I also wanted to thank fellow substitute warrior, Victoria Marie for the Liebster Award! I haven't done an award in quite a while, so this should be fun. Thanks, Victoria!
Liebster Award Rules and Nominees:
Rule 1: Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
Rule 2: Answer the 11 questions the person asked you.
Rule 3: Nominate 11 people (comment on their blog to let them know)
Rule 4: Ask the people you have nominated 11 questions (My questions are at the bottom of this post.)
Here are my answers to Victoria's questions:
1. You are thrown into a favorite story. [Not your own.] Which story and who would you be?
I always wanted to live in the world of Xanth by Piers Anthony - then I'd get a magic power!
2. What is the hardest part of writing for you? Why?
Marketing & Promotion, bragging and being pushy like a salesperson isn't what I signed up for!
3. When and where do you write? How did you discover that was best for you?
Mornings are best, at my desk or on my treadmill!
4. If you could be anybody or anything, who or what would you be and why?
I would be a dragon. Do I really need a reason?
5. How do you push forward when the inner critic won’t shut up?
I read or watch movie trailers which make me think, if this person is famous, I could be too!
6. Do you need to write inside a bubble or library [like me] or do like to listen to music or other inspiring background sounds or “white” noise to write?
QUIET! Before the herd wakes up.
7. How do you keep the wolves…ahem…I mean convince your children or other people to leave you alone to write? Does it work? Provide tips—please!
I write while they're sleeping or out of the house - sorry, no tips. Kick them out for a while?
8. Who was your favorite author as a child? Who is your favorite author now?
From Piers Anthony and Michael Crichton to Janet Evanovich and Harlan Coben - and Christine Rains!
9. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Why that?
Flying - I hate traffic
10. How do you find inspiration?
It's everywhere, on a walk, shopping, walking my dog, traveling, reading, even watching TV
11. What book or movie or writing workshop or blog post has affected your work the most? Why?
Can't think of a specific one, but I do love to read and watch lots of media to keep up with it and be inspired.
Now, here are my nominees (participation is optional, but I recommend you all visit these fabulous people!) My questions are in my survey above, open to all... (yes, I took the easy way out with that one!)
Doctor Faerie Godmother - Rena Rocford writes witty scifi and fantasy, and blogs about it
Tyrean Martinson - Christian writer and blogger and friend
The Faux Fountain Pen - Sarah Foster shares her struggles as a writer, giving us a good relatable laugh!
Defending the Pen - Yolanda Renee isn't just another pen blog, she encourages other writers and helps host a regular writing prompt - WEP
Positive Letters...inspirational stories... - Hilary Melton-Butcher is one of the most interesting people I virtually know. Her stories are rich with history and fascinating facts!
Kidbits - Tonja Drecker is an amazing mom and her video book reviews are stupendous!!
S.A. Larsen - talking about teen and tween tales
And new friends from Twitter...
Christa Conklin - she discusses writing issues, supporting writers, and the path of her book
M.B. Tosi - A fellow Ohioan, but originally from South Dakota, she writes about Lakota life in the Old West
Amy Eyrie - her blog is full of enlightening sci fi and stranger worlds posts
J.A. Allen - hosts guest posters with great stories, as well as her own
Thanks again, Victoria!
And thank you all for playing!! Results of the survey will be posted Sept 6 for IWSG day - and I get to be a host next month!
Kidbits - Tonja Drecker is an amazing mom and her video book reviews are stupendous!!
S.A. Larsen - talking about teen and tween tales
And new friends from Twitter...
Christa Conklin - she discusses writing issues, supporting writers, and the path of her book
M.B. Tosi - A fellow Ohioan, but originally from South Dakota, she writes about Lakota life in the Old West
Amy Eyrie - her blog is full of enlightening sci fi and stranger worlds posts
J.A. Allen - hosts guest posters with great stories, as well as her own
Thanks again, Victoria!
And thank you all for playing!! Results of the survey will be posted Sept 6 for IWSG day - and I get to be a host next month!
I do have a blog, but it's not what I call a "writer's blog." I use it to unload opinions, stories, celebrity tributes, and just about anything else I want, and don't use it to market myself or others. I think it's great that so many writers do that. I just don't blog for that reason.
Interesting questions. I'm curious as to what the results will be. Congrats on the award! :) Hope you're having a great time back at school.
Oh wow! This is so cool. I'm honored you thought of me. Thank you! I definitely will be back to visit all these amazing peeps. XOXO
Although blogging is not the force it was, I still to think it's invaluable for gaining connections and advice in the community. Congrats on the award!
I made the survey this time! Hooray. I have a website and blog combo pack. I think the use of blogging will change with each author at they grow to match their needs.
Hi Tara - thanks so much for the recognition .. I really appreciate your award to me ... sadly - I'm hopeless in that direction and thus am mighty grateful - but completely useless at following on ... my apologies - you're a star - thanks for awarding me!! Cheers Hilary
I just did the questionnaire. Thanks for sharing about yourself, it was nice reading!
Just did the survey. Looking forward to seeing what the results will be!
And congrats on the Liebster Award! Loved your answers for it, and couldn't agree more about marketing/promotion. (I always feel so awkward doing that.) And flying would be such a fun, convenient power to have, for sure!
I filled out the survey.
I would fly, too.
I would love to be able to write on the treadmill, but I'm lucky if I can walk a straight line while just listening to music/podcasts! I do use my standing desk, though, especially when I'm blogging/visiting other blogs, etc. :)
Thanks, Tara!
I do appreciate your award. I've been awfully blog absent lately, but I keep trying! So it's really special to be recognized. The WEP semi-monthly challenge is one of my biggest joys! It keeps me writing, no matter what!
I've always loved dragons, but never though of actually being one. Hmm... I love the idea!!!
Thanks, again, I'll try to post soon and I'll let you know when. I'll also visit all those you've listed!! Hilary is a very special person!
Wow! Cool beans! I love dragons, too. No need for a reason.
Love that survey, too. I am considering changing from blogger to wordpress - already making some moves that way, but that may end up being a secondary blog.
LOL - I got so wrapped up in writing a blog, I never got around to writing a novel.
I blog, but I have slowed down a little since I stared. I used to blog about 5 days a week- and now I do three (sometimes 4). This makes it easier for me to visit other blogs and write. I also don't worry if I need to take a blog break. :) I love visiting my blogging buddies and catching up with them.
I would love to fly too! :)
I enjoy these surveys and look forward to what others have answered.
I would have had a lot of answers similar to yours except I'm a night writer. After they all go to bed. Love your surveys and seeing the results.
I keep my blog because I love having contact with writers in the blogging community.
That said, I've started to change up my blog to keep it fresh and current.
Thanks for co-hosting and sharing your thoughts--I'm still new to IWSG, and every post I've read today speaks to me.
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