This piece is for Nick Wilford He is compiling stories from his writing friends about Overcoming Adversity to sell and raise funds for his Step Son, Andrew, to go to a real college instead of a special, state mandated college. He deserves to be heard and have a choice in his own destiny. Here is my contribution.
But there was a time when I was doing all I could, all I thought I should, taking the bad, hoping for the best, and it wasn't enough.
After college, after working a great job, after getting over a broken engagement, after making some money and buying a car, I wanted to use my degree and be a teacher. It meant more to me than I knew.
Living on my own was wonderful and exciting. I was free. I was poor. I worked up to four jobs at a time, from a waitress, a temp, a tutor, a night school teacher, to retail, to a medical collections operator, to subbing. All the while longing to teach. Hard to believe, but there were no jobs even then. And during the only interview I got at that time, I cried. I was overwhelmed with how much I wanted to teach. But I didn't give up. I got tougher. At the school I subbed most, two positions came open and they interviewed three candidates. Guess who didn't get the job.
It broke my heart. I felt used. So I quit. I quit looking. I quit all the extra jobs. I gave up on teaching. It wasn't meant to be. I went on a trip with my friend to forget. And when I got back I had a great job waiting for me, not teaching. A few years later, the teaching bug returned and I finally got my own classroom. I never really gave up my dream. And it was worth all I went through to get it.
I started out with a plan. But life had other ideas. As I look back, everything worked out beautifully, despite the timing or what I thought should happen. I have my family, I teach. And now I write - something I never considered in my plans. And it's wonderful!
So I say, Don't give up on your dreams. If you persevere, they will find you when you're ready. And you might find unexpected happiness disguised as devastation along the way.
Maze of Life
Take the challenge
"Start here," it says
And off you go
So many ways
Find clues
Dead ends loom
Steps retrace
Round and round
Losing your pace
Pay dues
Easier to give up
Throw in the towel
Hang up your hat
Bury your trowel
Don't lose!
You never know
Joys that await
Just around the corner
Could be your sought fate
You choose...
And here are the events this week:
Plus some new news you might be interested in

On sweet Valentine's Day, Madeline will have a story published in Every Day Fiction!
I know Nick is going to get a great response for his anthology - looking forward to some encouraging stories!
And hope everyone had fun watching the super bowl (commercials - which was your favorite? OREO!!!)
All the things we go through make us appreciate the good things. That's hard to believe while it's happening. It sounds like you are stronger now because of all the hardships and disappointments. :)
As with everything in life, it's all in the timing! Glad you saw your dream come true.
Exciting week coming up!
Good for you, Tara! I'm learning that I need to still hold onto dreams but that it's okay if the dreams need to evolve and change a bit, just like I do. :)
And thanks so much for mentioning my Valentine's Day story! :)
That's a great story of perseverance, Tara. The real winners are the ones who never give up on their goals, no matter what. :)
Amen to that! Anything that comes too easily isn't valued as much as that which comes through a bit of adversity.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Wonderful poem and so true, it's all about moving forward and never looking back!
Good for you for not giving up. Being a teacher is hard work (I speak from experience), and you can feel used all the time, so good for you for not giving up.
Great post! I'm glad you didn't give up on your dream. It demonstrates what you can achieve if you stick at something long enough, no matter how bad things may seem along the way.
Thanks for taking part in the fest! One thing is for sure - this is going to be a very inspiring anthology. :)
What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing that tidbit of your life with us. You're an amazing example to us all. BTW, did you get the crit I sent back to you? Just wanted to make sure :)
Wow, lots of people with inspiring stories! So glad you're happy in your work :)
Awesome entry. Good for you!
Never surrender! Touching post Tara.
A good lesson in never giving up. Thanks, Tara!
Excellent post! Never give up!
This is what we were talking about yesterday at church. We may not know God's plan for us, but if we keep working and never give up, He can lead us somewhere more wonderful than we imagined.
Great post! And I can't wait to come back later in the week. ;) My perseverance has finally paid off.
Loved your entry, Tara. I've worked primarily in education (pretty much every level) in my career, and most people don't understand how hard teaching jobs are to come by these days. Plus, there's very little stability. All due to budget nonsense, over course.
I applaud you sticking with your passions. (Writing, too!) :-)
Yay Tara! Good for you!
Look at the stumbling blocks as a form of stepping stones along the journey... never give up!
Hi, Tara,
Your story is a good one about the value to patience and fortitude. They do pay off even when we think the rewards are taking too long.
They say when a door closes, another opens. Sometimes all doors close so we built one of our own. :D I'm glad you found your place.
That's great that you kept going. I wish my recent ex had the kind of attitude you did about a teaching career, doing something else in the meantime and then getting back to his calling when the time was right. Teaching is a really tough market to break into.
Hi Tara .. what a great read .. and good for you - I'm so pleased things come right .. there's a reason for everything isn't there - we may not realise it .. but there is.
Great that you're supporting Nick - I must do something .. I'll have to get my brain into gear ..
Good that you're here too connecting with so many of us - and we're all mucking in for Nick and Andrew - cheers Hilary
Wonderful poem!
Sounds like perseverance paid off!
I'm happy it worked out for you!! It gives me hope :) Thanks for sharing your story!
My favorite commercial was the Taco Bell one when the elderly people snuck out of the nursing home to party it up, hahaha. I hope I'm as cool as that in my 80s!! I also liked the Doritos commercial when the little girl bribed her dad and his friends to dress up as princesses with her!
Great post, Tara. I think the fact that you want to teach so badly is a beautiful thing and I'm glad your dream came true!!
And, by far, the horse commercial was my fave--the one where the guy trains the horse and then has to let him go. I cried. During the commercial. So embarrassing. haha
I'm so glad things have worked out for you. Yay for teachers! (Before I had my first child, I was an educator too.) I love your poem--it really is a great analogy for all the twists and turns that come in life.
Heck yes! This story deserves a high five. :)
What a great story! And such a beautiful poem, too!!
I'm glad that you've realized your dream of becoming a teacher. I'm sure that your passion has greatly affected your teaching. I also enjoyed your poem.
Never give up is a constant. Isn't it?
You always write such amazing poetry. It astounds me. Lovely.
It is so great to know that people like you are teaching the children of our world. That's what our kids need. Someone who cries during the interview because they want it so bad. Congrats on ALL your successes.
I'm glad you got your dream at last. Clearly deep down inside you never really gave up. You just took a slightly bendier road :)
Isn't it interesting how at the time, you can feel so impatient, but later you see that the timeline was just the way it had to be. Things work out in the end, but it's not always easy. Great entry.
Wow, that was heartbreaking but I'm glad that you finally got there, and I know for me, some things mean even more after so much struggle and time passed. Lovely post!
"Don't give up on your dreams."
I have ALWAYS believe TIMING is EVERYTHING. Our journeys take us on different roads at times, but we do end up where we should be at the time given.
Sadly many are still journeying. BUT, that is our fate. WE just need to carry on until we catch up with time.
Lovely poem.
You just never know what is going to be around the corner, I suppose that is the beauty of life! Thanks for sharing your story, Tara!
What a great story...wonderfully told. You definitely have found your writer's voice!!
Love the poem too.
Oh, wow! What a story. I had no idea that was your experience, but I am glad you shared it. I keep learning a lot from you. :)
Thanks for a inspiring post Tara. And yes, we should hold onto our dreams. It will all come together someday!
Thank you for sharing your journey to become a teacher. I love that you found success, happiness, and a way to make both teaching and writing work for you!
I had some similar stories looking for work as a teacher . . . and somehow I ended up homeschooling my kids, and teaching writing classes to homeschoolers, so I found a different way to teach.
Thanks for sharing your story!
And congrats to Madeline!
This is a really amazing entry! I liked this very much.
Love this! And you're SO RIGHT! Just keep moving forward. Life has a way of working out even if it's not exactly according to our plans. Love this Tara!
I've always liked the line: sometimes things fall apart so they can fall together. Glad things fell together for you.
Wow - that is a great journey. One of my favorite quotes (not sure who it is from) - It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. And your journey may have seemed long, but it was worth it. :)
You all are so kind! And I'm still reading all your touching and inspiring stories too! Thank you!
as for commercials - Laura M, yeah doritos! and Tamara, my eyes filled up too
It sounds like things worked out for you--in the end!
Great post. :)
Love the poem. Really wonderful. Glad things are looking up.
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