Wednesday, August 3, 2022

I am not a Mind Reader

Successful writers have an uncanny knack for publishing what readers want at just the right time. They set the trends that other writers try to catch a wave on.

And that's the topic for this month's Insecure Writers Support Group - where writers share, encourage, and discover! 

August 3rd IWSG Question:
When you set out to write a story, do you try to be more original 
or do you try to give readers what they want?

My Answer:
First of all, I have no idea what readers want... Readers are fickle. Trends come and go--and quickly! I write what I know and whatever inspires me at the time. I try to be original in my chosen genres. And I enjoy trying new things--like mashups!-- regardless if they're popular or not. I highly recommend you do the same.

Because secondly, Readers like good writing, plain and simple. I believe that Trends are formed from good, juicy stories. And when we read something we like, we look for more - similar topics, but more importantly, we want more from that writer.

If you write what you love, you'll write your heart into it--and that's what makes good writing!

Try to stop by some other blogs and read about what writer friends - new and old - are up to. Here's the IWSG list. And here are the moderators this month:

I'll be visiting around as many blogs as I can, because school is right around the corner, and after that, I don't get out much!

Hope your writing is flourishing
and your last month of summer is full of fun and sun!



Anonymous said...

I love that advice Tara "write what you love and you'll write your heart into it". While I don't may any mind to trends, I can see that if I ever decided to try it out, I'd be the one chasing after it when it's long gone :D

Thanks for co-hosting this month.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Trends formed from good stories - right!
Thanks for co-hosting today.

Jemima Pett said...

Totally agree with you, Tara. And thanks for co-hosting this month!


Cathrina Constantine said...

Tara, an excellent post! Right on target!

Thank you for co-hosting!

Lynn La Vita said...

I like your advice, "Try to stop by some other blogs and read about what writer friends - new and old - are up to."

Thanks for co-hosting this month.
Lynn La Vita @

N.A. Ratnayake said...

I know how fickle *I* am as a reader! Sometimes even very similar books by the same author on the same general theme get very different reactions from me. The reception of a story is dependent on so many factors beyond just the story itself -- chasing the perfect market seller seems like an endless whack-a-mole.

Thanks for co-hosting!

Nancy Gideon said...

Totally agree with you, Tara! It's the heart of the book that appeals to readers. Thanks for co-hosting this month!!

Melissa said...

Well said. Thanks for co-hosting.

Diane Burton said...

Thanks for cohosting, Tara. Write what you love and write well. It will show. Have a good month.

Sonia dogra said...

Trends are formed from good, juicy stories. So well said! Thanks for co-hosting.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I agree 100%. You have to write what you love and be true to yourself. Happy IWSG Day. Thanks for co-hosting, Tara.

M.J. Fifield said...

"If you write what you love, you'll write your heart into it--and that's what makes good writing!"

I couldn't agree with this more.

Michelle Wallace said...

Thank you for co-hosting the bloghop this month, Tara!
"If you write what you love, you'll write your heart into it..." I love this! It's spot on and you can't go wrong if you use this approach to your work.
I hope you are well, my friend!

Computer Tutor said...

"Readers are fickle."--isn't that true! Sigh.

Adrienne Reiter said...

"Write what you love..." I know what I look for in a book. I try to recreate that feeling. Great post. Thanks for co-hosting!

cleemckenzie said...

I'm rather clueless about writers' tastes, too. I guess I wouldn't do well by trying to write to the market.

Hope you have a great school year, and thanks for co-hosting today.

Loni Townsend said...

Excellent perspective on the concept of originality. I guess it's always been my hope that if I like what I write, others will too!

Arlee Bird said...

I think a writer's passion for their story comes through to a reader. Sure, the highly skilled or successful writers can pull off formulaic stuff and make it sound good to many readers, but it's more difficult to capture and keep readers when the writer doesn't have a well known status or a style that has accrued a strong following.

I think you expressed the formula for successful writing. Most readers read for pleasure and escape. No point on making it hard on them. I'd rather write for a wide audience than for some specified group studying my writing for some academic pursuit. Although that would be okay too if it happened.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

PJ Colando said...

A simple, yet profound truth: f you write what you love, you'll write your heart into it--and that's what makes good writing!

Thanks for co-hosting, Loni. I adore your sunny GIPHY at the end!

Miffie Seideman said...

You are so right about writing what you love making a world of difference. Thanks for co-hosting the blog hop this month!

diedre Knight said...

Hi Tara!

"I'm not a mind reader" Exactly! Also spot on is the idea that writers can inadvertently become the next thing trending just by being original. Thanks for the inspiration - and thank you for co-hosting!

Olga Godim said...

I agree with your recommendation: "write what you love." That's exactly what I do. And when my vision attracts the readers, that is the highers praise I require.

S.E. White Books said...

Oh my gosh that sun gif is adorable! Thanks so much for co-hosting this month. Happy IWSG day!

Erika Beebe said...

I agree, readers like good writing. I don't want to have my time wasted as a reader if the plot and the skill isn't there :) Happy IWSG Day.

Jennifer Lane said...

Well said--I agree with everything you wrote. We are not mind readers, indeed, and good writing is the best trend out there! Thanks for co-hosting.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for co-hosting. Yes, readers are fickle and their likes are varied. It would be hard to figure out what they want.

Leigh Caron said...

Yes! Write from the heart! I"Ve never written a story because a trend. A good story, that's well crafted is what readers want.

Sandra Cox said...

Well said, Tara.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Tara - yes whatever we do ... really should be done because we want to - and particularly writing ... we're individual and really should write that way ... excellent post - cheers Hilary

Samantha Bryant said...

Thanks for popping by my blog! And you're right. Readers are fickle! But I think you can't go wrong if you love what you're writing.

Carrie-Anne said...

I'll never understand writers who mindlessly follow a checklist and mold themselves into a cookie cutter instead of writing from the heart. Books that follow passing trends are never the ones remembered for all time.

Lori L. MacLaughlin said...

You're so right! If you're passionate about your writing, it will show through and make your story shine. Thanks for co-hosting!

Beth Camp said...

Your comments made me smile because aren't readers a mystery? When readers let us know what they think and what they want, that's a gift for revising. And thinking about writing. Thank you for co-hosting! May you have a good month.

Kim Elliott said...

"Trends are formed from good, juicy stories" YES. This is so often true. I would love to start one of these trends!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I so misread this question. I wasn't thinking of happy readers as a market of happy readers, I imagined a few of my readers personally. I have a couple who read every story and when I write, I think of them. Maybe that's why I don't have a mass general appeal to readers.

Sherry Ellis said...

Hey, Tara. Good to see you in the blog world! Thanks for commenting on mine.

Congrats to your son! That's exciting!

Definitely when you are in town, let me know and we can catch up. (I'll probably be married again by then!)

Good luck with your writing!

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