I understand it's a huge undertaking to maintain the LIST, so I get why they want to try something new. Especially since it grows every year. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to get my post links on the website in a timely manner, since I can't go visit until after work or the weekends. This could be a good thing, though. Only serious participants will play. Good luck!
Since I was the List Master, yes - it is a huge undertaking to maintain it. All the hosts were involved going through the list and I had to fix stuff on it. Since I'm not doing the Challenge this year (I'm just along as a veteran consultant) and the hosts didn't like the list anyway, we did away with it.
I love your surveys.
The A to Z is too much for me to keep up with anymore.
Yeah... I'm so not doing the A to Z this year. See my blog for the reason why. =) Cheese to anyone who is though--and may they NOT burn out.
I probably won't be doing A-Z either this year. I have too much on my plate.
I think it's great they did away with the A-Z list. It reduces the pressure. I don't do it any more myself. It's gotten too big and requires too much time. :(
Hi Tara - I'm on the opposite side of the fence - loved the list and I'm doing the A-Z ... but am unhappy about it being social media orientated it ... ie it's a blogging challenge - not a FB, or Tweeting one ... or others ...
But I'm doing it this year ... cheers and take care - Hilary
I like the survey.
I only did A to Z once, I think. I just don't have the time.
I always think I can do the A-Z posts quickly but it never happens. I do more than I plan. No A-Z for me this year.
I'm indirectly doing the A to Z Challenge.
I'm a sucker for any survey so I couldn't resist.
This year's A to Z experiment will be interesting. It's kind of the same but without the list--I say the same because I got to the point where I rarely actually used the list to visit posts and I was there to monitor. There could be a lot of time wasted on that list.
But we'll see what happens. Thanks for talking about A to Z.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I havn't done it yet and won't have time this year. But as always am wishing everyone luck!
I already decided not to take part in this year's A to Z Challenge. All the best to those who decide to have a go at it in 2017.
I didn't do the A to Z last year and it felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders. So I don't think I will do it this year...
I'd already written almost all of the A to Z posts for my main blog when I found out there'd be no list this year. I hope it works well sans list, though I still have a lot of reservations.
This is the first year in the last six that I haven't participated in A to Z. I love both of the writer groups I belong to outside of IWSG.
I've never done the A-to-Z challenge, since I'm afraid of being overwhelmed by it. It's always fun to see what others post for it, though!
Hope March has been going by well for you, Tara!
I think deleting the linky list of the A to Z is a good thing, I tried to help police it last year, and what a mess. So many folks sign up and then don't participate. Or the worst part, use a link that doesn't take the reader to the actual blog. Time is so important, to all of us, I think this new method will work, I hope so, but then again, I'm cheating and only posting 5 blogs in April for the A to Z. Taking a piece of the method Alex used last year. All letters for the week in one posting. Time is an issue for me too.
We'll miss you!
Hope the A to Z's new strategy will work out for them. I won't be participating this year, but I'll be cheering bloggers on. Have a great week!
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