Dear Blog Friends,
I'm going to tell you a story that you may be familiar with...
Once upon a time I finished a novel. Then I researched, why not get it published? How hard can it be? I found out that in our new techie age I needed to start a blog and advertise myself in addition to the query process. So I did. When I was rejected several times I realized my book was called "chick lit" that no one wanted, besides being terribly written. I worked on it, realized it needed too much work, then picked up writing a new novel. I am now revising and think this one has a much better shot. In the mean time, the blogging really picked up - I made many friends and followers and learned so much! For that I am so grateful!
But I'm having trouble keeping up with so many blogs. Picking and choosing which articles to comment on is getting harder. And I want to write and edit more so I've stopped blogging on the weekends and will cut back more in January. I'm sure it will be fine as I've seen others cut back and absence really does make the heart grow fonder. My question this month is this: Many of you follow hundreds of blogs. How do you balance writing and still comment?
Back Log Betty
humble member of the Insecure Writers Support Group
And now for SENSATIONAL HAIKU WEDNESDAY, malice, plus DRABBLE prompt accident.
Happy Holidays
We need thicker skin
Oversensitive people
Ban "Merry Christmas"
Sore spot touched upon
With careless comment spoken
No intent to hurt
Words' meaning twisted
Accidental malice heard
Always think ere spew
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It is a balance and some days I spend far more time blogging than I should. All right, most days.
Set a schedule that allows time for both without overwhelming you. As for who to visit - I have so many friends here online and I want to visit all of them. Narrowing it down would be impossible.
It is so often an impossible balance, I'm afraid.
I set up an amount of time (30-45 min) and I just get through as many blogs as I can. I also write posts a week ahead and schedule them. Good luck. Balance is hard.
Tara, this is a hard one. And there's no way I could read and comment on every single blog I follow AND still write and post on my own blog. So I pick days that I make rounds and I work my way through my list. I pick other days to write my blog posts, often in advance, and I write every single day.
balance is an important but difficult aspect of life
I wish I had an answer, Tara. Mind you I don't follow a 100 people since I'm still getting used to the various blog sites such as blogger and wordpress. I find LJ to be awesome because you have a friends page where all your friends' posts pop up that you can read at your leisure and comment(and even in your own style). So I'm confused and overwhelmed too because I'm still trying to figure out how to follow people if I'm on WordPress and they're on blogger or have a web site with their own person blog.
Balance is very hard. I think I probably spend too much time blogging and not enough time writing/editing. I want to get to everyone's blog, especially those to make time to come to mine. Some times that works out better than others. But I can only do what I can do and, at the end, I guess, that going to have to be good enough.
It's hard to balance writing and blogging. Sometimes I know I spend too much time commenting when I should be writing. Yet I feel a bit guilty if I don't return comments and say a little something to everyone. I know I should just close the web browser and write, but, oh, hi! Here I am! :)
I set time restrictions on blogging. I'll comment during that time. Though I tend to read all the blogs in the reader--because I hate seeing that little number of what I haven't read. =) It gave me a glimpse of what agents go through sifting through hundreds of queries a day. =)
I try to read and comment when I can--like over lunch hours and if I'm just vegging out. But sometimes I take a week off just to focus on my own writing. That ultimately has to be the priority. I try to visit those who visit me, but some days I just get overwhelmed and can only do a couple. I don't want to be a person who just skims and doesn't really digest what is there. I want to actually take time to read the things other bloggers have put effort into creating and put a thoughtful (I hope!) comment in.
I hear ya girl. It's so hard to keep up on everything. I love to visit blogs and I want to comment on everyone's but there aren't enough hours in the day. It's aggravating.
I certainly can relate ... I should set a timer, and do whatever I can in that amount of time ... What did I do before I started blogging? Hmmmm ....
Nicely done!!
I visit a lot of blogs. Some days though I don't visit quite so many. Mostly I do it to keep abreast of what everyone is chatting about. Writers are like gossipy hens in a yard.
As some great person might have said some great day...everything in moderation.
But we all want to write and sometimes we have to kick the blog to the curb and do what we have to. Our friends are always out there.
Hmmm...this "balance" thing of which you speak is an elusive thing. I've heard "balance" hangs out with "spare time" but I have not been able to capture either one.
Thus, it is with regret that I must admit I haven't figured it out. I'm still working on it...but no magic formula yet.
Don't worry about it...
Blog without Expectation
Blog without Obligation
Youu miss it, and you'll come back
Hard to balance it all. I try at least to read and comment on those who put comments on mine. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Love your post, mine was similar for today...great minds! lol.
I've cut down a lot on blogging for the holidays and to concentrate on writing. But I miss everyone!
Oh love your new background by the way!
Well done, loved to read this one.
I always read your blog and see all your comments and think to myself, "how does she do it? Tara must be magic!"
Just remember that you have the highest expectations of anyone about your blogging and commenting.
The rest of us will be happy to see when you post and visit, and understand that you have a life and family and things to do to balance yourself when you can't! :)
You picked on some thing very relevant.I would try to reply to everyone and blog in the afternoons to keep me awake!
Family and serious matters are for other times.
Balance, priorities and realizing you will still like me if I don't post or comment all the time will make big differences.
I thank you all for your advice and comments. I think the number one reason for blogging is encouragement!
I do follow many blogs but I try not to comment just for the sake of commenting, unless of course, its the first Wed of the month :)
I'm afraid I'm not qualified to answer your question. I've never been successful as consistently following lots of blogs. But I can tell you that blogging is still a rewarding activity, even if you're posting and visiting less frequently - it's much better than getting overwhelmed and quitting altogether, right? And you are absolutely right to carve out the time your writing and editing deserves.
It's interesting; my daughter and I were discussing the "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" politically correct nonsense just yesterday, and we both agreed that of all of our friends who are Muslim or other "non Christian" faiths (or no religious faith at all, like our family), not a single one of them would have a problem with someone saying "Merry Christmas" to them. I have been wished "Happy Hannukah", "Happy Kwanzaa", "Happy Diwali" and many other things throughout the year, and take it all with the spirit in which it's intended: as a "wish for my happiness" during a special time. How can anyone have a problem with someone wishing them well? It's ridiculous.
Oh, and "great haiku" ;) Sorry for the tangent!
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