 GC in the process.
I'll be open to volunteers until October! (Then I start writing the posts)
Here's the FORM.
and enter yourself for the chance to win a $25 GC in the process.
I'll be open to volunteers until October! (Then I start writing the posts)
Here's the FORM.
Loving the graphs! But wow, I'm shocked that morning ended up being the most popular time to write. That's probably my inner night owl talking, though. LOL.
And many congrats to S.A.! That cover is beyond amazing...
Those graphs really make me feel better about my slow writing of my book.
Hi Tara - love looking at graphs ... just amuse us don't they - though sometimes they have a serious message.
Motley Education seems a great book to be linked in to the education system ... good luck to Sheri ...
Cheers Hilary
Really neat graphs! And love that cover for Motley Education! I'm about 80 pages from the end of Cradle Rock and loving it. :)
How long to write a book - forever. Funny!
Great cover, Sheri.
S.A.'s cover is so fun.
I still like big blocks of time, but I can steal moments to write. Sometimes that's all I get.
Yay for Sheri! I'm so excited for her book.
It was fun reading over the results of your survey. Interesting to see how evenly spread some answers are.
So I want to help with your tour, but I'm going on break after Thanksgiving and won't be back until January. (I've got Christmas program duties to keep me busy. Whew!) Hit me up, and we can schedule you a Writerly Wednesday after the beginning of the year.
That's a fantastic cover! And what a good sounding story.
I love your graphs. I want to be in the 4 month to write a novel crowd, but alas I'm closer to the forever crowd!
Very interesting to see the graph of the results. Great job, Tara.
Congrats again to Sheri.
Cool graphs.
Congrats. Love the cover. Makes me want to read it.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
These graphs were nice and uncomplicated Tara. Usually if someone said graphs my mind would panic about math and hold up the cross as if fending off demons. Congrats Larsen on the love cover.
Now if I could only get life to go along with my writing time preferences, I'd be all set.
Thanks for all the graphs. They help get the point across. And I love the new cover and plot. Thanks for sharing this with your followers, Tara. And good luck with the new read!
Fun charts! It's great when you can visualize data.
Very cool cover S.A.
I missed a survey! Oh well, I've honestly missed a lot. I didn't do a cover reveal for you. Bad. If it was in my inbox, I missed it. If I didn't sign up, you should have just sent me the info knowing I'm a ding bat who is out of touch most days.
Love the cover SA!
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