Friday, January 20, 2017

I can't believe I SURVIVED!

"This is Chrys Fey reporting for Disaster 5 News. I am in West Palm Beach, Florida where a tsunami hit yesterday morning. I have Tara Tyler with me, a survivor of the tsunami. Tara, can you tell our viewers what happened, and how you survived?"

"Well, I'm a teacher at the middle school, and you know they never cancel school for weather here in Florida. We just do all sorts of drills - hurricane, tornado, fire, and ALICE. That's a lock down. And we hide under our desks or cover our heads at the lockers, or whatever. But we never had a tsunami drill! We had no idea what to do, so I used it as a teaching moment. I needed to keep the kids calm, so as I gathered them up, I asked them questions. What is a tsunami? What might happen? Where would be a safe place? They were great. We figured a tsunami meant mass destruction at the beaches, and probably flooding where we are further inland. We grabbed stuff that would keep us afloat and ran upstairs to the roof, yelling for other classes to do the same. The flooding was pretty bad, all the way up to the second floor. But we survived."

Hope you enjoyed this "I survived" moment sponsored by Chrys Fey as she releases her latest Disaster Crime novel TSUNAMI CRIMES! See the linky list to read more exciting survival stories!

Title: Tsunami Crimes
Series: Disaster Crimes #3
Author: Chrys Fey
Genre: Romantic-Suspense

Beth and Donovan have come a long way from Hurricane Sabrina and the San Francisco earthquake. Now they are approaching their wedding day and anxiously waiting to promise each other a lifetime of love. The journey down the aisle isn’t smooth, though, as they receive threats from the followers of the notorious criminal, Jackson Storm. They think they’ll be safe in Hawaii, but distance can’t stop these killers. Not even a tsunami can.

This monstrous wave is the most devastating disaster Beth has ever faced. It leaves her beaten, frightened. Is she a widow on her honeymoon? As she struggles to hold herself together and find Donovan, she’s kidnapped by Jackson's men.

Fearing her dead, Donovan searches the rubble and shelters with no luck. The thought of her being swept out to sea is almost too much for him to bear, but the reality is much worse. She’s being used as bait to get him to fall into a deadly trap.

If they live through this disaster, they may never be the same again. 



99 CENTS: Amazon
And everywhere ebooks are sold. 


And don't forget to take the survey from the previous post - results posted Feb 1.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

I bet the kids learned that a tsunami means no school for a while.

Tamara Narayan said...

A teachable moment! That's either hilarious or inspiring. Maybe both.

Anonymous said...

Wait. No tsunami drills IN FLORIDA!????? You're like Michigan, water on all sides. But it's worse because it's the ocean surrounding you.

Chrys Fey said...

That would be an exciting and scary lesson, but a smart way to keep the kids calm.

In answer to Patricia's comment, nope, no tsunami drills in Florida. Scientists say it's very unlikely for a tsunami to hit Florida, but it's not impossible...My future guest post on L. Diane's blog (Feb. 2nd) will explain that. ;)

Thank you for participating in my blogfest, Tara!!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Chrys and Tara ... I think I need to go back and re-read all the entries! But great teaching aspects ... I'd hate to be in a tsunami - but I live just above the English Channel and they can happen to England occasionally ... cheers Hilary

diedre Knight said...

Oh, this is a clever, heartening twist! Enrichment in the face of danger - brilliant!

Diane Burton said...

What a great teaching moment. Our kids (adults, too) need to be prepared for all emergencies.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Good job! It's funny how it works; when we're responsible for the safety of others, our concern for them makes it much less likely for us to panic. Your scenario is exactly what I'd expect from a teacher.

As for those drills? When I was a kid, we had atomic bomb drills... as though curling up under our desks with our hands locked behind our necks would have saved us... :)

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Talk about using your head Tara. Love the pic!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Just like a good teacher!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The roof is where I would've headed. Smart thinking.

Juneta key said...

Love the cartoon. I felt like I was at school. I could hear the questions coming all at once from everyone in the excitement.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Theresa Milstein said...

Wow, you write from experience. Talk about art imitating life! It sounds like you handled the class really well with your teachable moment.

Christine Rains said...

You know just what to do!

cleemckenzie said...

Wow! Water up to the second floor? That's some water!!!!

Erika Beebe said...

What a great learning moment for all! I am impressed with the way you handled the conflict and I am not quite so sure I would be as smooth :)

Crystal Collier said...

This is one reason we live inland. I love the beach, but the risks of living there... No thank you.

Cathrina Constantine said...

I'm not a fan of the ocean, and now I'm even more wary. Wishing Chrys much success with her amazing Book!

Natalie Aguirre said...

That must have been scary with the water rising so high. Glad in Michigan where I live we don't have to worry about flooding or tsunamis. Congrats to Chrys on her book!

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