But I am determined not to give in! Yes, I wanted to get my edits done, so I chose to sit at the computer rather than jump on the treadmill. And with my boys' baseball schedules combined with a jillion other activities, we have been eating so much CRAP! I am making a real meal tonight for the first time in ages!
This is a perfect hop to get support from my bloggie friends to get back into a routine or make time for exercise. I have joined a PIYO class at our community center, a combination of Pilates and Yoga, and it kicks my butt! I just hope they continue the class into the summer. If not, I vow to find some way to exercise on a regular basis. And to eat more fruits and veggies too!
Thank you so much, Stephen Tremp, Alex (again!), Michael Di Gesu, and L. Diane Wolfe for inspiring us to get back to healthy! Talking about it helps. I needed this!
Good luck with your vows :). It seems like a lot have people have decided this year is the year to get healthy.
Tasha's Thinkings
We all slip every now and then, good luck getting back into your routine! :)
Making small changes can reap benefits. I really enjoy my yoga class too.
Try not to beat yourself up too much. You're aware of what you need to do and now you'll do it. No worries! :)
You're on the right track! And Pilates and Yoga would totally kick my butt too. (:
It's no sin to slip back but getting back will make the outcome most worthwhile.
The easiest thing to give up and the hardest thing to start. I guess that's why it's good for us! :)
Keep plugg'in away, you'll get there!
I'm kinda lame too. This done with school thing has messed me up. Trying to get on the treadmill when the kids are home is hard. Gotta keep trying though.
If they don't continue the class, continue on your own, Tara. You can do it!
Thanks for participating in our bloghop.
I've been avoiding the treadmill, too. The only time I can find for it is from 5:30 to 6 a.m., and so far, I haven't been able to drag myself out of bed that early. I'll keep trying... :)
Have a great Wednesday!
I hate the treadmill with a passion. :) lately hubby and I have been walking around the neighborhood at about 10pm. It's the only time in the day where the kids are settled, it's cool enough, and there are no other demands on us. It's been great.
It might not be a lot of exercise, but it's doubling as a daily date night.
Good luck with your busy schedule. I understand how it reeks havoc on good intentions.
pilates is hard - I bet PIYO would kill me LOL
Hi Tara .. I linked to your "Showercize" post in the A-Z Challenge under "S" .. so hope you get a few more visitors there ..
They were great ideas .. I do pilates and Qigong .. which suit me and as much walking as I can ..
Cheers Hilary
I'm with you on this one. Where has the time gone, and what did happen to all my plans? I love this post.
Rhonda @Laugh-Quotes.com
It does seem like time has just flown by this year . . . and I love your plans! Pilates and Yoga are tough, but definitely rewarding!
Yeah, I can so relate to this. I might as well have written it. I started out the year with all those good intentions, but here I am, trying to sort through my two most stressful (which means most poorly handled) weeks yet. Sigh. Right, I'll go find some zumba now.
Best of luck! I'm betting when you put your mind to something you make it happen.
I kind of died after about 3 months, but today I'm starting to watch what I eat again. Not two seconds after that thought my husband called asking if he should buy a Costco pizza for dinner tonight, time to whip out the self control!
Tara, you make me laugh! Love your blunt honestly. And I hope you're well--it seems like it's been a while since we chatted! <3
For awhile, I stopped going to the gym too, thanks to being too influenced by my walking DSM ex. He was convinced everyone was going to get swine flu and die, and persuaded me to stop going to the gym and other public places till I had the shot and the number of cases had dropped. I'm still angry I let him get me out of my longterm routine of going to the gym 3-4 times a week.
Tara- if you're lame, I'm a freaking slug! I keep promising to do better too, but all I do is find pounds...on my butt, my arms...you name the spot!
Good luck. It's hard when real life gets in the way, isn't it?
Doesn't sound lame to me. It's fun when you find an exercise class/routine/etc that you enjoy. You can do it, keep it up!
Life gets so busy and exercise is usually the first thing to go. We just have to remember if we stay healthy, we get more done and are more energetic and happy. Good luck getting back into your routine.
This is the best time of year to start! All those fresh veggies and warm sunshine.
I agree this hop comes at the right time to help us kickstart our routine or start again after a break or get excited to keep going. Good luck, you can and will do it! ;)
It's why I jumped on board too-- I needed a kick in the butt. :) Go us!
You're not lame, at all! We all slip, every once in a while, and just the fact that you're looking to get back into the groove only proves your 'non-lameness'! :)
Keep at it!
How have I missed this? What a great hop! i wanna be healthy!
Pilates and Yoga. Wow. I recently had to back off my weight lifting since I hurt my shoulder tendon. Now I'm having to ease back into it. So irritating, this getting old thing. I'm tired of the doctor saying things like, "when we reach a certain age ..."
Oh, bite me! lol
Hey, Tara,
Writing does take a toll on our bodies, which tells me I should be more disciplined about exercising, unfortunately...
Hope you manage to stay on track.
I hope your exercise class continue through the summer. Sounds like you enjoy it.
I have a dvd that combines yoga and pilates. I just finished it. It's one of my favorite workouts.
It's easy to get lame. I wasn't as diligent about my workouts over the winter as I should have been. Siiigh. Now I'm back to no excuses.
I am in the same boat, but this is a good time to get re focused and try again to get back on track.
Exercise routines are so important and necessary.
Hey Tara,
I understand how much you've been waiting for one of my um eagerly anticipated comments.
To make myself feel better, excuse me one moment. Uggggghhhh, another bloghop! Okay, better now :)
Let me encourage you, along with the other fine folks, to keep that positive, healthy momentum going. Yes, exercise, balanced diet and finding positive distractions, are all vital in our mental and physical well being.
All the best and keep going.
Gary :)
I need more fruits and veggies in my diet too. Have fun with your class! It sounds so neat.
Go Tara, go! You can do it!
Good luck with the Pilates and Yoga - I've never attempted either but often read that they're both good for you. So doing them both at the same time should be doubly good, right? :)
Suzanne @Suzannes Tribe
Hi Tara, new follower here. Good luck with PIYO. Let me know how Pilate classes go, I too want to join them near my house.
Don't beat yourself up, Tara.
We all have setbacks. BUt you know this and have the determination to get back into the swing of things!
KEEP THAT MOJO going and you will continue to become an fitter and healthier you! And that will make you and your family happier too!
I love your ideas for the badge... I narrowed it down to two... I'll be in touch soon.
Thanks again and thanks for joining the HOP!
It's okay if you slack off as long as you get going again! Have fun at your class!!
Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines
You are a brave soul. Pilates is rough but I know it is so good for you. I've been slowly working into a gym routine (like I go everyweek but need to defintely increase time spend there, lol).
Wishing you luck ma'am :)
It's so easy to get into a spot where all your healthy ways seem to take a vacation. So glad your's are getting back to work. :) Writer’s Mark
Good Luck with getting back on the fitness wheel. Recognizing the problem is a start.
Summer is an excellent time to start incorporating veggies. Cranberries and nuts added to salads give extra energy and nutrition.
I've never heard of PIYO! It's sounds interesting, (and hard!) Good for you! :)
We all have times when writing comes first, even before exercise. It's good that you are back in the healthy mindset, and pilates is awesome. I know a lot of moms that walk or run the track while their kids are at practice or during games. You can try to fit a little walking in then, maybe.
Sounds interesting! All the best!
It is hard to get exercising when you sit at a computer all day at work and then want to write when you get home, I find!
Allison (Geek Banter)
I spend my time slipping, with occassional attempts at exercise. You are SO much better than I :D
Shah X
I spend my time slipping, with occassional attempts at exercise. You are SO much better than I :D
Shah X
Good luck with getting back on your routine!
Good for you. I'm hoping to get healthier over the summer, too.
Good luck, Tara
I too decided that getting healthy is a good thing. I already eat fairly well but the exercise bit gets me every time. I walk a lot but on Thursday I got a spinning bike. Oh My Word - no one told me that that is a modern equivalent of a torture machine. I think the first time I got on the thing I lasted all of thirty seconds and climbed off with my heart pounding like I'd finished a 10 Km walk. How do people last for more than an hour on those things? Good Grief.
thanks for all the encouragement! and your good examples have inspired me!
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